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Thread: Official Alan Jones thread

  1. #526
    Champion SPaRTAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bakkies View Post
    The RA’s code of conduct won’t stand up against the law of the land particularly in NSW. You can’t sack someone based on religious beliefs and Folau knew he wouldn’t get a fair hearing from the RA so there was no point in appealing. Folau will have powerful financial backing.
    Yes you can and they did.

    I doubt Folau will get a cent for being a homophobe. He is toast. People who believe they can broadcast homophobic slurs under the guise of religion are morons who fail to understand the law of the land, especially in NSW.

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  2. #527
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SPaRTAN View Post
    Yes you can and they did.

    I doubt Folau will get a cent for being a homophobe. He is toast. People who believe they can broadcast homophobic slurs under the guise of religion are morons who fail to understand the law of the land, especially in NSW.
    We are talking about the RA here and they don’t do due diligence. Folau went in to the hearing knowing that he wouldn’t get a fair go. It was always going to go to court.

    Religious beliefs and religious expression are two different things. It was what Folau believes in and you can’t sack someone for that.

    If it was to go with the law of the land Folau’s lawyers wouldn’t take the case on. The law of the land trumps employment contracts.

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  3. #528
    Immortal Contributor GIGS20's Avatar
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    What if the tenets of his religion require him to make public statements as an expression of religious devotion?

    Is he then not allowed to practise his religion?

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    C'mon the

  4. #529
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    That’s another complex discussion to this debate.

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  5. #530
    Veteran sittingbison's Avatar
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    I was reading my King James, and came across this"
    ...And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money changers, and the seats of them that sold doves, And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves....
    I decided it was my religious duty to take the collection plate from my parish and cast out the reverend. I then relieved the local branch of the NAB of its filthy lucre. And I then went around to Bill Lawry's house and freed all his racing pigeons. I explained my reasoning to plod, but for some reason they decided to ignore my rights to express religious beliefs and freedoms, and arrested me.

    I'm going to use legal aid from my Pentridge cell to launch a High Court challenge.

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  6. #531
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    Is that a reading for uncle Cam according to the Holy Gospel of Folau?

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  7. #532
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    Uncle the Cam the Grim Reaper

    Friends, Aussies, rugby followers, lend me your earsALAN JONES
    Israel Folau.
    Israel Folau.
    12:00AM JUNE 21, 2019470 COMMENTS
    I don’t want to overdo the Shakespeare stuff, but it was Mark Anthony, re the tragedy of Julius Caesar, who uttered the words that should resonate with Rugby Australia.

    “Oh judgment! Thou art fled to brutish beasts and men have lost their reason. Bear with me.”

    Indeed. The judgment being exercised by the rugby administration is obviously predicated on the belief that the Folau affair will go away.


    Labor’s three-test tax hurdle
    Those running the game are either ignorant or indifferent; that is, they don’t know or they do know and don’t care.

    You see, endless scarce resources are being used to condemn, vilify and misrepresent anything associated with Israel Folau, as public momentum builds inexorably against RA.

    I understand it even has a journalist dedicated to “bagging” anything Folau says in order to protect the untenable position of the administration.

    MORE: Folau sets up GoFundMe page

    MORE: ‘No religion clause in contract’

    In November last year, the Federal Minister for Education announced an independent review into freedom of speech within universities.

    It was undertaken by the Hon Mr Robert French AC, former distinguished chief justice of the High Court of Australia.

    Among the conclusions delivered by Justice French was the assertion that freedom of lawful speech is a “paramount value” and that students and staff do not need to be protected from being offended or insulted.

    As I have said, week after week, the rugby family understand this; the administration doesn’t.

    Last week, your response to my column was unprecedented.

    On this newspaper’s website, on which only subscribers can comment, there were 1330 comments; on this newspaper’s Facebook page there were 1438 comments; on my own Facebook page, where the story appeared, more than a day later, there were a further 586 comments.

    David writes: “A good first step to resolving the Folau problem would be for Qantas to get rid of Joyce as he is putting the whole country offside.”

