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Thread: Whats going on at Scots College?

  1. #31
    Champion Contributor tragic's Avatar
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    ... between a rock and a bigger rock.
    Quote Originally Posted by pruc
    YEH .... LYK WEN WE VERSED THEM SCOTCH COACH ...' I NO ILL PUT OPN MY B TEAM its only wesley pfft wot can they do' .... um draw
    with u guys
    I haven't the faintest clue what you're on about

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  2. #32
    Champion Contributor Mtbeaver's Avatar
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    Hes talking about the Syme cup...

    He was playing our A 9's, and mr Sinden thought he should pretty much sub the whole team and but on the b's... they drew

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  3. #33
    Player Contributor RugbyFan's Avatar
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    haha sinden what would he know

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  4. #34
    Champion Contributor Mtbeaver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gotheforce
    I think its great how Scotch is leading the push to stop this behaviour in schools. I'd still recommend Scotch as THE school to go to in WA to anyone who asks.
    Yeah, i agree with gotheforce, its the same story at every other school, and the fact that the media are pin pointing it on scotch is appaling.

    A quote that was made by a parent whos son goes to scotch was put in the POST, it read "we're paying $13 thousand a year for this"

    She is saying that like its the school fault!

    That is the thing that pisses me off the most about this all.

    Its really only the West Australian (for a change) who are looking at it from the perspective that Rev Syme is putting the end to it, and not starting it.

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    Last edited by Mtbeaver; 25-10-06 at 10:34. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  5. #35
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    Although not everybody is happy with the quality of education given at Scotch College.

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  6. #36
    Veteran Contributor frontrow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fulvio sammut
    I never hired a stripper or had the opportunity to see one whilst in high school. I never smoked dope or took hard drugs whilst in high school. I never drank alcohol either, except with my parents present and under their supervision. I never crashed other people's parties or had mine crashed.I never beat the crap out of innocent people or had the crap beaten out of me. I never got beyond holding hands and a goodnight kiss from the pro temp loves of my life when at high school.

    You see, I was an immigrant kid at a Government school who's folk kept a watchful and caring eye from a comfortable distance, and apart from a couple of furtive cigarettes behind the toilets I didn't have much exposure to the dubious adult pleasures of life. I had my rugby, my friends both male and female,my school work, my holiday jobs, my fishing and my other sporting interests.That was it.

    Everything else I was exposed to in spades when I was older and able to exercise my own judgment with a degee of maturity.

    My heart bleeds for todays children, including my own.We adults have created a world which robs them of their childhood and thrusts them into an environment of hedonism where there are no limits and no rules at an age where they are too young to make value judgments. We have abrogated our resposibilities to those we treasure most in our pursuit of our own selfish interests.

    I'm no wowser, I can take a joke and I don't give a toss about religion. I am as rough and tough as the best of them when the need or occasion arises.But it hurts me to think that we have allowed things to get to the stage they apparently are.

    Good luck Rev. Syme, you're going to need it.

    I couldn`t agree with you more old mate, we all need to learn the lessons of life, but being thrust into it as our youth are now, it will only lead to more stupid decisions and often ends in tradgedy or prison cells, etc...
    And with a society who puts the opinions of do gooders and civil libertarians ahead of common sense we will only see it get worse...I am thankful i grew up in the country as i was more or less shielded from the temptations which confront youth at every turn nowadays, and i hope i can bring my son up to have good values and morals, but i am sure it isn`t going to be easy, unfortunately...I actually don`t see a end of year celebration of the boys as too big a problem, but under supervision with a few of the "cooler', but responsible, parents to act as a sort of chaperone, and definately no vegetable munching strippers, just a few quite ales and some tales of "back in my day" to pass the evening 8)

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  7. #37
    Champion Contributor Mtbeaver's Avatar
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    Just found this on Wikipdeia, the free encyclopedia.
    On 21 October 2006, both The West Australian, Perth's largest newspaper, and The Australian reported that the school's Headmaster, Reverend Andrew Syme, had called a meeting of "critical importance" to discuss recent events Year 11 students were involved in with parents.[14][15] Events linked to boys from the school include Year 11 and 12 boys in the First XV rugby team hiring a stipper known to use vegetables in her act, "sex romps" after consuming alcohol and weekend use of recreational drugs.[14] Syme made clear his intention to meet with headmasters of other Perth private schools in an attempt to cut down on events which bring about bad publicity.[14] Syme told newspapers he was angry about boys in the rugby wind-up hiring a stripper.[14]

    The meeting will be with Year 11 parents on October 31 in the school's libary, the BRC.[16]

    On 23 October, the first Monday after the headlines, it was revealed by Trudi Cooper, an Edith Cowan University lecturer in youth work, that claims sexual activity and use of illicit drugs increasing in recent years are untrue. Cooper has annouced that there are routine studies on sexual activity and drug usage by teens. Since the 1980s there has been no abrupt change.[17]

    "Unfortunately, this year I have heard stories of boys lying to parents about the social events that are occurring; of parents' houses being trashed; alcohol and drugs being accessed; of gangs (from beyond the school) attacking boys; and of sexual behaviour that would be of concern to all parents"
    — Headmaster Reverend Andrew Syme in the letter he sent to parents

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    Last edited by Mtbeaver; 25-10-06 at 21:58.

