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Thread: Green and gold rugby

  1. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by SPaRTAN View Post
    There is nothing wrong with the NRC, I assume he is a Sydney follower, hence why there is literally no reason to watch it, but that isnt a reason to get rid of it just because one of the worst rugby states in this nation per head of population cant be asked participating properly because of that terrible club comp that noone but Alan Jones and apparently 15 thousand people who only turn up on grand final day care about...

    Rags comments on GRR are hillarious, he was the guy I presume who crucified and condemned Force fans for having a voice on his site and banned them all, fast forward and the site has hit rock bottom, an empty forum, articles that just reek of desperation to provide content (as terrible and non interesting as it is) and comments that just bore the reader to death.... I read his GRR as someone biting his tongue forced to give some positivity to a tournament he neglected and up to now rejected in his mind, but having been forced to do a U-turn due to RugbyAustralia and Clyne completly fucking Aussie Rugby.... I can just see him now being wowed by Clyne and Raelene to the point he probably couldnt even get a word out due to his levels of excitement to meet them if it was ever the case, despite most of us just wanting to give Clyne a giant uppercut..

    Terrible terrible site
    Reg is a Queenslander.

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  2. #17
    Champion SPaRTAN's Avatar
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    If that's the case, and he wants the NRC gone, what a knob!

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  3. #18
    Champion SPaRTAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiap View Post
    G&GR does seem to have some bugs with clicking items on its home page (been like this for several years).

    • Part of it seems like a problem switching between modes for small screens (i.e. phones - which don't use mouse clicks) and larger screens (PCs etc, which input via clicks).

    • Anyway, one place you can usually click to open an article is on the little yellow "chat" icon for the relevant Disqus comments - see where circled in the screenshot below.

    • This bug workaround works 90% of the time, every time! The occasions it doesn't, though, seem to be when the page is being displayed with a resolution of lower than approximately 500 pixels wide. If you look close, you might even see the "chat" icon and "RUGBY" category icons are subtly greyed out in that instance.

    • One thing to try there is to increase the window size (or zoom out the display) to include more pixels, then click again.

    • Failing that, a fallback option is to use your search engine to produce direct article link (i.e. google the title + gagr).
    Umm you shouldnt have to go through all that just to click a link.. too much effort.. and I tried clicking the comments, wouldnt click, nothing would, there must have been an imaginary square the size of a pixel somewhere on the left hand side that made the click as that's where my knuckle brushed passed. I think that's queue that they need to sort their website out. What a piece of shit!

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  4. #19
    Immortal GIGS20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WCRugger View Post
    Reg is a Queenslander.
    And posted on this site for a while before getting sick of being howled down over everything he said because he was a ggr stalwart and an eastern stater. Not saying I agreed with him in every instance, but I prefer genuine reasoned discussion to pointless tantrum throwing. I do agree though that most of the pro-Ra press are throwing out stories of hope that Aussie rugby won't suck as bad as 2017-18 rather than reasoned assessments of capability. The world cup might be the saviour, it won't be too hard to make the quarters, a win over Fiji, Uruguay and Georgia is the standard to make that. It's hard to see them missing that mark (but I admit the possibility is there and it's exciting!) Superficial rugby will continue its decline, nrc will continue to be generally ignored by the governing body and grr will be cast as a rebel competition at every opportunity. I can't see a magical golden bullet in the near future, but all that's required is for the wallabies to win the games they're expected to win and that will count as an improvement, so maybe there is some cause for tentative optimism.

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    C'mon the

  5. #20
    Champion SPaRTAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GIGS20 View Post
    And posted on this site for a while before getting sick of being howled down over everything he said because he was a ggr stalwart and an eastern stater. Not saying I agreed with him in every instance, but I prefer genuine reasoned discussion to pointless tantrum throwing. I do agree though that most of the pro-Ra press are throwing out stories of hope that Aussie rugby won't suck as bad as 2017-18 rather than reasoned assessments of capability. The world cup might be the saviour, it won't be too hard to make the quarters, a win over Fiji, Uruguay and Georgia is the standard to make that. It's hard to see them missing that mark (but I admit the possibility is there and it's exciting!) Superficial rugby will continue its decline, nrc will continue to be generally ignored by the governing body and grr will be cast as a rebel competition at every opportunity. I can't see a magical golden bullet in the near future, but all that's required is for the wallabies to win the games they're expected to win and that will count as an improvement, so maybe there is some cause for tentative optimism.
    If a win over Fiji, Uruguay and Georgia is all that it takes to save Aussie rugby then the game is well and truely fucked in this country. To pin everyone's Hope's on a 6 week comp played every 4 years as the saviour of rugby in this country after the game disintegtrated and regressed a couple of decades just shows where the game is really at and just how dellusional the fans have become... maybe Clynes magic wand is working....

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  6. #21
    Champion SPaRTAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by westies man View Post
    Has it ever actually occurred to you that one of the main reasons good decent solid rugby people can't be arsed with this site anymore is the constant whinging and hijacking of threads by people like you, it becomes very tedious and monotonous and in the end a lot of regular posters have given up and can't be arsed.
    Do people actually ever respond to you. I have noticed you have become more and more irrelevant as the years go by, a quick look at your post history is just post after post of you having a go at people over what they post but nothing meaningful, I take it you are just an armchair supporter, a keyboard warrior, at home, alone. So sad.