    “H” wrote: “Interesting that in both the social media post, and the sermon, someone had to be actively following Folau on social media or in the church where he was preaching. The choice is surely to ‘unfriend’ from social media or walk out of the church if you don’t agree; but it looks as though some people were actively trying to find something on Folau …”

    James: “Tonight I threw out my Wallabies and Waratahs gear. They do not deserve any support given their inhumane actions.”

    Peter: “Alan, thank you for keeping this very important issue in the spotlight. The administrators of our national rugby team and national airline are seeking to impose on Australia an intolerance of uncomfortable views that diminishes the national character. Australians are tough enough to deal with views they don’t agree with and don’t need to be ‘protected’ by this hypocritical mob.”

    Michael writes: “I’m one of those ex Rugby followers who will no longer attend a game or watch it on TV. I am very unimpressed with RA who should have had the gumption to tell Qantas the posts did not reflect RA’s beliefs and that no action against Izzy was proposed as he was expressing a personal view independently of RA. The clots!!”

    Peter: “What staggers me is how idiotic RA are, all for 30 pieces of silver from a sponsor. What don’t they understand about freedom of speech? Is Raelene Castle up to the job? In fact, are any of the Board up to the job or are they just digging their snouts further into the sponsorship trough.”

    Craig makes the point *expressed by thousands: “Go Folau … take RA for everything you *deserve”.

    Well, I can assure you Israel is not about money.

    He’s about principle.

    The Fair Work Commission has asked RA to sit down with Israel Folau on June 28 to see if the parties can reconcile their differences.

    Breaking bread is unlikely if RA is taking orders from its sponsor, Qantas, which seemingly wants Folau permanently out of the Qantas Wallabies.

    Worse, it wants him out of all rugby for life.

    Now we have the almost unbelievable proposition that the Israel Folau saga has, allegedly, delivered the NSW Waratahs, and its *organisation, a season of abject grief.

    You have this New Zealand CEO, Andrew Hore, buying into it, arguing that the controversy has put enormous pressure on the *organisation.

    And according to Hore: “I look at the effect it has had on us commercially and through the business, because you’re not just talking about the competition or the team.”

    Is there a sinew of rugby in any of these people who are running the game, that thinks of anything other than the commercial consequence?

    Can someone admit that this so-called saga began with the *abrupt and irrational response by administrators to a social media post about a young man’s religious beliefs that would never have been noticed had it not been raised by administrators.

    Because of this irrational response, the game is falling apart.

    NSW, in Super Rugby, is the *ultimate manifestation of the mess.

    In a 15-team competition, they finished 12th. Queensland finished 14th, *second last.

    And the Melbourne Rebels 11th.

    Forget Israel Folau.

    On those results alone, if we were a fair dinkum commercial outfit, the administrators would have to go.

    Queensland are second last but their coach was re-signed before a ball was kicked this year.

    NSW, fourth last, and their coach was signed for next year *before a ball was kicked.

    Presumably, none of these people are accountable.

    Instead we see the Wallaby coach putting in a phone call to the gifted rugby schoolboy, now State of Origin league star, Kalyn Ponga about playing for the Wallabies.

    Get the drift?

    Folau’s gone, the money is freed up.

    Spend it on Ponga.

    All this is as if everything ahead in relation to Folau will be plain sailing and one-way traffic for RA.

    It seems no one is telling the *administrators the courts might see things differently.

    There may be no money left for Ponga who has admitted anyway that whatever rugby instincts he has left steer him towards the All Blacks.

    If we were momentarily to forget Israel Folau, how does RA *answer the fact the Melbourne Rebels surrendered 125 points in the past two games; or, if you combine the scores of the Melbourne Rebels and the Waratahs in the last game alone, the Kiwis have beaten us by 108 points to 20. No player wants to be identified with such abysmal failure.

    Off the paddock, the same story has unfolded.

    Bernard Foley, Quade Cooper and Christian Lealiifano are off to play in Japan.

