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Thread: Semi Final Disgrace

  1. #31
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    Everyone has their own opinion on this issue and that's fine because one of the main reasons I visit this site is to get different rugby purists perspective's on various topics.Again for those that can't or refuse to acknowledge the simple fact that this situation has not been caused by the Wests organisation in any shape or form whatsoever.I am very disappointed that certain people now see fit to bag my club and make up lies and innuendo. I dread the moment if and when the players concerned are injected into the match because the ferals will no doubt give it to them and it will make us all look like a bunch of backward hillbillies.This is my last post on this subject because quite frankly we need to focus on Sunday and don't need this kind of distraction.Anyone still has a problem come up and introduce yourself, I'm the 1st grade manager and have always and will always have our coaching staffs back even if I don't agree with the decisions they may or may not make.All the best Paly and hope the game reaches the heights expected of two clubs that share a healthy respect for each other as they have always done

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    Wests Scarborough 1st Grade juggernaut has played finals rugby each and every year since its inception and continues this remarkable feat yet again this season and unbelievably it's still rolling on and as an added little circle jerk for the masses Wests actually hold the record for the current longest unbroken finals record.

  2. #32
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    Good luck to you guys Westie - look after Pek at the club, he's a very good clubman. Big loss to us.

    Most of the hysteria surrounding this issue also can be based on the fact that most EWF players are here from Eastern States, N.Z. or S.A.

    Say, Kyle Godwin only came available for a finals contender this weekend - would you all deny him the chance to play for his club which he has been part of since Colts?

    Next question - say you took seriously your investment in the Force, the millions of your money you have put into hiring the best coach and medical staff you can get. You also own the players and are working darn hard to climb the ladder next year. You work hard to get the players to stay here and your medical staff and coach tell you that 4,5 or 6 of them are still overcoming some niggling injuries that if exposed to further aggravation could rule said player (s) from pre-season.

    Do you tell your coach " Nick off - they have to play 3 games for their club to qualify"

    or do you tell your players go to Sydney and play because the small vocal minority don't want you here, will not cut you any slack and are bringing in the lawyers?

    Chris Alcock was permitted back to play last week, I think Hugh was permitted back the week before, Pek and Paddy are free to play this week. To me this indicates some professional injury and man management happening - I actually respect the Force for looking after my investment this way.

    BUT Nooooo - we should be telling Pek, Paddy and Sam - Go East because you're being parachuted in? Your clubs are being threatened with legal action.

    You bemoan the fact loyal clubbies may be bumped to make way for these guys. GENTS that's life, if your club and coach cannot work with you and engage you to be part of the discussion - your beef Mr. Clubbie is not with RugbyWA, the professional players or your opponents, but with your club adminstration and coach.

    We shall never grow in WA if the order of importance is Me, myself, I and Moi. The descending order must be:

    Wallabies, Force, Club, Team, Me.

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  3. #33
    Senior Player Muddly's Avatar
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    Hansie and Westie. Multiple praise for both of you. For those on the other side of the fence, a tea spoon full of harden the ..... up!

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  4. #34
    Immortal GIGS20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by westies man View Post
    I'm the 1st grade manager and have always and will always have our coaching staffs back even if I don't agree with the decisions they may or may not make.
    Sorry to grag the shit again Westie, but as manager, you are well placed to answer a question which has been nagging me about this for a while now.

    Was there pressure put on you by RugbyWA to make these boys play? If the coaching staff have simply accepted an offer of help, which will improve their team nobody will be surprised.

    I would hope that they had a chat with the bloke who has filled the role and got him on board......other than that, no harm no foul.

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    C'mon the

  5. #35
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    None whatsoever in any shape or form

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    Wests Scarborough 1st Grade juggernaut has played finals rugby each and every year since its inception and continues this remarkable feat yet again this season and unbelievably it's still rolling on and as an added little circle jerk for the masses Wests actually hold the record for the current longest unbroken finals record.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hansie View Post
    Good luck to you guys Westie - look after Pek at the club, he's a very good clubman. Big loss to us. Good to see someone poaching from Neddies for a change. Was he man enough to tell you or did he just scarper and let the grapevine do the work?

