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Thread: RugbyWA goes into voluntary administration after Western Force legal fight with ARU

  1. #31
    Senior Player Macattack's Avatar
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    Thanks for the update Hans

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  2. #32
    Player LMSC's Avatar
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    This is why there should be no "moving on"

    There will not be a WA side in the NRC from 2019.

    There will be no more path ways.

    How can the association cavort with its executioner?

    Wind up RWA. Form a new entity under its own union. Maybe even convince the likes of SA, TAS to join. Let the IPRC throw trucks of money at all top Aust players. Put the chisel into the large crack ARU have created and smash it with a sledge hammer to fracture the remnants of of what ARU has left, to bring it down to start again - just like soccer did & league did.

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  3. #33
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    After the sale of the Force why did the liabilities for the headquarters and NIB remain with RWA when these were primarily facilities for the Force?

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  4. #34
    Veteran beige's Avatar
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    Well that's a nice kick in the nuts to start my Friday.

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    Last edited by beige; 17-11-17 at 09:07.

  5. #35
    Veteran sittingbison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hansie
    ...They needed votes from all unions to approve the re-branding, we asked how much did this cost, we were told $180K...
    That was your first mistake Hansie, trusting Clyne to not be duplicitous

    The $180k was the FEE. Website, stationary, offices, sign over the door, tracksuits etc not included in that paltry figure, the real cost of rebranding is easily million$.

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    The long sobs of autumn's violins wound my heart with a monotonous languor

  6. #36
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    Even at $180K they didn't get value for money.

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  7. #37
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    Just called the Federal Sports Minister's office to say how he has failed as a Sports Minister by allowing a National Governing Body to send one of it's state based Unions to go into Voluntary Administration.
    Suggested that they direct the Minister to read the ABC report and start to doing his Job as a Federal Sports Minister. National Governing Bodies should not be sending any of it's stakeholders into administration.

    His Canberra Office Phone No is
    (02) 6277 7220

    More people that get in touch may force him to actually perform in his role in supporting the National Interests of Rugby by putting pressure on RATS ARSE.

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  8. #38
    Apprentice sack & crac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hansie View Post
    O.K. let me try and summarize.

    1. Andrew Forrest made commitments to fund OUR legal case. Clayton Utz on behalf of the ARU tried to move an action through the Supreme Court in WA - when we first injuncted - that the case should be dismissed as we could not fund our legal battle. We had a number of people put their hands up to say they would help fund this battle - NOWHERE did we commit to fund their battle, accept losses, damages etc. Once we went to Arbitration and into NSW our commitment became null and void. Andrew together with us, made an offer to the ARU that exceeded 50% of their $840,000.00 claim and a commitment that over time we would endeavour to pay more. It was a "take it or leave it" offer and when left - Andrew quite rightly withdrew his offer.

    As directors we have a duty to declare that we are facing insolvency and therefore need an Administrator to continue the operation .

    Rugby Juniors and Referees WA, are insulated from this.

    Bear in mind RA have just gone through re-branding. An unnecessary cosmetic exercise. They needed votes from all unions to approve the re-branding, we asked how much did this cost, we were told $180K . sorry to say but this is Bulls$%t. Are you telling me all the graphics, changes to posters, signage, business cards, intellectual property, colour selection etc cost this little!!!!

    So much for trying to be frugal and channel funds to grass roots.

    We will be working closely with Korda to make sure we continue and keep our good people.

    Bear in mind, Andrew is still behind the Western Force and we still want to make the IPRC a success.

    To my dear fried Ali.... our hearts want to do what you suggest, but we have to do some research which will take time. World Rugby needs to be involved, finances looked at, pathways assured and the full effect needs to be thoroughly thought through, we are doing that.
    Thanks for the update.

    So Twiggy offered to fund our legal fees but nowhere did the board consider an outcome where we lost and that a pissed of ARU might follow through on their threats? Are we really that surprised that our friends at RA have given us the big FU on this? After all Pulver did put it clear in a letter in advance.

    In my line of work if my boss took on costs with the knowledge he couldn't pay that's considered trading whilst insolvent. It's not like this outcome was unforeseeable right?

    Seems like this action has only further strengthened the spreadsheet case and done more damage to Western Australian Rugby.

    Venues West is government owned. I don't believe a populist premier is going to let Rugby fail here. Twiggy is trying to keep the cost to a minimum.