    Will Skelton, Sean McMahon, Joe Tomane, Taqele Naiyaravoro and James O’Connor are already in the northern hemisphere.

    They’ll be joined by David *Pocock, Henry Speight, Sam Carter, Rory Arnold, Adam Coleman, Nick Phipps, Sekope Kepu, Curtis Rona, Scott Higginbotham and the Queensland captain Samu Kerevi.

    Is that a vote of confidence in Australian rugby?

    Who was the bright spark who insisted that Super Rugby provinces rest players for a World Cup that is months away; and in so doing, demoralising the significant talent available to us; and turning the scoreboard into a visual nightmare.

    How is any sponsor or broadcaster going to come to rugby to endorse this mess unless there is a complete clean-out of those running the game?

    Of course anyone with honour presiding over this catastrophe would put their resignation on the table.

    Believe me, a financial tsunami is on its way for RA.

    The new broadcast deal with Fox Sports could see the governing body scrambling to cut costs further.

    If this happens, the Rebels and the Brumbies will be under *extreme pressure from the Grim Reaper, aka Cameron Clyne.

    We’ll become a banana rugby republic and like the Pacific *Islands, Argentina and South Africa, we will be nothing more than a breeding ground for players bound for the big European and Japanese clubs.

    RA is still without an attack coach for the World Cup.

    The former Randwick player, Shaun Berne, is the pea for the job; but, unfortunately, he’s currently working with the Rebels who have coughed up 120 points in the past two games.

    The attack coach they booted out, Stephen Larkham, is also off to the northern hemisphere, to join the very successful Munster Rugby.

    It gets worse, if that is possible.

    If, as it is clear, there is no judgment among the administrators to deal with the Israel Folau affair or as Mark Anthony argued in Julius Caesar, “Man has lost his reason,” how on Earth will this incompetent administration, with limited respect on the international stage, deal with the any proposed World Rugby concept, such as the so-called Nations Championship?

    World Rugby is understood to have offered £5 billion ($9.2bn) to the 12 possible competing nations over the course of 12 years before the concept fell over yesterday.

    While some countries are saying there must be more to consider than just the financials; that the *integrity of the game, at all costs, must be preserved; RA, which has sold its soul to Qantas for $4 million a year, will do anything to get its hands on the cash.

    The game, sadly, is, at best, secondary. If money isn’t the primary focus, why would RA have embarked on this relentless, punitive, defamatory and utterly destructive attack on Israel Folau?

    Mark Anthony was right. The game, under the current administration, has lost all reason.

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  8. #533
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    Michael Cheika forced to bear the burden of failure aloneALAN JONES
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    Only Wallabies head coach Michael Cheika has manned up to hand in his ticket after the team’s disappointing World Cup campaign.
    Only Wallabies head coach Michael Cheika has manned up to hand in his ticket after the team’s disappointing World Cup campaign.
    12:00AM OCTOBER 25, 201957 COMMENTS
    Just when you think the administration of our game of rugby cannot get any worse, we are then forced to confront the reality that it can.

    I am not talking about the result versus England.

    Whatever the coach’s weaknesses, and we all have many, he did the honourable thing and resigned. He owned the defeat. Being the bloke that he is, Michael Cheika will not run away from his responsibility. He has accepted his failure.


    Breakers get on the board
    READ MORE: Lack of options for RA kept Michael Cheika in Wallabies role | Wallabies review panel to include an independent but won’t name new coach | Michael Cheika and Raelene Castle’s ‘undignified verbal clash’
    I have no doubt he feels he has let down the rugby family and feels badly about it.

    But what of chairman Cameron Clyne, chief executive Raelene Castle and the whole board?

    To this point, they seem happy to let Cheika bear the burden of failure when rugby has been travelling the failure road for months and months.

    Rugby Australia Chairman Cameron Clyne and Chief Executive Raelene Castle.
    Rugby Australia Chairman Cameron Clyne and Chief Executive Raelene Castle.
    Many who love the game would have seen it as an anomaly had we done any better in Japan.