    Most of the hysteria surrounding this issue also can be based on the fact that most EWF players are here from Eastern States, N.Z. or S.A. Where they come from is irrelevant, another of your red herrings. It's the concept of Injustice that is behind this so-called "hysteria".

    Say, Kyle Godwin only came available for a finals contender this weekend - would you all deny him the chance to play for his club which he has been part of since Colts? Yes, if he hasn't played his 3 games. Same rule for everyone.

    Next question - say you took seriously your investment in the Force, the millions of your money you have put into hiring the best coach and medical staff you can get. You also own the players and are working darn hard to climb the ladder next year. You work hard to get the players to stay here and your medical staff and coach tell you that 4,5 or 6 of them are still overcoming some niggling injuries that if exposed to further aggravation could rule said player (s) from pre-season. Each club has invested 10 months or so in forming a team, training, patching them up etc etc and many players go into finals weary and carrying niggly injuries only to have these Force guys who haven't played club all year wander in fresh as a button expecting to be applauded. Give me a break.

    Do you tell your coach " Nick off - they have to play 3 games for their club to qualify" Yep, the Competition Rules are there for a reason so why do they get manipulated to suit certain clubs come finals time?

    or do you tell your players go to Sydney and play because the small vocal minority don't want you here, will not cut you any slack and are bringing in the lawyers? If they haven't qualified for finals here then they may as well go elsewhere.

    Chris Alcock was permitted back to play last week, I think Hugh was permitted back the week before, Pek and Paddy are free to play this week. To me this indicates some professional injury and man management happening - I actually respect the Force for looking after my investment this way. You may find that many people will not be "investing" in Force memberships for 2014 if this behaviour continues.

    BUT Nooooo - we should be telling Pek, Paddy and Sam - Go East because you're being parachuted in? Your clubs are being threatened with legal action. Goodbye Pek, Paddy and Sam go East and keep running if that's the way they behave. Do they not as individuals see the inequity in what they are doing? And if not, you have to query their morals.

    You bemoan the fact loyal clubbies may be bumped to make way for these guys. GENTS that's life, if your club and coach cannot work with you and engage you to be part of the discussion - your beef Mr. Clubbie is not with RugbyWA, the professional players or your opponents, but with your club adminstration and coach. Stop deflecting the issue Hansie, the beef is fairly and squarely with the body that grants the dispensations, RWA.

    We shall never grow in WA if the order of importance is Me, myself, I and Moi. The descending order must be:

    Wallabies, Force, Club, Team, Me.
    We shall never grow rugby in WA until The Force are genuinely integrated with community rugby and the community generally and that the parent body grows some balls and does the fair and equitable thing by all clubs and affiliated bodies.

    The Force players spend more time with Ronald McDonald than with local clubs and juniors, that's a fact.

    There's an alternate view for the ignorant amongst you to fire bullets at!.

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    Last edited by RumourMonger; 16-08-13 at 12:26.

  7. #37
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    I think Wests might have this. Force players or not, if the Paly players are so focused on the legal side of the game like some reflected here, they will have forgotten about the GAME!

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  8. #38
    Champion goony's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GIGS20 View Post
    Sorry to grag the shit again Westie, but as manager, you are well placed to answer a question which has been nagging me about this for a while now.

    Was there pressure put on you by RugbyWA to make these boys play? If the coaching staff have simply accepted an offer of help, which will improve their team nobody will be surprised.

    I would hope that they had a chat with the bloke who has filled the role and got him on board......other than that, no harm no foul.
    I heard that Wests could have played another one of their force players who has appeared on a number of occasions but have chosen not to due to their own reasons, reasons i know Westie is aware of. That shows that they aren't being pressured to play them, but if they fit the mould of the team and are on the same page then why wouldn't you?!? Wests to beat Palmyra by 8points, Nedlands over Cott by 5.

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  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by travelling_gerry View Post
    I think Wests might have this. Force players or not, if the Paly players are so focused on the legal side of the game like some reflected here, they will have forgotten about the GAME!
    I agree that Wests will beat Paly. Rugby WA have tipped the balance and ensured the corporate objective of having western suburbs clubs compete in the grand final is achieved by allowing the 3 vs none scenario to occur. Wests by 15.