  8. #38
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    I find the amount of publicity this is being given is just plain stupid. Of course there's a limit to what is considered appropriate and inappropriate when it comes to end of year parties etc, but this whole thing seems a bit over the top. I'm also annoyed, like many others (even though i have no involvement with Scotch whatsoever), that the media is saying that Scotch is such a 'problem' school when these kinds of things happen at most of the schools in the area. you look at any of the schools around and you'll find all this kind of thing, just in different circumstances. but hey, our opinions dont tend to count to anything, so whats the point?

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  9. #39
    Player gotheforce's Avatar
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    You can't blame Scotch for this whole thing. The school can't watch over the boys 24/7 and control what they do. The problem is with the parents for not having enough knowledge of what their sons are up to. And it's not as if Scotch is the only school to have this problem.

    The newspapers were probably having a slow day, so decided to make a big deal out of it anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by RugbyFan
    haha sinden what would he know

    Pete is a legend. He knows his rugby, especially the forwards. And he probably played the 9Bs against Wesley to give them some experience. No offence to Wesley yr9 team, but i think the Scoth 9Bs would easily put up a fight against the Wesley 9As. I'd do the same thing if i was coach.

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    Last edited by gotheforce; 29-10-06 at 15:42. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  10. #40
    Player Contributor RugbyFan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gotheforce
    Pete is a legend. He knows his rugby, especially the forwards.
    I agree with you, i've shared many Bundy's with him, he certainly has the rugby knowledge, but i think playing a "B side" against an "A side" is a bit arrogant, especially when its year 9 rugby.

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  11. #41
    Champion Contributor Mtbeaver's Avatar
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    no no no... he was playing the a's for the first bit... but then subed the whole team for the b's

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  12. #42
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    go the force... u hav no idea wot u are talking about. Wesley 9a's finished 3rd on the ladder half a game off scotch and a game of trinity. so b4 u say stuf lyk that atleast no ur fatcs. i take as a real insult as i am captain of this team and im in the forward pack. Besides, our pack was too strong for scotch they culdnt take our pressure and it went to uncontested scrums. We hav the biggest backrow in the comp. So next time ur goin to make a comment lyk that know your facts. And i wuld also lyk to point out on that day wesley only lost 1 game out of 4 so really u shuldnt b critisising wesley rugby!

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  13. #43
    Player gotheforce's Avatar
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    Mate, i know my facts. I've watched both Scotch and Wesley play this year and even ref-ed for both teams once. I watched that game at the Foreshore as well and i can say clearly, that Wesley never did look like they were going to score. And the 9 Bs were putting up a good fight with your As. But let's look even further into the Scotch team. Scotch's 2 flying flankers were both injured, and 1 of them is an awesome player who's in regionals now. On top of that, the star prop was also injured in that game along with the first choice hooker. So you guys were playing about half of the B team to start off with. Considering Scotch were 12-0 up with about 15 mins to go, i think giving the reserves a go is a good decision and i'd do the same thing when i'm coaching my own teams.

    Wesley's plan of kicking deep and across field in that game was boring and very predictable. It worked for a while, but it grew old. And what was with your winger who scored the try in the corner, when he could put it under the post easily, considering there wasn't any defence there.

    But let us go back to last year, reminding you who did win the Sinden Cup back then? I think it was Scotch. And going back to this year's earlier game against Wesley, Scotch beat you guys 33-7. I call that a 'Thrashing'. I admit Wesley's 9A forward pack is pretty good esp in the rucks and mauls, but its not all about the forwards in the game. And size helps, but isn't the main factor. It's how you play the game. But after all, like you said, what do i know about my facts? After all, i'm only a level 2 accredited coach in progress.=) Mate, good luck with your school's rugby, and i look forward to watching you guys play next year.

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  14. #44
    Veteran Contributor frontrow's Avatar
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    Sounds like you know your facts gotheforce, no argument from me as i have no knowledge of both teams abilities, unlike you...
    Pruc, remember, we are all entitled to our opinions, even when they upset others, ie yourself...Don`t take it to heart, just use it for motivation next year and prove the critics wrong, thats the best way to get your point across...

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  15. #45
    Player gotheforce's Avatar
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    I agree with frontrow. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.Pruc, I apologise if my opinion on Wesley isn't positive, but it's based on what i know and what i see. And so prove me wrong next year when the PSA season starts and you guys play Scotch. I look forward to it. But in the meantime, Go The Force!

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