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  7. #22
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    Reg has always been a big NRC supporter and you're a prize bell end.

    Regarding his piece. He's not calling for it to be axed. He's saying that it is being let stagnate. Which is accurate. RA seem to just shove it in there with no plan year on year. No promotion. No nothing. It's has the potential to be a real win for the game in this country but RA are doing what they do best with it. Nothing. He's calling for them to either give it the attention and effort it deserves in order for it to take the next step in its development or put it out of it's inevitable misery.

    From all my interactions with the man. He wants to see it provided a plan to move it forward. To grow it as a competition and a structure but if it going to be allowed to flounder then why allow it to die a death of 1000 cuts?

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    Last edited by WCRugger; 13-01-19 at 18:35.

  8. #23
    Veteran BLR's Avatar
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    I am sure if a Sydney team won all would be hunky dory. I don't agree with most of what Spartan says (his views on the ridiculous perma-bans as a form of censorship I do of course agree with) I think he is kind of right in this point. I personally see little issue from the west in regards to the NRC, the rest of the comp needs to realise the ARU/RA are useless and make the comp successful by yourselves.

    I suppose a decade of nothing flowing this way makes it easier to understand.

    The ARU/RA cut the Force after a decade of little support from their offices, just when we understood there was nothing coming to save us, now we potentially have one of the most forward thinking comps out there. Pick your damn socks up East coast and realise no one's going to help you.

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  9. #24
    Champion SPaRTAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BLR View Post
    I am sure if a Sydney team won all would be hunky dory. I don't agree with most of what Spartan says (his views on the ridiculous perma-bans as a form of censorship I do of course agree with) I think he is kind of right in this point. I personally see little issue from the west in regards to the NRC, the rest of the comp needs to realise the ARU/RA are useless and make the comp successful by yourselves.

    I suppose a decade of nothing flowing this way makes it easier to understand.

    The ARU/RA cut the Force after a decade of little support from their offices, just when we understood there was nothing coming to save us, now we potentially have one of the most forward thinking comps out there. Pick your damn socks up East coast and realise no one's going to help you.
    The East Coast made their bed when they all ignored the Force axeing and then continued to ignore the senate inquiry and brush it off in their selfish crusade to protect their own franchises... now they have to live through the next few years(possibly decade) of Clyne and Raelenes leadership and I can safely say QLD/NSW/ACT and ofcourse our protected Melbourne franchise deserves nothing more.... enjoy being at Clynes mercy year after year... I couldnt think of a worse future for the sport. Oh how the tables can turn..

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  10. #25
    Champion SPaRTAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WCRugger View Post
    Reg has always been a big NRC supporter and you're a prize bell end.

    Regarding his piece. He's not calling for it to be axed. He's saying that it is being let stagnate. Which is accurate. RA seem to just shove it in there with no plan year on year. No promotion. No nothing. It's has the potential to be a real win for the game in this country but RA are doing what they do best with it. Nothing. He's calling for them to either give it the attention and effort it deserves in order for it to take the next step in its development or put it out of it's inevitable misery.

    From all my interactions with the man. He wants to see it provided a plan to move it forward. To grow it as a competition and a structure but if it going to be allowed to flounder then why allow it to die a death of 1000 cuts?
    Because the NRC serves it purpose to provide the next tier (semi professional and amateur players) a pathway to professional rugby and it works a treat by following the NZL and RSA model with their 3rd tier comps. If Clyne and Raelene want to ignore the golden goose and NSW want to ruin their pathways by providing it through their shitty shute shield club comp that only 15 thousand people care about over the competitions grand final weekend, the same 15k that largely ignore the comp throughout its season. But it isnt broken, it serves the Force/spirit players perfectly and works for alot of areas that dont engage properly with their pro franchise and can offer opportunities for states like SA and territories like the NT to one day feature teams in it.

    Clyne and Raelenes ignorance just proves they are out of their depth running rugby in Australia, but just because a bunch of morons are running the game and have a stranglehold on the sport in this country doesn mean you sacrifice a comp that only Gary Flowers seemed to have the foresight to bring to Australia. Greater men shed blood to bring this comp to Australia than the idiots at the top are willing to recognize but again idiots like Rag go for the Nuclear option instead of waiting for change to happen at senior management RA level..

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  11. #26
    Champion SPaRTAN's Avatar
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    I think we call all safely say that the Green and Gold rugby site has officially been GEORGINAED....

    .... Fluff RA pieces without anything constructive or critical thought being said that can move the game forward.. no condemnation of their governing bodies that have colluded with Raelene and Clyne to keep their power over the game, and websites like green and gold that act as journalism that is meant to keep the people running the game accountable have instead become mouthpieces for RugbyAustralia and produce fluff piece after fluff piece whilst channeling the spirit of Georgina and her cushy little bias relationship with their fuckwits at the top into all their articles without actually considering the consequences of their actions and that every fan is moving away from the game/ or atleast the Wallaby brand, and as quickly as they can.

