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Thread: big round for 4 teams

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I was just asking a question as I am unsure as to the touchie's power's and ability to intervene in a game and at no stage at all was I bitching or being rude.I thought it was a pleasant conversation that cleared up any misunderstanding between two rugby men so up yours Dinky

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    Wests Scarborough 1st Grade juggernaut has played finals rugby each and every year since its inception and continues this remarkable feat yet again this season and unbelievably it's still rolling on and as an added little circle jerk for the masses Wests actually hold the record for the current longest unbroken finals record.

  2. #32
    Senior Player DinkyDi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sprogrugby View Post
    Dinky Di - I think you're a Cott man ?

    What can you tell us about the weekend ? I haven't reffed them yet but obviously they seem to be setting themselves up nicely for finals. Did you watch the game - what impressed / disappointed you ?
    Posted via Mobile Device
    Fraid I can't comment too much as I did not get to see the game. From what I heard, Cott were dominant and ran up four tries in the first 30 and then fell asleep. Baysie played a very hard but fair game but were outgunned. Again this is third hand.

    I am impressed though that Cott have played the last few games without their "Force ring ins" and missing a number of 1st Graders and yet have managed to maintain a winning record barring the loss to Neddies. Whether you like them or not ( q the slagging off ) they have kept top spot all season and whilst having a hard run in to the finals they are still racking up bonus point wins.

    It is interesting to see how tight the battle is for the 3rd and 4th place spots and how some of the teams that struggled in the opening part of the season, are now hitting their straps. i can see upsets such as last weekends whipping of Soaks being more of the norm than the exception........ except where the Gulls are concerned.

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    'Rugby and sex are the only things you can enjoy without being good at them.' -anonymous

  3. #33
    Senior Player DinkyDi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by westies man View Post
    I was just asking a question as I am unsure as to the touchie's power's and ability to intervene in a game and at no stage at all was I bitching or being rude.I thought it was a pleasant conversation that cleared up any misunderstanding between two rugby men so up yours Dinky
    Fair call and I stand corrected

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    'Rugby and sex are the only things you can enjoy without being good at them.' -anonymous

  4. #34
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    Oi Westie, Fulvio, RM, Chertubler - how about a Bouquet for RugbyWA on new comp rule for 2014? No more than 4 EWF contracted players at any one club?????

    Also the e-mail sent to every registered player - No Pay = No Play on Saturday 20th July.

    Very quick to put the boot in whenever you can but very slow to acknowledge pro active decisions even though they may have taken time.

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  5. #35
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    Every registered player? Don't remember seeing the No Pay/No Play one.

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  6. #36
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    Knew that info 2 months ago hansie,get with the times

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    Wests Scarborough 1st Grade juggernaut has played finals rugby each and every year since its inception and continues this remarkable feat yet again this season and unbelievably it's still rolling on and as an added little circle jerk for the masses Wests actually hold the record for the current longest unbroken finals record.

  7. #37
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    Agree with the no pay no play policy but how is that anything to do with rugby WA thought that is a club issue,as for the 4 WF players per club will wait and see 2014 .

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  8. #38
    Player bunter's Avatar
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    The competition rules even stated that a Club could have no more than 3 EWF players at one stage. That didn't happen, so how do RWA expect to police it this time.
    Clubs have been since told that players are professionals and can go play where they want. As far as I know RWA has no control over contracted players as far as where they play is concerned.
    Always been a believer of no pay, no play so any reinforcement of that from RWA is to be applauded.
    But how will they know what deals are done with players at Club level regarding fees?

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  9. #39
    Legend Contributor fulvio sammut's Avatar
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    Well for a start, Hansie, it took RugbyWA 7 years and a lot of obfuscation before they acknowledged what I was telling them before they recruited their first player, so no kudos for being thick headed.

    And for mine, what's RugbyWA doing interfering with the clubs' internal financial policies vis a vis their players?

    Thin end of the wedge to take over club finances for mine.

    RugbyWA should practice controlling their own finances properly first.

    How much did they lose last year again?

    Glad I'm no longer involved. It does wonders for my blood pressure.

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  10. #40
    Legend Contributor brokendown gunfighter's Avatar
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    looks like it is still over 140/90 to me Fulvio

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  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hansie View Post
    Oi Westie, Fulvio, RM, Chertubler - how about a Bouquet for RugbyWA on new comp rule for 2014? No more than 4 EWF contracted players at any one club?????

    Also the e-mail sent to every registered player - No Pay = No Play on Saturday 20th July.

    Very quick to put the boot in whenever you can but very slow to acknowledge pro active decisions even though they may have taken time.
    Having worked late shift for 7 days straight Hansie it's a bit ordinary accusing me of being slow off the mark. When you and that flash Mercedes of yours are tucked up in your beds some of us are out there keeping the place ticking over.

    That aside, the 4 player per club thing is a good move - why did it take over 7 years to implement? We've heard all the RUPA this RUPA that, dog ate the homework etc arguments before. Do you honestly expect the Force players to obediently align themselves with the respective clubs four by four? What will happen Hansie is that the golden triangle clubs will each have four Force players officially aligned to them and the balance of Force players will elect not to be aligned with any club, because RWA apparently can't or won't "allocate" them. The balance of the Force squad will instead be uncommitted and just hang around with their mates from Cott.

    Bottom line is that clubs like Rocky will not have 4 Force players aligned with it in 2014. Are you putting your reputation on the line and saying that Rocky will have 4 Force players? I doubt it.

