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Thread: Tahs, ACT must succeed - for Australia's sake

  1. #1
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    Tahs, ACT must succeed - for Australia's sake

    Tahs, ACT must succeed - for Australia's sake


    February 7, 2010
    The ARU's David Nucifora says these sides must make the Super 14 semi-finals, writes Josh Rakic.
    'It's really important that we get an Australian team in the Super 14 finals - it's hugely important.''
    These are the words of Wallabies high-performance director David Nucifora, who says that failure by the star-studded Waratahs and Brumbies sides to at least qualify for the semi-finals could prove catastrophic for the rebuilding of Australian rugby.
    ''Last year was disappointing for Australian rugby and it's really important that one of our teams at least makes the semi-finals,'' he said. ''We've got teams that have the capabilities to win the competition, I have no doubt about that, so from an Australian Rugby perspective we need them to make good on that potential.
    ''Everyone from John O'Neill down has acknowledged the concern in reduced crowd and television figures over the past year or two, and we feel 2010 is very important in winning back fans.
    ''With the firepower that certainly the Brumbies and the Waratahs have, they should be aiming at nothing less than the semi-finals and I'm sure they're aiming at winning the tournament. They should be.
    ''Both sides have recruited very well and there are a lot of expectations on them to perform well. Australian rugby needs it.''
    Nucifora placed the onus firmly on the shoulders of incumbent Wallabies players, especially those who were give their first taste of international football last season. He said they needed to prove why they were worthy of retaining their positions in the Wallabies squad.
    ''I'd like to see the younger guys, who've had an opportunity at Wallabies level to make a real impact on their Super rugby teams - players like Will Genia, Quade Cooper, all those boys,'' he said. ''That's really important.
    ''They need to show belief in their ability and take on added responsibility now they've played at the highest level with and against the world's best players.
    ''I want all our teams to do well and build winning habits so they get used to winning. That's a key thing for all of them. And those young guys are the future.''
    However, Nucifora warned fans injuries would play a major role in the success of the Australian teams.
    ''It's a really tough competition - it's incredibly tough. And a lot of things can happen between rounds one and 12, trying to keep your team together,'' Nucifora said.
    ''The smallest things make big differences in this competition. When you go back over teams that have won Super rugby titles, you look at their injury rate and it's almost non existent. Obliviously the coach and players are important, but the smarts of the medical and conditioning staff to keep the players up there, fit and healthy for the duration of the tournament, is critical to winning.
    ''At the Brumbies when we won the comp in 2004, we used a very small number of players that year - it's the same with any team that's won the competition.''

    Nucifora on the Brumbies

    ''Obviously the Brumbies have recruited well and snared some pretty key players, but like I've said before it's about managing them and keeping them on the field and mentally fresh and keen.
    ''The Brumbies will be tough, they've got a good side. And they've got a lot of guys now who have had a lot of international experience and they should be coming back into Super rugby and be brimming with confidence. Even when you go down to young blokes like Matt Toomua, who obviously has confidence from his trip, they should really be adding something. They've got some good depth there this year but there's also a lot of expectation.''

    Nucifora on the Waratahs
    ''They will be strong again this year. They've got a pretty good balance in their team. Their back line this year, they've got a bit better flow to it than what it's had the last couple of years, so I'd expect them to be there.
    ''Tom Carter has played well in the trials and there's a bit of pressure on him to hold his place now that Daniel Halangahu, Kurtley Beale and Berrick Barnes are all vying for the 10 and 12 jumpers as well.
    ''Hopefully Rob Horne comes back well from injury and then there's more competition again.
    ''Berrick Barnes is a great acquisition. He's a great player and a hard worker. He'll show a lot of those blokes up as to how to train. He'll be good for Kurtley Beale and a few of the younger guys.''

    Nucifora on the Force

    ''They'll be interesting. They've recruited well, I reckon. They've made some really good decisions and brought some experienced guys into their forward pack to strengthen it. They've obviously got some real strength in their tight five.
    ''In their back row, I thought Matt Hodgson had a fantastic Wallaby tour and you put him, David Pocock and Brown together and it's an exceptionally strong forward pack.
    ''It'll obviously come down to how they play, but I reckon they're capable of doing well. Again, it's keeping those players on the field.''

    Nucifora on the Reds
    ''It's a bit of a wait-and-see as to how they go, but they've certainly got the back line. The Reds will be more about how their tight five pulls together and what [coach] Ewen [McKenzie] can do with them.
    ''They don't have the expectations on them and with Ewen McKenzie there it's a fresh approach. And a lot of times that's what clubs need, just to be freshened up. The ideas aren't radical that have come in but they'll be new and it'll be the way that Ewen puts it to them. They'll be excited about what they've got and, again, you're going to have young guys who should come back from that Wallabies tour with added confidence.

    ''Belief in your ability is enormous. If you get the belief that you can win, that's probably one of the most powerful things a team can have. And that's what Ewen's trying to do, that's why he wants to win trial games, because winning becomes a habit and then you get that belief in your ability and then that snowballs.''

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  2. #2
    Immortal Contributor
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    It's ok David, we'll just flounder along over here with our strong Forward pack and shitty Backs...

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  3. #3
    Immortal GIGS20's Avatar
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    I love that the entirety of Australia are telling the Brumbies and the Tahs how fantastic they are....In my experience the players that have moved to those centres will believe this press and use it to work less hard, right up to the point that they meekly fade into the shadows. I know less about the new guys the Force has picked up, but they looked pretty hard, and committed during the trial, so they should do better than expected. The real question is, will that be good enough for a semi final?

