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Thread: Good riddance Gits

  1. #1
    Player chiselhead's Avatar
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    Good riddance Gits

    Keep Mitch and sack Gits.
    If you're with me put your thumb print in blood here....XXXXX......

    let's put our team first

    Good luck and good riddance

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    Last edited by Jehna; 21-02-09 at 21:52. Reason: That is just disgraceful and I refuse to have such insults about Force players posted on a Force supporters site.
    How about some running rugby from the attack coach?

  2. #2
    Veteran robyn <3's Avatar
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    NO! I am sorry, but this is 100% WRONG!

    This man is STILL ON OUR TEAM. Therefore, he deserves 100% support from his players.

    I don't think he has wronged us in any way.

    HOW has he whined? How has he tried to get out of his contract? The east coast media couldn't get him back fast enough, so they printer crap about him. Last night, as he signed my poster, he said THANKYOU for offering to send a photo of it to SMH, to shut them up.

    Good luck Gits. But NOT good ridance.

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    A kick in this game is like a rather nasty alcoholic shooter, only as good as it's chaser...
    Courtesy of quality South African commentry

  3. #3
    Veteran pieter blackie's Avatar
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    When the whole "Gits might leave" thing first stuck its head out late last year, I said that the Force will be better of if he leaves before the season start rather than 2 or 3 games into the season I still stand by that. The honeymoon is over so forget about all the lovey lovey bull. We need players that is 110% committed and not mercenaries just staying for the year so that they can get their money without breaching their contracts!

    This is a new year and and again we start of with negative publicity. We really did not need this. The east is laughing at us. The force spectator number at home games will be harmed by this, and, and, and,

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  4. #4
    Legend Contributor slomo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pieter blackie View Post
    When the whole "Gits might leave" thing first stuck its head out late last year, I said that the Force will be better of if he leaves before the season start rather than 2 or 3 games into the season I still stand by that.
    spot on PB....

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  5. #5
    Champion Contributor tragic's Avatar
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    ... between a rock and a bigger rock.

    A mate sent me an e-mail when the news of the WA franchise was announced, hoping that his (kiwi) branded mercenaries would beat our branded mercenaries when they met.

    Club/team/state/country loyalty is priceless. The business of the Super 14 and the career of professional sportsmen is not.

    If you think it's a good thing that Giteau is leaving, that's fine. But he isn't the source of any or all of the problems the Force might have, real or imagined. I would hate to think that Gits will get the same reception in Perth now as he did in Canberra just before he left. He's not doing a Digby.

    Anyway, I think many folks in Queensland would find a bit of irony in some of opinions being expressed here.

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  6. #6
    Player chiselhead's Avatar
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    The Queenslanders will love it
    Their team is losing. They love negativity.
    Gits is gone. Good riddance
    Cull him and set up the next 10 now. That would be positive and promoting the team rather than the individual who isn't committed.

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  7. #7
    Champion lara93's Avatar
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    it must of been very unsettling for the staff and commitee to know if gits would stay or they know wat hes going to do so they can developed another player at 10 and give a few others game time and a chance at 10 to prove there worth in the position

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    “Let me put it this way, A Springbok team contains Afrikaners, Englishmen, coloureds and blacks. It has parochial foes in Bulls, Sharks, Stormers, Cheetahs and Lions. It is a recipe for war! Yet in all the years of John Smit’s captaincy, there has never been one unhappy customer, not one voice of rebellion against his leadership. He is the glue that holds the Springboks together. The man is a legend!”- Jake White

  8. #8
    Player chiselhead's Avatar
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    There is a massive negativity around the team this year and it's a tragedy because on paper they should be title contenders.

    Negativity is a vicious circle of failure and despair. Gits is the origin and catalyst for all the negativity. Things won't change till he's gone. Why wait till next year? he made his bed. A smart player and someone who gave a sh1t about his current team would have kept it undercover until the end of the super14 season

    Sack him. Have a team p1ss up, take him to the airport and say goodbye.

    Lets get on with 2009 because if we don't we'll be worrying about 2010 before this season is half over

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    How about some running rugby from the attack coach?

  9. #9
    Veteran laura's Avatar
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    I'm just going to amalgamate all your Giteau-hating posts into one thread here...