    No Pay - No Play; another good initiative by RWA and an attempt to stop the disease that is spreading amongst the clubs, however everyone knows that certain clubs will not play ball and will not advise Rugby WA the players names that have not paid; so life for them will continue as normal; ie they will continue to have full squads with less revenue coming in and less than desirable individuals running around in their kit.

    These things are a step in the right direction but are not the panacea that you are making out it is. That's the truth of the matter.

    When you do something worth acknowledging I will be the first in line but don't try to take the credit for watered down and probably ineffective policies. There'll be no Bouquets for you today.

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    Last edited by RumourMonger; 02-07-13 at 10:54.

  12. #42
    Senior Player DinkyDi's Avatar
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    Four EWF player per team is a great idea.. however, can RugbyWA limit this? who determines who the four are? the players themselves or the clubs in a bidding war or Rugby WA holds a pre season player draw for the public.

    Okay so - four players are allocated to Club YYY - two of them get the hump as they cant be arsed playing for a team a) so far away, b) is only going to win a few matches, c) don't like the playing strip d) all of the above. Who is going to make them rock up? is it in their contract?

    Just asking

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    'Rugby and sex are the only things you can enjoy without being good at them.' -anonymous

  13. #43
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    And whilst you're responding to those questions Hansie, perhaps add this to your list.

    Last weekend there were various Force players sent out to a number of junior carnivals around the town; great initiative on the face of it but why the hell (yet again) do the clubs not get the Force guys that are aligned to their clubs instead of randoms?

    Rugby WA just doesn't get it - club players (junior and senior) want to connect with the Force guys that actually play for their club not the opposition. This has happened on a number of occasions and serves to illustrate the lack of connection between the Force and the clubs.

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  14. #44
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    7 years is a long time, but better late than never.

    Contracted players cannot be told which club to go to. Written in stone and being tested in the courts in Canberra as we speak to test out Jake's directive last season.

    Many years later and our C.E.O. said O.K. we cannot direct contracted players but we can manage our comp.

    Now, it will be up to clubs to decide how and whom they want. The CEO has repeatedly said he does not want clubs to pay EWF contracted players - we all know some clubs have ignored this.

    If Club Cgull elects to encourage all 39 or so EWF players to their club - so be it - only 4 can be registered and only registered players can play in the comp.

    Say club Cgull chooses 4 starting force players and none get to play for the CGull's team - too bad, say 2 of the players say " Nup,,, cannot be bothered turning up for you, or don't want to play" the club Cgull can either try to change their minds, or suggest they go elsewhere.

    The idea is to the best to level out the playing field, but ultimately it will be up to the clubs to make their environment and club as welcoming as possible. Many EWF players have said at some clubs they did not feel welcome.

    Rocky has a super EWF ambassador in K-Bomb - surely with some communication, ideas and plans K-Bomb could get 3 of his mates to come down and play. Granted you have a problem with the tyranny of distance, maybe a fuel card, free meal on Thursday nights or something else and a plan could be hatched.

    Fulvio - Clubs requested help on the No Pay No Play policy, believe me when I say RugbyWA do not want to administer club finances. Petitions were made to ask RugbyWA to stop players moving from one club to another because club A insisted they pay. Clubs also felt they had trouble being the "bad cop" . The offer in this case is that any player a club needs subs for can be told " mate ... it's not our decision to get you to pay it's those mongrels at RugbyWA" . It is actually a bit rich when RugbyWa have provided insurance for all registered players, a non paid up player gets injured.... and then claims on the insurance he hasn't even paid for???? go figure.

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  15. #45
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    Yup 7 years is a long time, but better late than never.

    Contracted players cannot be told where to is written in stone and currently being tested in the courts in Canberra.

    Our CEO then figured ... O.K. we can't direct players but we can manage our comp. He also does not want clubs to renumerate EWF players - but we all know some clubs will not listen.

    Say Club Cgull entices all 37 or whatever EWF players to their club. They can only register 4 as only registered players can play in our comp.

    Say CGull welcomes 4 starters to their club, register them and find none play - stiff biccies.

    Say Club CGull gets 4 players, registers them and 2 can't be bothered playing - well send them packing.

    The intent is to now put the ball in the club's court. Many EWF players have said the clubs they were asked to go to did not make them feel welcome. They didn't expect a welcome mat but in some cases no-one even came up to say G'day. This goes back via the chinese whisper line to the mates during tours to SA, N.Z. and the East and those clubs are avoided.

    If clubs work proactively, make the boys feel welcome, they will stay.

    Rocky is plagued by the tyranny of distance, but does have a most popular player in the K-Bomb, surely with some good communication, maybe a fuel card to help with petrol down south and a feed at the club on Thursday nights and he'd bring a few mates.

    Regarding No Pay, No Play - Fulvio - we were petitioned by a premier grade club to help because players were moving to clubs where subs were "overlooked" . A few other clubs were canvassed to determine the level of the problem and found across the comp. some $80K conservatively was lost. clubs do not have to be the bad cop. they can tell their un financial player "'s those mongrels at RugbyWA insisting on this..not us..." Believe me..RugbyWA neither have the resources nor the will to run club's finances, this is a trial this year and if club's like it , it will then be implemented earlier in the season next year.

    Considering all player's severe injury insurance has been paid by RugbyWA, it is a bit rich when an un financial player gets injured and makes a claim on something he hasn't even paid for...go figure.

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