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Thread: Good Friday for Kalamunda!

  1. #1
    Champion NTT's Avatar
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    Good Friday for Kalamunda!

    2nds had a tough fought win despite at one point having 13 players on the field due to yellow cards (3 in total to 0 to Paly ???). Final score Kalamunda 22-15 Paly.
    Prems was a very competitive yet scrappy affair dominated by skill error after skill error. Paly were content to try and out muscle Kalamunda up front which proved to be a mistake with such a small pack. Kalamunda dropped to much ball in contact to build pressure but when they did get it wide Jordy on the right wing made some great runs and scored the try that tied the scores. Despite being on the wrong end of the penalty count 20-12, yellow cards 2-1 and possession 40-60, Kalamunda fought out a spirited 13 all draw.
    Side note - The refereeing in both games was very poor. Many missed and incorrect calls made to both clubs dragged the standard of play to almost embarrassing lows. RWA please oh please address this glaring problem if this sport is to move forward.

    Go Bulls

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    There are 3 types of people in this world, those that can count and those that can't

  2. #2
    Veteran Ecky's Avatar
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    Oh dear. As Gaffa said just yesterday in another post; here we go again.

    So here I go again.

    How is your referee accreditation progressing, NTT?

    You may have left your run a wee bit late for this season, given there's only two weekends before the finals in seniors and this is the last weekend for juniors, but I am really looking forward to next season when you can really show us how refereeing should be done. May I be among the first to welcome you into the refereeing ranks and pre-emptively comment on how inspiringly remarkable your rise up the ranks and into 2nd/premier grade is going to be?

    As an aside, I imagine you have your own views on how RugbyWA can "address this glaring problem" (other than your own accreditation and showing us all how it should be done, of course), and this may well be as good a forum as any to make them public. How about giving us just a taste of how to address it?

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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Charge people to watch like other sports do ,then use some of the gate takings to get some desent refs, all the clubs have been paying to get desent players so why can't the refs do the same .just an idea and before you ask I have done my refs course and I no it is a very tough gig but the same thing gets asked every year and we hear the same response every year

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  4. #4
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    I'm with Ecky and Chertubler on this one - I understand the frustration of NTT, however continually moaning about it (especially at the refs in the middle) and the current situation is absolutely no use whatsoever - you either get in the middle yourself (which Ecky suggested eloquently) or you need to either initiate or suggest or demand directly action from the governing body/ies. Don't just moan on here or at the bloke in the middle who's giving it his best albeit subject to human frailties as much as anybody else. I'm pretty sure a ref will make far less errors per game than the average player (be it mentally or physically).

    We are talking about amateur refs (I'll leave the door open for the obvious comeback) - and there are processes in place to address poor performance although probably not as complete as you / we may like. I fully agree that in a professional arena there are certain standards that MUST be upheld, but in this arena you're lucky to have a ref. I struggle at times (as a ref) with some of the prattish ill-informed comments that come from players, coaches and supporters alike, but at the same time I know I make mistakes that I'm first to put my hand up. There may come a point where my wanting to give back to the game and my enjoyment reffing is outweighed by outspoken and at times ignorant, less than gracious and far from humourous 'banter' (it used to be an art, now it's more plain anger - sign of the times ?). At that point I hope those moaners are happy to step in and fill the gaps, otherwise the availability may only get worse.
    Posted via Mobile Device

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  5. #5
    Rookie almac's Avatar
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    I ref from the sideline... Just listen to what i say... Easy..!!!

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  6. #6
    Champion NTT's Avatar
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    Ecky, i have taken up refereeing this year. It's quite enjoyable. I do realise just how different a view of the game you get and 'difficult' the task is. The problem is as i see it is this, once a referee gets past the green shirt they think they've made it as a referee. The advice given by referee coaches is so inconsistent from coach to coach it's causing me concern, which i do speak to the refs association about. It's great that people volunteer and get involved and earn the $20 reimbursement money. My problem is this, the standard of some refs is appalling. The most basic of calls are consistently inconsistent from ref to ref and most refs in WA just do not have a feel for the game as most refs have never played themselves. I mean how can a crowd of 250 sitting up to 100 metres away see blatant infringements that a 'qualified' ref 5 metres away can't? Paly were robbed in 1sts last night by an experienced AR who called the ball out when the ball drifted out in flight and drifted back into the field.

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  7. #7
    Champion NTT's Avatar
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    This incorrect call seen by everyone but the refs involved has severely damaged Palys finals chances. For rugby to get better everything needs to improve, not just from the players end but the officiating too. Apart from Graham Cooper there is no refs in WA of sufficient standard, that's why i've taken up refereeing myself, to do something about it instead of just being a forum whinger. If a referee truly loves the game they should be looking to improve the game and themselves not just retorting nonsensical 'if you can do better' bullshit.

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    Last edited by NTT; 26-08-12 at 20:48. Reason: over agressive agitated shit dribbling
    There are 3 types of people in this world, those that can count and those that can't

  8. #8
    Veteran Ecky's Avatar
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    Oh dear. It is worse than I first feared.

    You can get personal and pick away at my game today if you wish, but if you don't provide any examples with your assertions, then I will simply call "bullshit"on them.

    What 15 mins? What schoolboy lecture? Do you know what I talked to them about? God does, apparently, but do you? If it was 4 minutes (including boot check) I'd be surprised. If you've taken up refereeing this year as you say, do you talk to the teams pre-match? What do you talk about?

    Did you know there was an assessor there today? Do you know why there was an assessor there? Do you know how the assessor scored the performance?

    Seems to me that Kala's confusion most likely arises from the mixed messages their team leadership group provide. But hey, that's just an observation from a disinterested perspective and not from bull-coloured glasses.

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  9. #9
    Champion NTT's Avatar
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    Rant deleted upon sober reflection.

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    Last edited by NTT; 26-08-12 at 20:49.
    There are 3 types of people in this world, those that can count and those that can't

  10. #10
    Champion NTT's Avatar
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    Rant deleted upon sober reflection.

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    Last edited by NTT; 26-08-12 at 20:50.
    There are 3 types of people in this world, those that can count and those that can't

  11. #11
    Champion NTT's Avatar
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    And like i said, an appalling decision cost Paly a victory in Prems last night.

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    Last edited by NTT; 26-08-12 at 21:15.
    There are 3 types of people in this world, those that can count and those that can't

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Well done ntt refs need to be held acountable for there performances as for accessorces they are worse than the refs so how can there be improvement

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  13. #13
    Veteran Ecky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NTT View Post
    blah blah blah
    You're funny.

    I like you.

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  14. #14
    Legend Contributor brokendown gunfighter's Avatar
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    in relation to the law concerning the ball going out,i thought if the ball crosses the touch line in flight & then drifts back into the field of play,the ball IS out

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  15. #15
    Join Date
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    It can cross the plane of touch.

    If it lands in the field of play then play on.

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