    Remember, this is the same rugby administration that banished the Western Force in favour of the Melbourne Rebels, who have now cost the code tens of millions in the last five years.

    This is the administration that disowned, misrepresented and sacked its best player, Israel Folau, when reasonable man-management would have avoided the game’s latest trainwreck.

    As one supporter said to me, “Anyone doubting divine wrath should note that pretty much all of England’s points came on what was Israel Folau’s wing or his fullback position.”

    This is the rugby administration that removed the seasonal grants from club rugby who now have to pay a levy per player.

    Is this levy designed to help fund the bloated bureaucracy, way in excess of 100, which produces the failure that is now an embarrassment to the rugby world?

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    Three of our four Super Rugby coaches in 2019 were foreigners.

    Another has been appointed to coach NSW next season, and another is favoured to take over the Wallabies.

    We may as well take out an advertisement in every international rugby magazine to say we are so bereft of talent that we have to run to the rest of the world for help.

    If it were not so laughable, it would be insulting. A Bledisloe Cup Test drew more than 109,000 in the year 2000; now a 70,000 crowd is a triumph. We haven’t won the Bledisloe Cup since 2002.

    It was this rugby administration that allowed one of its players to be paid around $600,000 in 2017 on a “sabbatical” from the game.

    It is this administration that cannot identify talent or retain it.

    Stars of rugby league, Kalyn Ponga, Angus Crichton and Cameron Murray were all schoolboy rugby stars.

    How, against that background, were we entitled to expect success, no matter the coach?

    But then, of course, we read in the aftermath of Japan that the relationship between the coach and the administration was virtually non-existent.

    Australia's head coach Michael Cheika.
    Australia's head coach Michael Cheika.
    Rugby Australia CEO Raelene Castle.
    Rugby Australia CEO Raelene Castle.
    Perhaps this administration can answer one question — did Castle and Rugby Australia organise the Test against Samoa, before the World Cup, with zero discussion with the coach and then allegedly forgot to mention it until the coach found out about it several weeks later?

    And while there is universal disenchantment with selections, how much of that is the product of director of rugby Scott Johnson and selector Michael O’Connor being appointed to look over Cheika’s shoulder?

    Now, with all this dirty linen in the public place, the revenue from broadcasters, sponsors and game attendances will become more difficult to secure.

    More elite players will be lost to overseas interests.

    The gifted rugby teenagers are looking elsewhere and there is nothing within the board of the game or the current management that suggests they can address these problems.

    The board, lock stock and barrel, should have their resignations on the desk alongside that of the coach.

    And the Folau legal case looms in the distance.

    This time last year, Michael Cheika was asked to present to the board and offer up some suggested changes after a brutal season.

    He reluctantly gave the board the scalp of his attack coach, Stephen Larkham. Great player that he was, Larkham has no grounding in coaching apart from a stint with the Brumbies, during which he never set the world on fire.

    Silatolu Latu (left), Scott Sio (centre) and David Pocock (right) during the Rugby World Cup 2019 Quarter Final match between England and Australia at Oita Stadium on October 19. Picture: Getty Images
    Silatolu Latu (left), Scott Sio (centre) and David Pocock (right) during the Rugby World Cup 2019 Quarter Final match between England and Australia at Oita Stadium on October 19. Picture: Getty Images
    The chairman then installed a director of rugby who had coached in both Wales and Scotland with very limited success. Cheika became a lame-duck coach. The administration appeared to undermine him but did not have the guts to sack him.

    In this game, you either back the coach and let him go on with the job or you sack him.

    If you don’t have the minerals to do this, you shouldn’t be in the job.

    Clyne did not even have the guts to address a press conference set up to announce the coaching restructure. And look what diabolical results that has produced.

    We dined out on the 47-26 win over the All Blacks in August, but the following week we were beaten 36-0 at Eden Park. An almost 50-point turnaround.

    Now we are told a worldwide search is on to find the next national coach. Is that the truth?