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  4. #4
    Immortal Contributor shasta's Avatar
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    Thinking about who we have left standing (before we even start ), it may come down to how well our defensive structures hold. There's little doubt we'll need to play in the oppo's half. If we can contain the attack/counter attack of the sides with the great back lines our pack should be able to win enough good ball to release Rabbit, Sheps & Co when the time is right. Simple game on paper, isn't it.

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  5. #5
    Champion Contributor tragic's Avatar
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    ... between a rock and a bigger rock.
    Does the author think that if the Reds and Force were to reach the semis, then it would a disaster for all of Oz rugby?

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  6. #6
    Immortal Contributor shasta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tragic View Post
    Does the author think that if the Reds and Force were to reach the semis, then it would a disaster for all of Oz rugby?

    Maybe not. Probably miracle might be closer.

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    "The main difference between playing League and Union is that now I get my hangovers on Monday instead of Sunday - Tom David

  7. #7
    Veteran beige's Avatar
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    Force fans aren't paranoid...

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  8. #8
    Immortal Contributor shasta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beige View Post
    Force fans aren't paranoid...
    Well, if we're paranoid it's just because everyone is out to get us.

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    "The main difference between playing League and Union is that now I get my hangovers on Monday instead of Sunday - Tom David

  9. #9
    Player SleazyWineBaas's Avatar
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    I thought it was a pretty fair wrap
    The Force have a good pack and shite backs. That's just how it is despite our hope to will it wasn't so. It's obvious to everybody outside of Perth
    The Brumbies/Tahs look good on paper, but that doesn't win games
    The Reds are a riddle wrapped in an enigma but if their pack is as bad as they were against the Force, the spoon is in their grasp. I hope they do well however. Link may unearth some talent. QLD rugby at every other level is strong, the rot must end soon.
    The saffers will be hot again. the Stormers/Bulls/Sharks will be capable of winning the tournament, likewise the Cusaders, canes, Chiefs and Blues.
    there are no easy games which makes what the Force has achieved a small miracle in my opinion

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  10. #10
    Veteran TOCC's Avatar
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    I think it was pretty fair as well,

    ACT would give most international sides a run for there money, I think NSW have great potential in 2010 however it depends on how the backline members like Barnes, Beale and Carter link.

    Reds, well he summed it up, a lot depends on the tight 5, if they forwards crumble then the backline will crumble as well.

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  11. #11
    Legend Court Reporter
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    Quote Originally Posted by SleazyWineBaas View Post
    I thought it was a pretty fair wrap
    The Force have a good pack and shite backs. That's just how it is despite our hope to will it wasn't so. It's obvious to everybody outside of Perth
    The Brumbies/Tahs look good on paper, but that doesn't win games
    The Reds are a riddle wrapped in an enigma but if their pack is as bad as they were against the Force, the spoon is in their grasp. I hope they do well however. Link may unearth some talent. QLD rugby at every other level is strong, the rot must end soon.
    The saffers will be hot again. the Stormers/Bulls/Sharks will be capable of winning the tournament, likewise the Cusaders, canes, Chiefs and Blues.
    there are no easy games which makes what the Force has achieved a small miracle in my opinion
    The Sharks moon has waned. I would be surprised to see them in the top 6. The Bulls will still be a powerful force with the return to full penalties but after this year I think they'll start to go down hill big time. The Crusaders and Canes should still be good but the Chiefs probably won't be as good as last year and the Blues won't be too flash either. The Blues have fairly weak lock and backrow stocks. Stormers should make the finals too.

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  12. #12
    Immortal GIGS20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TOCC View Post
    I think it was pretty fair as well,

    ACT would give most international sides a run for there money, I think NSW have great potential in 2010 however it depends on how the backline members like Barnes, Beale and Carter link.

    Reds, well he summed it up, a lot depends on the tight 5, if they forwards crumble then the backline will crumble as well.
    Can't argue with you TOCC, all I suggest is that 'on paper' means shit in rugby. The Reds and the Force are populated with true do I know? every other bastard is playing for the Tahs or the Brumbies.......I guess I'm pretty cynical about high priced superstars, given our recent history. But I reckon the Tahs and the Brums will not have their heads right and will fail to meet their potential........Note I don't say fail to make the semis, I reckon that could still happen with both teams missing their potential.

    Brumbies have lost all their trials, now I know pre-season scores mean nothing, but surely at some point in the pre season, the Brums wanted to have a look at scoring tries.......or stopping tries, It appears the didn't do enough of either........including the time they played the (forgive me TOCC, not my words) 'potential wooden spooners' in the Reds....I can't imagine that even with their superstars in cotton wool, that's not a good sign, either their second string is shite and the superstars are underdone, or they're happy to lose the right games.....either way, it doesn't look good right now!

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  13. #13
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    If the referees live up to all the hype of stopping defending teams killing the ball at tackle time then I think the saffers maybe in trouble, because they always push those boundaries on defence. The ozzies and kiwis know how to attack so that will work in their favour, I just hope all refs are on the same wavelength and are consistant.

    On the Tahs making the semis, theyve been there before and it has made little or no difference to aus rugby that I can recall. The brumbies were different because of the style of rugby they play,open and running. This usually carried onto the
    wallabies and was gos for oz rugby.

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  14. #14
    Immortal GIGS20's Avatar
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    You're right about the Tahs Cookie, I think the old adage if Qld rugby is healthy Aussie rugby is healthy applies even more today.....Qld must be the weakest team on paper in the Oz conference, therefore if they place well, surely that means we have a better average class of player than the other nations......Assuming of course that they end up below all the other Oz teams on the ladder. I think there's a distinct possibility that the Brumbies will misfire and the Tahs will be solid but not spectacular! The Reds could easily top out the Brumbies if Giteau pulls his magic this season!

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