    Quote Originally Posted by Chiselhead
    Lets get on with 2009 because if we don't we'll be worrying about 2010 before this season is half over
    Like the way that you are saying:
    Quote Originally Posted by Chiselhead
    on paper they should be title contenders
    ...what's to say they still can't be? It's only round 2.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chiselhead
    Sack him. Have a team p1ss up, take him to the airport and say goodbye.
    Yet Giteau is still signed up for the Force for 2009 and still has the best part of a season left to play.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chiselhead
    Gits set the ship on fire and he's the first to dive overboard. Get rid of him before he destroys our season.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chiselhead
    P1ss him off before he destroys our season.
    What if turns out he is the lynchpin in securing the Force's first Super 14 title?

    Quote Originally Posted by Chiselhead
    The Force was an opportunity for young players to make a name for themselves.
    Has the Force suddenly closed up shop? Young players still do have the chance to make a name for themselves in the same way that Pocock and James O'Connor have worked their way in to the Wallabies squad.

    Take your own advice and
    Quote Originally Posted by Chiselhead
    move forward...........that's just how it is
    Nothing you or anyone else says on an internet forum is going to change Giteau's mind or influence him leaving any sooner. He is here until the end of the 2009 Super 14 season and that's just how it is. Let him play to the best of his ability and let us make the most of having him here for the rest of the season and being able to use his talent to win our first Super 14 title.

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  10. #10
    Player chiselhead's Avatar
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    His presence will affect every part of this rugby season and the Western Force franchise. The speculation will now be all about how many players will leave because Giteau is leaving.

    He will continue to undermine coach Mitchell who has become a toothless tiger unable to say anything to players who have performed poorly. The coach can't even select the team he wants or the coaching style he desires. Everything is a compromise overseen by nobodies who collectively know less than John Mitchells mum. It is a Farce not a Force that Mitchell has been given. Don't think Giteau isn't involved in this shambles

    He is leaving and would have left sooner if he could get out of his contract. He isn't committed and doesn't want to play for this team so don't tell me he is going to perform at his best. No heart and no desire

    He will be an irritant at all team gatherings. The media attention focussed on him and who he might be persuading to leave will be a constant aggravation for the committed players who are staying and want to succeed.

    Giteau will be involved in behind doors negotiations......."putting out feelers" for recruiting Force stars for the Brumbies. His is the inside word on who is available for poaching.

    The only way all this rot can be prevented is to put him on to a plane to France tomorrow.

    There will be a general disillusionment and frustration amongst committed players of which Giteau has let down.

    His presence will bring down 2009 for the Force. His drawn out departure will destabilise the very foundations of the Force and the precarious foothold they have on professional rugby in this state.

    He should be pencilled in for termination by the trouble shooters.

    Sack him and pack him.


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    Last edited by Jehna; 21-02-09 at 21:53. Reason: See above
    How about some running rugby from the attack coach?

  11. #11
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    So sad to see all this happen Sharpie and JM haVE a massive job a head of him.

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    Last edited by Jehna; 21-02-09 at 21:54. Reason: Inappropriate

  12. #12
    Player chiselhead's Avatar
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    It has nothing to do with his personality or his ability.
    I couldn't care less that he's leaving. He is the most over rated 10 I have seen.
    Rugby players come and go. He'll be a nobody in no time driving trucks with his old man. What doesn't come and go is the opportunity to develop rugby in Western Australia.

    He has to go.........and it's nothing personal. The performance of the team and the development of the game in WA are of bigger importance than his ego.

    He has form when it comes to undermining the authority of the coaching staff and the Force administration. He has no respect whatsoever or it would have been kept between the Brumbies and him until the season was over or the Force were at least out of the running.

    He only turned up for training in Jan from the direction of John O'Neil at ARU HQ who told him there was no way out........unless the Force agreed to let him go. If the Force said he could go, he'd be out of here quicker than Gunny can sink a pint of Guiness..........that's how committed he is.

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    Last edited by Jehna; 21-02-09 at 21:56. Reason: Inappropriate language
    How about some running rugby from the attack coach?

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    I find it hard to believe he announces this at the begiining of the season and esp before the Brumbies game!!!! CH u take the words out of my mouth..... which club does he belong to?

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