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Thread: Build a rectangular stadium

  1. #46
    Legend Contributor Flamethrower's Avatar
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    Must be time for your Meds, no.8

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    Posted via space

    Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.

  2. #47
    Immortal GIGS20's Avatar
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    No 8 is the Che Guevara of WA Rugby!

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    C'mon the

  3. #48
    Immortal Contributor jono's Avatar
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    i'm with no.8

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  4. #49
    Immortal jargan83's Avatar
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    If the riot doesnt work, when we all get out of jail we can go the next step of full scale urban warfare

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  5. #50
    Champion Contributor Mtbeaver's Avatar
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    Good idea.

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  6. #51
    Apprentice Haymaker's Avatar
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    This charge with strategic plan in hand and guns blazing, should be led by the CEO Western Force.

    Is he capable? Can he drive this process and oversee project managers, fund managers and keep the media dn fans informed?

    Shite - list the damn facility in a public private partnership.

    The State gives up the land and the facility goes for a private placement and lists the facility with suite holders, naming rights and all WF fans and supporters with a pref share - to allow all to participate in OUR freakin stadium before 2019.

    I am young virile with a monster chap (Oh My God! = OMG) that wants to watch rugby this season and the next and the one thereafter in a rugby stadium - not Grand Central Park from 500m away.

    Let me at these people.

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  7. #52
    Veteran BLR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haymaker View Post
    This charge with strategic plan in hand and guns blazing, should be led by the CEO Western Force.
    I told Peter O'Meara about the petition about a week and a half ago (my dad knows him) too bad he isn't the CEO anymore

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  8. #53
    Immortal jargan83's Avatar
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    I've got about 12 bricks in the backyard. Put them towards a new stadium or rioting?? heh heh heh

    "No looting"

    "But i was gonna loot you a present..........."

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  9. #54
    Veteran pieter blackie's Avatar
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    maybe this has been asked before and I missed it so here goes

    If the soccer world cup gets hosted by Australia, will there be games played in Perth on a oval?
    Also what if Australia gets to host a Rugby World cup in 15 years from now? Will Perth be left without any games played here?
    If you look at the growth that Rugby support in Perth has experienced then surely rugby must have just as a big a say as the oval crowd
    Rugby and soccer are international sports where as footy are mainly Australian based

    Who will be using the proposed new stadium for practice the eagles or the Force or both?

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  10. #55
    Veteran BLR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pieter blackie View Post
    If the soccer world cup gets hosted by Australia, will there be games played in Perth on a oval?

    Who will be using the proposed new stadium for practice the eagles or the Force or both?
    First off, I think we would get games but it would be like the Rugby world cup, we'd get fairly average games with one marquee game between two teams who are big but not that big....Poland v The Ivory Coast or something....

    The Eagles have priority, and they are already whinging about it not having world class facilities...don't be fooled thinking it will benefit us in any sense at all....

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  11. #56
    Apprentice Haymaker's Avatar
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    So where si the task force?

    Who are they and wanted have they been doing for the last 12 months?

    Almost an anniversary since they hoo ha.

    Taskforce Advised Rectangular Stadium Sustainable
    Friday, 23 February 2007 12:09pm
    RugbyWA has advised the Stadium Taskforce that a new or redeveloped rectangular stadium with a capacity of up to 35,000 people would be well-used and require no ongoing commitment from the State Government once established.

    RugbyWA Chairman Geoff Stooke told the Taskforce a study of the demands of rugby union, soccer, rugby league and the entertainment industry in WA showed such a venue would host 56 events in 2008, growing to 66 by 2012.

    He said the income generated from the events and a contribution by users to a sinking fund would cover operational and maintenance costs, meaning there would be no further call on government funds other than the initial construction cost.

    Mr Stooke also flagged the risks associated with Super 14 rugby being played at Subiaco Oval indefinitely.

    “We have surveyed our members and 59% of them overall – and 68% of the Gold category – expressed dissatisfaction with the seating at Subiaco Oval,” Mr Stooke said.

    “Our membership is down from 21,000 to 17,000 in just a year, and half of those who did not renew cited Subiaco Oval as the reason.”

    Mr Stooke said playing in an oval stadium would cost RugbyWA more than $1 million a year in lost revenue, a position which was not sustainable in the longer term.

    He said an oval stadium with retractable seating was not the answer because less than 20% of the seating was relocated to a better viewing position and at a great cost each time.

    “A 60,000 seat stadium is also too large for us and will result in a lack of atmosphere and, when beamed around the world, it will suggest a poor attendance,” he said.

    “Spectators who go to the rugby want more than just quality football, they want a great entertainment experience and that would be compromised in a half empty stadium, even with a crowd of 30,000.”

    Mr Stooke said the hard work of many, including the State Government, had been rewarded when WA won the fourth Australian Super 14 franchise, and now a West Australian team was playing on rugby’s world stage, and attracting record crowds.

    He said it would a travesty if all that effort was to wither because of an inappropriate playing venue.

    “This is not just about the sports fans. I can cite three economic impact studies which show the huge upside for a city like Perth when international rugby comes to town,” he said.

    “We need a dedicated rectangular stadium, with corporate facilities similar to Subiaco Oval and a capacity of up to 35,000 people, if we are to guarantee the future of Super 14 rugby in WA,” he said.

    Mr Stooke said the State Government and the Stadium Taskforce were to be applauded in the way process had been managed, and he was now looking forward to an outcome which would best suit the long term interests of rugby and other sports.

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  12. #57
    Immortal Contributor shasta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chiselhead View Post
    OK you numb nuts
    Check out

    Here is a copy of the e-mail I have just sent to them

    "G'day from Perth,

    Does your company deal with this type of project? What is required from us to get you to our table for discussion? We are a large group from all walks of society. Amongst us are professional people who can do the numbers and make a business plan."

    Get on the bandwagon

    Man up
    Been watching this thread unfold for a couple of days now and you've convinced me Chis. I'm on your bandwagon. Once you get that group of professional number-crunchers and business-heads together you can give me a PM here and I'll be on board. I've got no business skills either, so when you get a stadium building company "to our table" I'll help GIGGS20 serve coffee and run errands or whatever else a "go fer" can do.

    Meanwhile I'll help with the petition. OK?

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  13. #58
    Veteran pieter blackie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bread View Post
    The Eagles have priority, and they are already whinging about it not having world class facilities...don't be fooled thinking it will benefit us in any sense at all....
    How can they demand world class facilities for a game that is only played in Australia while the Force that are part of a much bigger thing must be happy to practice at Floreat Rugby Park. Rugby will be the dominating sport in Western Australia before 2010!

    Don't get me wrong I haven't got anything against footy I just thing rugby should be treated with the a bit more respect!

    See ya


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  14. #59
    Player chiselhead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haymaker View Post
    So where si the task force?

    Who are they and wanted have they been doing for the last 12 months?
    The taskforce is a big white elephant.

    Governments love task forces. They are seen to have done something to get everybody off their back so they can go back to their jam doughnuts.
    The Force love the taskforce so they can sell tickets to angry spectators with the promise that we will have a better stadium or later

    Well it isn't f'ucking happening

    I'll let you know if Dexus contacts me

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  15. #60
    Immortal Contributor jono's Avatar
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    well dont let it get in te way of your banjo playing

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