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Thread: Chat Report:31.01.07. Roll-on-Friday Nite

  1. #1
    Veteran Bookie
    The Lone Hydrangea's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Chat Report:31.01.07. Roll-on-Friday Nite

    Morning punters heres the news.

    Honour Roll

    Travelling Gerry
    Staniforth is King
    Larry from Joisey
    The Queerone

    Okay, strange night, in being plenty of punters but quiet.

    Pruc cant make the game on Friday and is mightly shat off, as we say in rugby circles. He's in a indoor rowing regatta or some nonsense. Not sure what this is, maybe some form of horizontal folk dancing? Im surmising, that regatta is the feminine of Reg. I could be wrong though, but when im right, im normally right

    Little tackers running amok and Beav is at wits end trying to control these suckers.X does the right thing and gives them the lemon and sarse.

    Shaun is busting his boiler to chat about the game, unfortunately his is sent off by the Grand Poobah to do his homework. He is dragged screaming and kicking off the chat.Beav is told to foxtrot oscar as well. He's whingeing also.
    They dont realise the importance of a good education.

    Waiting for the 900th member,waiting, waiting........oh no its some skank ho from Latvia looking for some loving.Must of come over from The Colosseum!

    Shaun does his homework in a nanosecond. X smells bullshit in the air.Shaun puts a strong case up in his defence, quoting Robert Frost and is allowed to stay.

    X logs out at 21.19 to get ready for the trip home on Thursday and wait for it, passes on the controls of the Starship Chat to Beav! Just about choke to death on my Magners. anyway we seem to be travelling ok for the moment.

    Chook and GIGST are waffling on about Futurama, Simpsons, Family Guy, boring as batshit but hey this is a democratic site. Chook mentions his and Sages podcast on the GTT site. Free plug there Chookster

    Had a all in discussion on the natural beauty and stunning local attractions of Bundaberg,Queensland. Spent a week there one weekend.

    I unfortunately get the boot from the junior chatmaster nazi for inappropiate language. Even suggested the SWARE jar. Go Beav.
    Jess turns up after being away on the other side of the continent, and is gobsmacked that Beav is in the drivers seat.

    Close to closing Coach pops in, swearing his hat off, promptly dispatched.
    Lonzy decides to pop in. Picked up her TWF shirt and FORCE tie for the lunch/ launch at Burswood and is excited.

    Lonzy gets the keys to the Hostship and off we go.Beav is ropable and quitely shattered, his big chance and he chokes.Some normalilty returns, at 10.30, im ready for the fartsack, emotional and primed to go, congratulate Beav on a job well done, then booted. Unreal

    As you can see, 3fths of f..k all was discussed but the other 2fths is the critical bit.

    Next week will be awesome after our first home win. Thanks to all and lets go and kick some Kiwi arse on Friday.TWFers on the ground at JBs from 3ish. Pop in and say howdy, your all welcome.

    Bouquets/ Brickbats

    Bugger all,as im purely focused on a home win. Larry was polite all evening though!

    Carn the FORCE

    God speed


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    the punters friend..... stick with me and you will be wearing

  2. #2
    Champion Shaun's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    haha nice to see you using my phrase

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    Every forwards dream is to become a back...

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