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Thread: Clinical Nedplays stand up the bully ...

  1. #1
    Player Kev's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Clinical Nedplays stand up the bully ...

    The sun was out, played teams were singing, old boys were story telling and a very full Bennett Park played host to Nedlands taking on Wests as a top of the table clash.
    Impressed by the meaty burger that was my lunch I took up residence on the other side from the clubhouse for what was to be a game that restored my faith in WA rugby that top drawer skills and tactics were on show; what a top class club rugby scene should be entertaining us with a lot more often that it does.

    It appeared a little obvious that Wests plan was to out muscle and early, with a high, contestable kick off regained and driven deep in the Nedlands 22 where the following penalty was kicked for touch. The out muscle early plan worked for a line out drive was at ramming speed by the time they reached the posts, to take the lead and lay out their cards for the day. What was plan B?

    The boys in blue reacted almost immediately, with several line out steals to work the clubhouse side until finally going over for their opening score in the corner, followed by the extra points to draw level. Set pieces were going to hamper Wests in some fairly untidy and at time inaccurate line outs, this was first phase ball not being looked after.

    Wests physical presence was most certainly there with each and every one of the 15 ready to take it in, to have a go but is it supposed to include the playmakers? The ball retention was fantastic and it came back fairly quickly almost every time in the first half and pretty much most of the game, if a breakdown went on for a longer than a second a penalty was the predictable, inevitable outcome.

    Into the game’s second quarter and after a penalty advantage taken drop goal it was a Nedlands restart that again went high and contestable and was regained and a simple look up and go from the scrum half, a certain Mr Ruru that looked up and went all the way to the Wests posts, then saw him take the game on in a display that demonstrated he can and should play at a level well above this one.

    Ruru’s organisational abilities behind the breakdown ensured that there were enough numbers to secure the possession, guards at the right fringes and someone over the ball that enabled the best display of box kicks I’ve seen in a long time. Between an exchange of penalties on the scoreboard, his breaking of several tackles down that left hand side again, with ball in one hand to squeeze in a feed pass to outside men, saw the third score for Neddies swiftly followed by the arrival of halftime with the visiting side two scores away at 22-13.

    It had been an amazing first half with the speed of the game right up there testing the skill levels, game plan adherence and immediate reactions of all players and my, wasn’t it heartening to see so many tackled around the legs … even a couple of chop tackles from the Neddies midfield.

    Another well kicked, chased, regained kick off from Wests was met with another little Ruru trick of stripping the rampaging lock of the ball with apparent ease, followed up with a short side break many metres up the touch line. It appeared to be the case for the day of clinical Nedlands undermining the brute force of the Wests physicality.

    A third quarter went by scoreless, as defences tightened and the Nedplays played out, but this time with the addition of the searcher, the tactical touch finding kick that searches out the bottom corner and keeps the opposition in their own half, effectively and expertly executed by the inimitable Mr Ruru on several well timed, well placed occasions.

    Neddies wanted the win and you could see that, but the bonus point was in reach with the territory going their way, but more importantly several battles at scrum time started to tell on the Wests pack that had previously ravaged the visitors, but holding if not getting a front foot on led to cleaner ball at the base and that confidence up front told more so as they generated their own try to claim the bonus point away from home. Well deserved for a set of forwards that had soaked up so much of the Wests’ blunt instrument.

    Into the last quarter of the game and Wests’ frustration had set in with a little indecision when cool heads were needed; quick taps in their own half against a defence that closed in well throughout the second half might have been better utilised with a touch finder to repeat the opening score. It worked before and the money ball was still working? The game plan, that’ll be plan A that has been result driven and successful all season to now, could have been used to gain the other kind of bonus point, but alas final forays into the Neddies half and 22 simply led to the first real errors of the game and subsequently clearances out of the danger.

    The battles at breakdowns, transferring ascendency at set pieces with some unsung work in their midfield all combined with the class of Mr Ruru to a clinical finish for that bonus point win at 29-13.

    It was a tremendous game played at pace with intelligence with little space to move, given the defences and a great example of the rugby that can be played. Congratulations to both sides, coaches and clubs and to Wests as hosts. Rugby is alive and well in WA.

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  2. #2
    Senior Player Macattack's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Thanks for a comprehensive summary Kev, much appreciated.

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