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Thread: Heres to kicking your chat report on 2007-02-28

  1. #1
    Legend Contributor blueandblack's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Heres to kicking your chat report on 2007-02-28

    I jumped in way too early, ORegan popped up a little later. tlh and qld_supporter a bit after that
    I get rop..asked to do the court reporting again due to people leaving to go over that way * points * for the Tahs v Force match
    MountBeaver the kicked joins up and pruc sneaks in the door
    pruc spends most of the night trying to be Hayden
    brief accusation of me being an alco because I have alcohol
    tlh and mountbeaver chat about someone called Judy
    jazza93 arrives and mentions gareth hardy is on 6PR
    ORegan splits and Exile rocks up

    Exile boots MountBeaver for his first conversion for the night
    apparently this one is fine-tuning
    I get voice and TLH gets ops
    jazza93 wants to know about java (the computer stuff)
    some sort of ground rules about what can not be discussed here (I cant tell because I promised not to)
    general chit-chat about stuff here also
    TLH leaves the building
    shaun arrives, exile practices his kicking on himself
    I get ops
    MountBeaver freaks out anytime someone mentions "kick"
    evie arrives and i suggest rugby discussion

    pruc has been a busy person with school, books and something else after that
    exile means to kick mountbeaver but hits evie instead. he is in sooooooooooooooo much trouble when she returns
    exile applies the STFU kick-script to mountbeaver
    jazza wants to know how kick happens so i kick him/her to show how its done
    jazza returns an mentions some purple stuff, which i dont get because i'm not using the java irc thing
    exile removes the stfu kick-script from mountbeaver and shaun asks when rugby talk will happen
    some discussion re: 6pr rugby talk here
    gerry rocks up as does evie

    exile clears his throat and prepares to suck up
    general greetings and chitchat here. i note a few rugby references
    gerry updates us on the odds
    wow. actual rugby talk happening. lots of it, mostly about diggers, hilgy, gits and the positioning of same in the field of play
    gerry takes his leave to perform bookie duties
    fava gets a few mentions
    shaun mentions his getting Best in Blue. Exile threatens STFU kick
    more chit chat and a brief mention of 'dub c v hale final'

    coach arrives
    greetings here
    larrynj arrives to more greets
    a merry-go-round of nick changing here
    more stfu scriptkicking here
    brief mention about twfers going east and some about 6PR crew
    general travel talk (cost mostly) here
    mountbeaver arrives back then asked to be kicked, so i oblige and ote down the score in my book
    egan turns up

    exile openly considers "doing a Eastern Force tour to Reds game next year", which should be in Brizzy-wizzy
    coach apparently put 10,000 on a draw
    bookie talk crossed with travel talk here
    gerry has booked media chats with twfers going or on the eastside. he warns them not to be pissed and to mention TWF
    chat about the christmas card from wa rugby to nsw rugby
    east v west discussion and sports broadcasting discussion now

    evie departs even though she said she wasnt really here. probably the kick from exile had something to do with that
    jazza leaves via the exile kick process
    someone mentions pubcrawling
    TIF leaves
    exile boots egan several times
    gerry is humbled to be publicly outed as a new moderator
    after gerry talks the oath of mods, i depart for much needed sleep.

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  2. #2
    Champion Contributor jazza93's Avatar
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    Feb 2007
    the beach
    wow nice work lol that was a funny chat

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    agreed poor beaver

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  4. #4
    Veteran Contributor LarryNJ's Avatar
    Join Date
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    NJ USA
    Good job B&B!

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  5. #5
    Champion Contributor Mtbeaver's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    It hurts being me.

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  6. #6
    Senior Player AlcoholicStalker's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    i fell asleep after Jason tried to explain his maths homework to me.

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