    I do not know who is searching, but I doubt that they have enough experience to find what Australia is looking for.

    And anyway, the dogs are barking that a New Zealander, Dave Rennie, has been lined up, the argument being he enjoyed success at the Waikato Chiefs.

    My New Zealand friends tell me Waikato’s success owed more to master coach Wayne Smith than it did to Rennie.

    Or is it because he is managed by this mob, Esportif, as is the recently announced NSW coach, Rob Penney. And is the director of rugby, Scott Johnson, also managed by Esportif?

    This is further proof that in any review, outsiders have to be brought in and the whole operation needs serious reassessment.

    It was Castle who led the charge to have Folau booted out of the Wallabies.

    And what has that achieved?

    The administration seemed more interested in keeping Alan Joyce and Qantas happy.

    Folau was dispensable. A $4m dollar sponsorship was not!

    Was that a decision by the same lot that sacked the Western Force and turned their back on $50m from Andrew Forrest? You could not make this stuff up.

    But only Cheika has manned up to hand in his ticket. On this front, he has shown more class than the rest of them put together.

    One final point.

    Israel Folau.
    Israel Folau.
    There is no doubt that Eddie Jones has improved significantly as an international coach.

    But he may yet go only one step further than Cheika. There is a romantic view gaining some currency about Eddie Jones, bring Eddie back!

    I do not want to spoil the story, but he did leave Australian Rugby in something of a shambles in the mid-2000s.

    His Wallabies did win a Tri-Nation’s championship and they came second in a World Cup; but in 2005, with the Wallabies in decline, Eddie Jones was sacked mid-contract.

    He went to the Queensland Reds in 2007. They won two games. In their last match, in South Africa, against the Bulls, Queensland were beaten 92-3.

    He is not the man for the job, if only because he would want a stack of money and an army of staff, which Rugby Australia cannot afford.

    I have written before that there are plenty of outstanding Australian coaches who cannot get a guernsey, even at Super Rugby level. But given we have an administration that cannot be told anything, even to mention their names here would be the kiss of death.

    That is why rugby scholarship, well removed from every aspect of the current administration, must be given the responsibility of reshaping the game’s future.

    What then of the weekend?

    Both England and the All Blacks embarrassed their quarter-final opponents, scoring 40 points.

    This semi-final clash is worthy of a final.

    I believe the All Blacks, and their attack, based around their duel playmakers, Beauden Barrett and Richie Mo’unga will be too difficult for England to defend.

    New Zealand are at $1.75; England are at $5.50 to win the title.

    I think the odds are about right.

    There is no doubt that South Africa have the best draw in the semi-finals.

    Rugby Australia Chairman Cameron Clyne.
    Rugby Australia Chairman Cameron Clyne.
    Wales are a gutsy side, but they seem to be a team running out of gas.

    South Africa have enormous experience and depth in their squad.

    They will power through Wales and be ready to take on the All Blacks in the final.

    At the beginning of the tournament, I said that South Africa were the only team that could beat New Zealand and win the World Cup.

    I still believe that to be the case. This will be pulsating stuff.

    For Australians, the edge is taken off it all in knowing that the administration of the game in this country, in all its facets, has reduced us to unacknowledged spectators.

    Such is the nature of Australia’s relegation to the status of “also-rans”, that we sit at a lowly sixth in the world.

    The recovery must begin yesterday, presided over by none of the people who have been the architects of our demise.

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  9. #534
    Veteran chibi's Avatar
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    That article sums it up for me. That bit about Esportif is a damning little detail that hints at other corruption surrounding the game.

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  10. #535
    Immortal Contributor shasta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chibi View Post
    That article sums it up for me. That bit about Esportif is a damning little detail that hints at other corruption surrounding the game.
    Yep. The one where the tail wags the dog (bit like TMO's at RWC this year). Some agents with large client books move players/coaches around like chess pieces to earn the highest overall % for themselves rather than doing the righty by their clients. It's well known but pretty hard to prove.

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