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Thread: Denied residency

  1. #1
    Veteran Contributor LarryNJ's Avatar
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    Denied residency

    Australia denies residency

    Do you agree with the decision? Is it really difficult to become a resident? Not that I agree with this case but I wish we would make it more difficult to move here.

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  2. #2
    Champion welshrugbyfan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LarryNJ View Post
    Australia denies residency

    Do you agree with the decision? Is it really difficult to become a resident? Not that I agree with this case but I wish we would make it more difficult to move here.
    Depends, if you have no skills, can hardly speak English, will go straight onto welfare where you will receive more money than you have ever seen in your life before for doing nothing and that's probably how it'll stay then we'll welcome you with open arms.

    What you're a skilled doctor and you work in a country town where we can hardly get any doctors. Oh I see you're son has down syndrome, well then I'm sorry but you can't stay.

    I can't see this guy leaving, I'm sure sanity will prevail and someone in the right place will do the right thing.

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  3. #3
    Veteran Contributor LarryNJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by welshrugbyfan View Post
    Depends, if you have no skills, can hardly speak English, will go straight onto welfare where you will receive more money than you have ever seen in your life before for doing nothing and that's probably how it'll stay then we'll welcome you with open arms.
    Thanks wrf! That certainly explains Jedi's case!

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  4. #4
    Legend Contributor Flamethrower's Avatar
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    I agree it sounds harsh however there needs to be a line drawn somewhere.
    In this case I can't understand why it wouldn't be looked at as a special case which has happened before.

    A story like this Beheaded after trying for asylum in Australia - National - puts some balance to the hardships some face.

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  5. #5
    Immortal Contributor shasta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flamethrower View Post
    I agree it sounds harsh however there needs to be a line drawn somewhere.
    In this case I can't understand why it wouldn't be looked at as a special case which has happened before.

    There are guidelines and still some due process to run in this case. I'm confident that the "fair go" will be applied at the appropriate time. Our country is second to none in these matters.

    The kid looks like a ripper citizen-in-the-making. But I would've rather seen him on the news chucking a Gilbert around than that fuggin Sherrin.

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  6. #6
    Veteran pieter blackie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LarryNJ View Post

    Do you agree with the decision? Is it really difficult to become a resident? Not that I agree with this case but I wish we would make it more difficult to move here.
    It is bulshit The goverment will rather allow a boat full of refugees into Australia for which they have to give housing and money and medicare and... and.... and...

    This guy not only pays his way but is a doctor!!

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  7. #7
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    i can sorta understand where they are coming from but ud think a skilled doctor for 54000 people would outweight the extra costs of 1 additional person with a disablity

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  8. #8
    Senior Player Contributor Cowboy's Avatar
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    Hi Larry
    I wrote in another post why Ozzies are happy to have government involvement in health & education, but here is the other side of the coin which makes us constantly bitch about it.
    Because our government has effectively underwritten the cost of our health their are now members of it that believe they now have the right to dictate how we live our lives based upon what it may cost the health system. You may have noticed other posts where the goverment health nazi's are campaigning against a low level of alcohol consumption (I think they are trying for 2 drinks a day to be considered a problem and 3 drinks a binge) and they do it carrying the flag of "cost to the health system". It's a load of crap and undermines everything that I think is good about us.
    And now we have a case like this. Our rural area's struggle to have enough doctors, and alot of the care for their son will probaly be done by them. Overall I would guess that they would make a net positive impact on our nation including our health system. But because some idiot faceless pen pusher has seen that he doesn't meet a criteria on a particular form and he might cost us something we come up with this rubbish.

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  9. #9
    Senior Player Contributor gustafsl's Avatar
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    Couple things that should be taken into consideration:

    1) The good doctor is working in a rural area, but what happens when he gets the residency? He could very easily pack up and move the family to Sydney and set up his own private clinic.

    2) Sure the doctor will be paying his fair share in taxes which in the short term would probably more than cover the "burden" his son would be on the health system. But what happens in 20 or 30 years when he is no longer working or dead? Are we then going to ask the child to go back to Germany?

    I am a migrant myself to Australia so I try to look at this from both sides. The main issue I see is this case setting a precedent for other cases. I guess technically each case is supposed to be assesed on its own merits, and precedent shouldn't apply, but working in government myself, I know that precedent has to be considered in every case as the media would have a field day if they got hold of a hot story. Let's say they let this guy in, what happens when a janitor wants in and his child has a disability, if the rejected him the media would run with the story that one guy got in and not another.

    It would be good if the could let him in with conditions. IE he has to stay working in a rural area for x number of years.

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  10. #10
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    I'm disgusted.
    It is that damn hard to get any medical person, let alone a Doctor, away from the cities and this bloke is keen to make a country town his home.
    Sorry Petals, but I'm stealing your phrase because I am really "fizzing at the bung" on this one!
    Hopefully for once the "experts" might be swayed by people power on this one.

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  11. #11
    Legend Contributor Thequeerone's Avatar
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    If there was a precedent etc.. the family should never have been granted a visa in the first place - they have been here for 2 years now - 3 tax payers and quite often people with down's syndrome get work now as well - so possibly 4

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  12. #12
    Champion Elf1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thequeerone View Post
    If there was a precedent etc.. the family should never have been granted a visa in the first place - they have been here for 2 years now - 3 tax payers and quite often people with down's syndrome get work now as well - so possibly 4
    As one who works in the 'Disability' field I can assue you precedents have already been set with people a lot worse of than this young man.

    It would be a total disgrace if this young man and his family were sent back to Germany, an appeal should be launched to the Administative Tribunal immediately.

    As others have said the fathers skills and 'tax' potential far outweigh any negative perceptions.

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  13. #13
    Veteran Contributor LarryNJ's Avatar
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    So in order to become a resident you must prove that you can provide more tax revenue than you will use? Than how do the refugees get accepted?

    I think it's pretty obvious that this decision was a mistake, but I think it's great that they make it difficult.
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  14. #14
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    Refugees come under humanitarian grounds.
    It's certainly no Mexico border situation in general though.
    I was stunned at the resources tied up in policing half of each US border state, and most of it was just parked up in carparks!
    Several times I saw up to fifty 4WD vehicles parked up in the middle of the day behind wire in Arizona and New Mexico.

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  15. #15
    Veteran robyn <3's Avatar
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    I read this on friday and i was appalled. I cannot believe that with the massive shortage of doctors, our country cannot let a man stay because his son has a disability. I know two downs children who moved from France and got their residencey without a problem. There are more loopholes and strange things about this law than i know, but honestly it's so stupid. We need people like him here, what is the problem?

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