    Regarding costs to rebrand. You've heard of this place called China right? They're cheaper than Snap Printing and possibly did a deal.

    Storm in a teacup. Look forward to seeing the new branded name of RugbyWA in due course and the masses of money flooding back to West Australian grass roots. I assume Sinders is back on board to get the former sponsors directing money back to the clubs?

    Over here on the coast we need money for candles and about 100 volunteers every Tuesday and Thursday to hold them to help light the fields so we can train. Can you add that to the workshop when it happens please.

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    Get me inside a boardroom and I'll get any decision I want

  9. #39
    Veteran sittingbison's Avatar
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    Complete hogswash

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    The long sobs of autumn's violins wound my heart with a monotonous languor

  10. #40
    Veteran beige's Avatar
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    With all due respect I find it hard to trust any of the parties this morning - the ARU, Forrest or RugbyWA.

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  11. #41
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    All this from a simple game played between two teams and a ball. Fucken unbelievable!!

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  12. #42
    Champion SPaRTAN's Avatar
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    Ultimately the best solution for RugbyWA is to let it all fall over, and we start again as our very own governing body. Anything less is just pandering to these Eastern Australian bullies. What is it going to take for the people at the top of RugbyWA to realise that their fans and supporters have quite frankly had enough!

    Enough is enough. Shut rugbyWA down. No restructuring, no more bullshit, lets finally do this and move the fuck on.

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  13. #43
    Immortal jargan83's Avatar
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    From that same Nick Taylor article on the previous page:

    It is understood RA, who owned the Force before they axed them, may face a further battle over payments to nib Stadium.

    There is a year to run on a deal worth about $250,000 for eight Force games that were due to be played at the stadium next season.

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  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hansie View Post
    Rugby Juniors and Referees WA, are insulated from this.
    We will be working closely with Korda to make sure we continue and keep our good people.
    I don't see these questions being asked in other postings and it may be that it is too early to have answers to them.
    1. What does this mean for the local clubs?
    2. Do the local clubs have any liabilities, actual or contingent, arising from this action and/or from the claim by Rugby Australia?
    3. Do sponsors of the local clubs have any liabilities, actual or contingent, arising from this action and/or from the claim by Rugby Australia?
    4. What does this mean for the proposed new Senior Grade competition in 2018?

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  15. #45
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moz View Post
    Done, just posted
    Good job as I have been occupied with the Roar and sent this broadside off to the RA

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am writing to express my disgust at the ARU's behaviour towards Rugby in Western Australia and the findings coming out of the recent Senate Inquiry in to the Future of Rugby Union in Australia.

    Before I get started If I get a response from a secretary or personal assistant you should also resign as having such a dishonest organisation that has been rightfully shamed on your resume is not a good look. This also be suggested to your 'Chairman' who more correctly should be titled 'Dictator and demolition SME for the game of Rugby in Australia.'

    You appoint board members from the 'boys club' belonging to the Friends of Sydney University Football Club and the nominations committee is an absolute joke.

    The fact that the then so called ARU had a member of the Friends boys club conduct one of the 13 reviews is an absolute farce and not independent at all.

    Mr Pulver's behaviour publicly towards the Western Force and in front of the Senate Committee is an absolute disgrace to the game of Rugby in Australia. This is from an individual who has already resigned and should have been put out on garden leave for doing such a horrendous job.

    Apart from seeking legal costs from Rugby WA which your disgraceful organisation put them in that position to fight for their survival and sacking staff in that organisation you have not provided a solution for the future survival of the game there. I mean survival as you can't administrate a game when you have skeleton staff and in voluntary administration.

    I have already suggested to people inside Rugby WA who are by miracle are still there due to the fact that they haven't been sacked by your shameful organisation that they succeed from the poorly named Rugby Australia as they no longer represent them as custodians of the game.

    On top of this I have also suggested to the WA Government to take you to town in court. Rugby in WA is going to go down due to your reckless behaviour and malpractice so you should go down too.

    You claim to be struggling financially however you managed to waste money on a re-branding and using taxpayer funds to move to a new facility opposite your mates at the Waratahs.

    Just resign and wind yourselves up so Rugby in Australia can start again with a more honest crew representing the best interests of the game in this country.


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    'I may be a Senator but I am not stupid'

    Link to Senate Report

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