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Thread: semi final time

  1. #31
    Rookie Eel's Avatar
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    Apparently Cowan and Wykes are playing for Wests in addition to Hayward. Two of them wouldn't know what colour uniform Wests play in.[/QUOTE]

    Really? They must be colour blind then ...
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  2. #32
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    Photo Shop is a great program.

    Ask your registrar who long they have been registered with Wests. And then come back and tell us.

    And while you're there ask him when the dispensation was applied for and granted.

    PS I know the answer so I'll know if you're telling a porky. I will give you a hint, its less than 3 days!

    Looking forward to your response.

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    Last edited by RumourMonger; 15-08-13 at 15:36.

  3. #33
    Champion zed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RumourMonger View Post

    I understand from info that I have received that Wests will have 3 Force players, two of whom have never played a minute of rugby and in fact the Rugby WA has them listed with other clubs. WTF!

    I still wouldn't put it past that Cott coach to pull a swifty and exploit some loophole and bring back Whittaker, Brown and a few others for this Saturday or subsequent finals. Not going to worry too much about Cott because they are effectively Force A in any case.

    "last week Junior played well for Cott, but he was certainly not MOM." Are you crazy? He scored a try and set another one up!

    The injection of these Force guys just for the finals upsets the balance of the teams ie some may have an edge in the fwds others in the backs.

    "We have been crying out for EWF players to play in our comp." Yes, during the season and if they qualify, for the finals but not be parachuted in just for the finals.

    Apparently Cowan and Wykes are playing for Wests in addition to Hayward. Two of them wouldn't know what colour uniform Wests play in.

    "I think it is a storm in a teacup." You are so out of touch with community rugby. This episode will make the 2009 fiasco look like a teacup in a storm!

    "so they can come and watch Paddy play - but does he make a difference - not as much as people make out."
    Well don't play him then, let him walk amongst the crowd signing autographs.

    "Yes for some 2009 will go down as the year Brownie won cott the flag, but each Pally player that played in that game will forever say " I played against that Wallaby" . You have been on record on twf as saying Brown made no difference in 2009 and now you are saying the opposite. What a hypocrite! Two weeks ago I had a few beers at Tompkins Park and they weren't using the term "that Wallaby", it was more like "that Dirtbag mercenary"!

    People don't forget this type of treachery and it will definitely cost the Force memberships and I understand from a reliable source one sponsor if this proceeds as rumoured on the weekend.
    Sorry fellas I'm going to side with RumourMonger on this one. Looking past his hysterical rantings, he makes some valid points.

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  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by zed View Post
    Sorry fellas I'm going to side with RumourMonger on this one. Looking past his hysterical rantings, he makes some valid points.
    Yes he makes valid points, but that only because Pally doesn't have any Force players!

    Unfair to them? No doubt!

    But why don't they have any Force players? Whose to blame? Pally or RWA?
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  5. #35
    Legend Contributor brokendown gunfighter's Avatar
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    the pally president?

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  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piston View Post
    Yes he makes valid points, but that only because Pally doesn't have any Force players!

    Unfair to them? No doubt!

    But why don't they have any Force players? Whose to blame? Pally or RWA?
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    Lets be quite clear Pisston, I don't care who has or does not have Force players, as long as its done fairly. There's a principle at stake here.

    Parachuting players into any club just for finals is immoral and unfair irrespective of what loophole a club hides behind. Each of the clubs have to look each other in the eye over the coming weeks and years and only some will be able to look straight back.

    If Dellitt had played 3 or more games for Nedlands during the season then good luck to Nedlands, but less than 3 then we are all entitled to ask the question.

    Most fair-minded persons would I'm sure see it this way.

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  7. #37
    Legend Contributor brokendown gunfighter's Avatar
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    has Cowan been given a transfer from Neddies to Wests?

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  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by RumourMonger View Post
    Lets be quite clear Pisston, I don't care who has or does not have Force players, as long as its done fairly. There's a principle at stake here.

    Parachuting players into any club just for finals is immoral and unfair irrespective of what loophole a club hides behind. Each of the clubs have to look each other in the eye over the coming weeks and years and only some will be able to look straight back.

    If Dellitt had played 3 or more games for Nedlands during the season then good luck to Nedlands, but less than 3 then we are all entitled to ask the question.

    Most fair-minded persons would I'm sure see it this way.
    RM I agree what you say, but you still haven't answered my question. Why does Pally not have any Force players? If they had some, then at least it would've been an even playing field. Still doesn't mean it's right.

    Pally haven't had any Force players for a few years now. Is it their choice, bad recruitment or RWA fault? Im asking as I don't know the process.

    Anyway at least Pally will have a well gel team. A lot of times you see stars coming into teams only for it not to work as there is no continuity. Might work in Pallys favour!
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  9. #39
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    Wasn't Manu with Paly?

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  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by travelling_gerry View Post
    Wasn't Manu with Paly?
    And tupou
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  11. #41
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    I don't know as much about paly as others on this website but my recollection from earlier this season (something may have changed) was that Salesi Manu and Will Tupou were aligned with them. Sorry I don't know if they are de-listed or what the story is.

    Last year I think they had a few but can't recollect the names.

    I can tell you that K Bomb is a bloody good guy and keen to play for Rocky whenever he can and make a contribution. Even hangs around after for the social side.

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  12. #42
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    Wasn't Matt Hodgson also originally with Paly? Wonder why he left to drive all the way up to Wanneroo?

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  13. #43
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    I believe (if you can believe the horses mouth) that two Wests players are now jumping ship as a result of todays selection bombshell.

    This is a cancer that has already began to eat away at the culture of Wests.

    Some of the old guard at Wests are very, very upset by the last weeks events. Whatever happens on the weekend they are now going to be put in the same bucket of swill as Cottesloe and that won't go down well.

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  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by travelling_gerry View Post
    Wasn't Matt Hodgson also originally with Paly? Wonder why he left to drive all the way up to Wanneroo?
    I thought everyone knew the answer to that one.

    When the Force players were originally "allocated" to various clubs the naïve clubs thought that John Mitchell's word was gospel. they didn't realise at the time there was something called a RUPA Agreement that meant players could go to any club and would go to the one that offered them the most money.

    A number of clubs eg Baysie, Kala, Rocky and Paly fell victim to this. Wanneroo's sugar daddy paid Hodgson and O'Young and arranged some real estate deal for them, or so the story goes. They never even ventured south of the river. O'Young even shafted Wanneroo and sold his soul to Soaks in 09 - no idea what they paid.

    At the end it all comes down to:

    a) Who you know,

    b) Who at the Force are looking after your club's interests

    c) how much you pay.

    That's my memory of it. I know Kala are ropeable that they haven't been able to lure any Force players into the foothills (except for Drew Mitchell who they stole from Baysie for one game!) He wouldn't have come cheap.

    It's a dirty business dealing with these so-called professional players.

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  15. #45
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    Wrong again RM. Chris O Young actually asked if he could go to Wanneroo. And Hodgo simply went up there. No real estate deals done.

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