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Thread: Forget Growden, Paul Kent takes the cake

  1. #1
    Player Jethro's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Angry Forget Growden, Paul Kent takes the cake

    Who is this muppet you may ask, well he passes for the Daily Telegraph's Rugby reporter ... wasn't he reporting on League a few weeks ago?

    Anyways without using a lot of F bombs Kent has outdone Growden in share bias anti Rugby reporting (Daily Telegraph 13 Sep 2007). Headline "9 games, 5 blowouts, 527 points, 64 tries, 534 missed tackles, 1 Decent contest", besides running the risk of being the longest ever headline on record, Kent clearly isn't a rugger bugger. To cut to the chase he can F**K OFF in a big way. The rest of the article doesn't bare mentioning as Kent clearly doesn't understand rugby culture, is a complete knob, and should stick to reporting on mungoball.

    I normally pick up the Telegraph a few times per week to get angry over Piers showing himself to be a complete prat, the paper just lost another customer due to this Kent cretin. How about reporting on the matches perhaps, or having something to say we all didn't predict prior to the first game. Keep up with the play Kent, oh forgot he's a league follow bit of a big call then.

    You write for a paper which is noted as having zero journalistic integrity, take your hand off it mate no one cares about the League outside a few thousand mentally challenged westies here in Sydney and the equiv in BrisVegas.

    If any of the advertisers are reading, don't give the Tele your money, most of the customers can't read

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  2. #2
    Veteran Contributor The EnForcer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Jethro
    If any of the advertisers are reading, don't give the Tele your money, most of the customers can't read
    But they do like the colourful pictures!

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    Just happy to be here

  3. #3
    Player Jethro's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by The EnForcer
    But they do like the colourful pictures!
    And there's always front page coverage if Kylie farts

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