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Thread: Force admits Sharpe top-up

  1. #16
    Internet Troll
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    ignorance is bliss

    Well, if the Force have done no wrong, why is every paper in Australia telling you they have? Thought of that? Sorry, I'm making an assumption you read more than just Dolly and Womans Day...

    Regulations have existed in Australian Rugby for many years and not since 2006... The Force just chose to avoid them and hope they wont get caught out. Have you forgotten the fact the Force were fined $60,000 for breaking rules when they tried to recruit, Kanaar? Dont you think that $60,000 would have been better spent on junior rugby development in WA?

    If the reporting of Force management is that bad, why dont they sue? Well, we know why - they know the press are right and they're hoping the media will go away....not likely.

    If you're happy to support management that break rules, cop fines and destroy our team, then you'll be supporting a ruined team. This isnt an eastern states conspiracy, its fact. So stop playing with your star war toys, watching A Current Affair, and understand what the papers are trying to tell you.

    Flamethrower, I wont dignify your comments with a response. You wouldnt be a kiwi by any chance?

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  2. #17
    Legend Contributor Flamethrower's Avatar
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    You tosser!!! You just did.

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    Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.

  3. #18
    Legend Contributor Flamethrower's Avatar
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    Why are you a Kiwi?

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    Posted via space

    Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.

  4. #19
    Internet Troll
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    No flamethrower, I'm def not a kiwi.

    Now take your matches and go to bed.

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  5. #20
    Legend Contributor Flamethrower's Avatar
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    You appear to be still dignifying my comments.

    If that is the best you've got you had better find someone to change your nappie.

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    Posted via space

    Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.

  6. #21
    Legend Contributor Flamethrower's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Force1
    I thought I'd save you from breaching copyright law. You ****ing brainless twit
    And what breach would that be???

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    Posted via space

    Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.

  7. #22
    Champion Contributor Jehna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Force1
    J and No.8,

    Guys, I want the Force to win as much as you do, but I know the rules, and so do others, and we know that Force management has stuffed up badly.
    Firstly, if you really do want the Force to win, then maybe you should spend your energies supporting the boys rather than sprouting crap about their management.

    Quote Originally Posted by Force1
    Protocols and rules exist and Force management have broken these. Read the SMH and you'll get the truth.
    Secondly, i'm still having difficulty in comprehending how exactly it is that you know management has stuffed up, and that the Force have broken protocols? From what i can tell you seem to be suggesting that the SMH is the gospel of all that is honest and true in this world. This is the sole source of your knowledge? And your only evidence is opinion riddled trashy articles written with the sole purpose of creating controversy and selling papers? If that's the case then please, go ahead and plead your case in a court of law. Just don't expect me to be representing you. I aim to have a successful career as a lawyer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Force1
    Sorry, I'm making an assumption you read more than just Dolly and Womans Day...
    Sorry, I was making the assumption you weren't stupid enough to distinguish between dolly, womans day and the must have been the slightly different angled shot of paris hilton on the front cover of the paper that confused you....

    Quote Originally Posted by Force1
    And what makes it worse is that they've denied things for months and now come clean... Doesnt look good does it?
    For all your reading of the news, you seem to be failing to comprehend any of it. Management have denied doing anything illegal. This article is not an admission of illegal activity.

    Quote Originally Posted by Force1
    A bit like a criminal in court that gets outwitted and does a plea bargain to save their arse from further embarressment. I thought I'd save you from breaching copyright law. You ****ing brainless twit
    Clearly you have no understanding of the legal system or the law at all...

    Quote Originally Posted by Force1
    Guys, read the news with a pinch of salt and join the dots.... even you should be able to work it out, Jen......
    Why don't you go to law school and then come back and accuse me of being ignorant and stupid. You're talking out of your arse, and what's worse, is that your poor and ill-informed judgements aren't just limited to your comprehension of the world, but to the people in it as are you even going to learn

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    "Remember lads, rugby is a team game; all 14 of you make sure you pass the ball to Giteau."

  8. #23
    Champion Contributor Jehna's Avatar
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    Upon reflection Force1 I feel I owe you an apology...i just remembered the source of your extensive legal knowledge, knowledge of the inside workings of the Force management, of the inner workings of John O'Neil's brain and that of the sponsors, oh and of course the players, and not to mention each and everyone member on this forum who cares to disagree with you....

    You're a practising Divinationist...oh no wait...they don't exist...hmm..

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    "Remember lads, rugby is a team game; all 14 of you make sure you pass the ball to Giteau."

  9. #24
    (formerly known as Coach) Your Humble Servant Darren's Avatar
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    Force1 - don't confuse ignorance with healthy skepticism, loyalty or 'standing by your mates'. Making assumptions about individuals skills, intelligence or "life experience" isn't really the way to ingratiate yourself here either - although given your apparent one eyed agenda, this does not seem to be your intent. Repeatedly attacking our beloved Western Force and the members of this site (a Western Force 'supporters' website) is more likely to a coalesce members here against your agenda than to cause the dissent you seem to desire.

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  10. #25
    Veteran Jess's Avatar
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    Yeah i've never understood those people who have joined TWF simply to do nothing but pay out on the force to a bunch of hard core supporters.

    Just doesn't make any sense and certainly isn't the way to make friends. *shrugs*

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    I made Happy sad...

  11. #26
    Veteran Contributor The EnForcer's Avatar
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    Jehna , you are my hero!

    Damn, I missed all of the fun. I suspect our new friend may not hang around for too long, another gobby guy who doesn't have a clue about the passion we have.

    F1 if you do read this take note that this is a Western Force supporters site, so if you get your kicks out of bagging The Force and it's Management you are not welcome here. I'm sure you will be welcomed onto the Coloseum site where your type of BS is more suited.

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    Just happy to be here

  12. #27
    Senior Player Contributor WF2006's Avatar
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    Maybe Chiselhead has gained a little eloquence?

    or (as sumised in prior posts) this is actually a SMH lacky?

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  13. #28
    Champion Contributor Jehna's Avatar
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    Well our theory is that he's actually the man himself In which case I'd advise him to perhaps spend a little more time investigating the claims he's making as an investigative journo rather than wasting our time by making ill-informed claims about rugby management and making unfounded personal attacks

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    "Remember lads, rugby is a team game; all 14 of you make sure you pass the ball to Giteau."

  14. #29
    Senior Player Contributor WF2006's Avatar
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    Also, interestingly this "member" has not nominated a seating block at Subi in their details.
    As a long standing Western Force "member" it seems a little suspicious that this would be the time to pop up and start posting. If they really are a Force member that wants the best for the Force why have they never made a positive post during the season??

    Coach, are you in a position to confirm or deny that Force1's email ends in (or is it just a brand new hotmail account as well!?)

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  15. #30
    Champion Contributor Jehna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WF2006
    Also, interestingly this "member" has not nominated a seating block at Subi in their details.
    As a long standing Western Force "member" it seems a little suspicious that this would be the time to pop up and start posting. If they really are a Force member that wants the best for the Force why have they never made a positive post during the season??
    Well having said that i've been a dedicated member of the force from the beginning but i only discovered this place less than a month ago so its conceivable that he's only just appeared on the scene...but you make a good point about positive's not like we're a bunch of 10 year olds gushing about how wonderful everything in rugby is, blind to the rules, strategies, management issues etc that are also just as much a part of the game...

    I don't really appreciate being parented by someone who thinks the SMH is the bible and slags off anyone who dares to disagree..

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    "Remember lads, rugby is a team game; all 14 of you make sure you pass the ball to Giteau."

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