    Neddies will beat that other lot by 8.

    Wests to win the GF, particularly if they get that 4th Force player on the park. What's the goss with him?

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  10. #40
    Legend Contributor fulvio sammut's Avatar
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    Can't RugbyWA shift the Wests/Paly game to Saturday so as to accomodate the personal life decisions of the Fourth Force player Morrison, who can't play on Sunday for religious reasons?

    After everything else they've done for Wests, like allowing them to play players who were never once registered to them throughout all the qualifying rounds, and never played a game for them, even as unregistered players, to parachute in just for the finals, it is the least RugbyWA could do to complete their campaign to screw Palmyra isn't it?

    I have kept right out of this so far but I can't any longer.

    This corruption of the competition rules is a travesty. it is immoral, in contravention of the competition rules and the laws of natural justice. It is unethical, and is a demonstration of the complete and utter bastardry of RugbyWA.

    I hope they choke in their own putrid vomit.

    I will never support anything they are involved in in the future and will make it my business to publicly expose every unsavoury activity they involve themselves in.

    This mob have no concern with grassroots rugby and are only in it for themselves.

    "First they came for Rockingham, but I was not from Rockingham, so I did nothing
    Then they came for Palmyra, but I ....."

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  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by RumourMonger View Post
    I agree that Wests will beat Paly. Rugby WA have tipped the balance and ensured the corporate objective of having western suburbs clubs compete in the grand final is achieved by allowing the 3 vs none scenario to occur. Wests by 15.

    Neddies will beat that other lot by 8.

    Wests to win the GF, particularly if they get that 4th Force player on the park. What's the goss with him?
    Wests aren't a western suburbs club now they are a bunch of beach bum,pot smoking hippies from the coast good luck Wests hope u give them a touch up
    Posted via Mobile Device

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  12. #42
    Champion zed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goony View Post
    but if they fit the mould of the team and are on the same page then why wouldn't you?!?
    It's a question of ethics my friend. Sport is a defining metaphor for life.

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  13. #43
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    RM - I shall reply to your comments as they are valid and perhaps need some clarification.

    Pek did let us know he was moving as it was logical for him to play for a club where his son was a junior and is literally walking distance from home.

    Comp rules do allow for some common sense to apply - hence the dispensation clause. If the medical staff and coach of the EWF released Pek, Sam and Paddy soon after the Brumbies game ALL would have their 3 games in for their respective clubs and there would be no argument.

    They have all been down to training each week, mingling and contributing to the club. Mixing with players, helping a bit of coaching ( In fact EWF coach has insisted they all commit to a level 2 coaching course) and buying their own softdrinks and food. For all intents and purposes they are club men returning from professional duties. The comp rules allows for dispensation in the event of injury precluding any player meeting either their 6 games or 3 games qualification.

    I do agree with you that in this day and age club loyalty does not count as much as it did many years ago - that's life, we just have to suck it up.

    If hypothetically Rocky was in the finals and K-Bomb only available on this weekend - you'd tell him to piss off over East?

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  14. #44
    Immortal GIGS20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goony View Post
    I heard that Wests could have played another one of their force players who has appeared on a number of occasions but have chosen not to due to their own reasons, reasons i know Westie is aware of. That shows that they aren't being pressured to play them, but if they fit the mould of the team and are on the same page then why wouldn't you?!? Wests to beat Palmyra by 8points, Nedlands over Cott by 5.
    And I'm completely ok with that. I would also assume that the coach (if he is in any way worth his salt) has had a word with the loyal clubmen and got their agreement as well. Since all clubs went into the season knowing this was a possibility then it's only really childish tantrumism that keeps this thread going

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    C'mon the

  15. #45
    Champion MI5_Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fulvio sammut View Post
    This corruption of the competition rules is a travesty. it is immoral, in contravention of the competition rules and the laws of natural justice. It is unethical, and is a demonstration of the complete and utter bastardry of RugbyWA.

    I hope they choke in their own putrid vomit.
    Don't hold back mate.
    Tell us how you really feel.

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