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  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by SPaRTAN View Post
    There is nothing wrong with the NRC, I assume he is a Sydney follower, hence why there is literally no reason to watch it, but that isnt a reason to get rid of it just because one of the worst rugby states in this nation per head of population cant be asked participating properly because of that terrible club comp that noone but Alan Jones and apparently 15 thousand people who only turn up on grand final day care about...
    Ahh ... erm. Hmmm, it only takes half a minute to figure out he is a Queenslander. Last I checked, that wasn't in Sydney.

    For your sake - not for the sake of TWF because people here find dumb shit tiresome - I sorta hope you're trolling.

    Because otherwise I fear you're a few sandwiches short of a picnic ... if yerknowwaddamean.

    Quote Originally Posted by SPaRTAN View Post
    Rags comments on GRR are hillarious, he was the guy I presume who crucified and condemned Force fans for having a voice on his site and banned them all, <snip>
    Ahhh, no. Not his site, for starters.

    There was a mod on those forums that binned a chunk of Force supporters en masse at one point in 2017 (many undeservedly, although some deserved what they got). I'm fairly confident of knowing who that was - a Melbourne guy IMO, who is no longer there.

    Quote Originally Posted by SPaRTAN View Post
    If that's the case, and he wants the NRC gone, what a knob!
    He doesn't want it gone. He wants it marketed, backed, and funded.

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  13. #28
    Veteran BLR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiap View Post
    There was a mod on those forums that binned a chunk of Force supporters en masse at one point in 2017 (many undeservedly, although some deserved what they got). I'm fairly confident of knowing who that was - a Melbourne guy IMO, who is no longer there.
    And the bans still stand so undeserved or not are still supported by the powers that be.

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  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by BLR View Post
    And the bans still stand so undeserved or not are still supported by the powers that be.
    I don't quite see it like that.

    In some ways you're right ... posters (of whatever stripe - in this case, Force supporters) got rubbed out by a mod at the time ... the caravan moved on and didn't go back, even though I reckon the mod himself got binned.

    However, that's pretty much how forums ... anywhere and everywhere ... generally operate.

    The people with the levers (i.e. mods) don't have time to trawl back through the log files to rejudge every decision, figure out who didn't deserve to get binned and kiss it all better.

    The fact G&GR have had fiddly software bugs on their main page for years on end and crap that hasn't been updated for ages (there is still a link to the 2013 Lions tour, f'rinstance) tells you this.

    The way it works is you contact the site if you want be un-binned - and most aren't that bothered TBH - or you simply register another login.

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    Last edited by Kiap; 13-01-19 at 20:18.

  15. #30
    Champion SPaRTAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiap View Post
    I don't quite see it like that.

    In some ways you're right ... posters (of whatever stripe - in this case, Force supporters) got rubbed out by a mod at the time ... the caravan moved on and didn't go back, even though I reckon the mod himself got binned.

    However, that's pretty much how forums ... anywhere and everywhere ... generally operate.

    The people with the levers (i.e. mods) don't have time to trawl back through the log files to rejudge every decision, figure out who didn't deserve to get binned and kiss it all better.

    The fact G&GR have had fiddly software bugs on their main page for years on end and crap that hasn't been updated for ages (there is still a link to the 2103 Lions tour, f'rinstance) tells you this.

    The way it works is you contact the site if you want be un-binned - and most aren't that bothered TBH - or you simply register another login.
    Na stop trying to defend the indefensible.. the mods there are shit. If you had a rogue mod you would do the decent thing and unban all the users tainted by that mods.. but we all know the users weren't all banned by the rogue mod now don't we, and don't try and pretend this mod was not the culprit and then try and find a new scape goat (anonymous ofcourse, typical) to try and justify what that site did to honest loyal Force fans, rugbyreg was there in the thick of it banning members, infact I know he was responsible for atleast a heap of the banned Force supporters and now he has to face the consequences of alienating such a large supporter base that is growing daily and now has a new competition and future to look forward to despite rag and his crew being quite trigger happy to eradicate these Force fans despite their suffering and heaping them all together in the dustbin despite some of the fans nearly being in tears after what Clyne and Pulver did. At that moment he burned his own reputation and killed the site. I still notice the Forums are a ghost town and a good example is even this thread has more replies in half a day that rags whole article in 3 days
    .. doesn't that say something about that place, off season or not... the guy is a complete utter scumbag who does his best to not say anything negative about the powers that run the game, and oh god help us when he is a little critical, or when some of the others decide to speak wrongly of our dear leaders, you get the utter laughable dribble I read today, if that's a negative piece I'll eat my hat, nothing but fluff! Georgina style!

    Ohh and I'm glad the guy doesnt post here, he comes across as a total soft cock who runs scared when criticized and hides behind his BANhammer! If he had balls the size of Tiger Woods swing he would be here facing the music, but we all know what's between his legs, not much. Thus he hides on his pathetic site... Happy New year!

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