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Thread: Why people join to stir?

  1. #46
    Veteran force addict's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SleazyWineBaas View Post
    You see what you want to see
    What's also particularly annoying is..........oh Gits, I'm getting wet. Oh Drew, take me. I got a photo with Gits, look at me look at me. For those of us with Y chromosomes it is pretty dull and tedious but apparently to Gen Y XX posters,it is essential rugby diatribe. If you don't like it, don't read it. You weren't charged a fee to read the post. Don't feel obliged. It takes all kinds to fill a freeway. Deal with it.
    sorry but since when do any of the girls on here post 'OMG I GOT A PHOTO WITH GITSSS OMG HAWT' coz i havent seen any

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  2. #47
    Champion welshrugbyfan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TOCC View Post
    Also, I may be tolerable now, but wait till it's the QLD-WA match....
    It will be cage fighting on speed
    Posted via Mobile Device
    Is it still called the Qld V Qld A game anymore?

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  3. #48
    Player SleazyWineBaas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by welshrugbyfan View Post
    Is it still called the Qld V Qld A game anymore?
    The answer will be forthcoming
    The Queenslanders just remembered yesterday they are supposed to hate the Tahs the most

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  4. #49
    Veteran Ecky's Avatar
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    I read these posts, feel offended occasionally, feel like the poster should get a life occasionally, feel like the poster is a fairly good fisherperson occasionally, but never respond to those posts.

    Fisherfolk who don't get bites will move to another fishing spot.

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  5. #50
    Player SleazyWineBaas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fulvio sammut View Post
    By the way, that's an uplifting avatar you have there sleaz mr. Baas ...
    Nice mule
    It must be a filly?

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    There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophies Horatio

  6. #51
    Player SleazyWineBaas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TOCC View Post
    Also, I may be tolerable now, but wait till it's the QLD-WA match....
    It will be cage fighting on speed
    Posted via Mobile Device
    Until you lose. Then it will be requiring intranasal technology

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    There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophies Horatio

  7. #52
    Veteran laura's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SleazyWineBaas View Post
    You see what you want to see
    What's also particularly annoying is..........oh Gits, I'm getting wet. Oh Drew, take me. I got a photo with Gits, look at me look at me. For those of us with Y chromosomes it is pretty dull and tedious but apparently to Gen Y XX posters,it is essential rugby diatribe. If you don't like it, don't read it. You weren't charged a fee to read the post. Don't feel obliged. It takes all kinds to fill a freeway. Deal with it.
    I have no problem with people who support other teams, thats your choice and you're welcome to it, if everyone did the same thing it would be boring and there'd be no rivalry. What I do have a problem with is people who get off by trolling around for an arguement and arguing with members who are still in school. Its petty and you're just embarrassing yourself. If you want an arguement go somewhere else, if you want a discussion then welcome.

    In response to SWB's comment: For those of you with a Y chromosome who enjoy talking about cheerleaders and those of us with a X chromosome who put up with it, I think you should heed your own advice and if you don't like it don't read it. Having 2 X chromosomes doesn't make us any less of a rugby fan or mean that we know nothing about the game. Sure there are members (myself included) who get pics with the players but that doesn't mean we are "getting wet" or want Drew to "take us". If it so happened that I was a 10 year old boy and wanted a pic with one of my sporting heroes it would be ok but because im a girl its not? That a tad hypocritical, gender shouldn't determine whether or not you can have a sports player as an idle or not. By the way I realise you're probably fishing here too so accept this as the last response chiselhead/sleazywinebass or anyone else who finds virtual fishing entertaining.

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  8. #53
    Player innocent quokka's Avatar
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    you've gotta admit, Drew is pretty hot though.

    actually, I googled 'Drew Mitchell' and got this! no joke!

    my view (whatever that's worth to you) is that a forum is like a pub.

    when I'm at the pub, I watch footy, I talk about footy, I joke around with my mates and have a couple of beers with them. Sometimes we'll get into a disagreement, sometimes for a laugh we'll try to bait someone and get a bit silly. We rarely stay on-topic for long, but dammit, it's fun.

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  9. #54
    Champion Lonzy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SleazyWineBaas View Post
    You see what you want to see
    What's also particularly annoying is..........oh Gits, I'm getting wet. Oh Drew, take me. I got a photo with Gits, look at me look at me. For those of us with Y chromosomes it is pretty dull and tedious but apparently to Gen Y XX posters,it is essential rugby diatribe. If you don't like it, don't read it. You weren't charged a fee to read the post. Don't feel obliged. It takes all kinds to fill a freeway. Deal with it.
    I think your a bit of a knob jockey. Not once have I seen any of the chicks post any of those types of comments. Okay some chicks appreciate the boys appearances but they would still be here talking about the rugby if they were as ugly as a dogs rear end. The one thing I find annoying is guys who think all of us chicks are here to check out the rugby guys. I know next to nothing about the rugby but I am learning every day, all of the chicks on this site contribute greatly and this place would be so boring if they weren't here. And there is a ladies lounge where most of the male appreciation talk is held ... take your own advice if you don't like it don't read it ... and if I may add don't bitch about it. you sort of contradict yourself ... or is that just how I'm reading it?

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  10. #55
    Player SleazyWineBaas's Avatar
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    My point was that it takes people from all walks of life with different motivations for supporting the team to make up a fan base.
    My other point was that if you don't like it, don't read it
    People shouldn't get banned for having a different opinion
    Some people like a bit of banter and if you don't then don't get involved. Reporting a bit of harmless fun between two posters having a go at each other is pretty poor.
    WJ gets banned every 2nd week and I haven't been able to work out why. He's a harmless funster who enjoys the niggle.............and it isn't hard to get a bite around here

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    Last edited by SleazyWineBaas; 03-03-09 at 21:51.
    There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophies Horatio

  11. #56
    Player SleazyWineBaas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lonzy View Post
    I think your a bit of a knob jockey.
    Thanks for the kind words
    Some would be banned for less. Personally, I couldn't give a sh1t so I haven't reported you. I didn't even smote you.............
    Thanks for putting me in touch with my feminine side. I can see your point of view. Thankyou for caring enough to point out the error of my ways

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  12. #57
    Legend Contributor Flamethrower's Avatar
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    SleazyWineBaas, I have to say you seem to know a lot about this site for someone who has only just joined.

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    Posted via space

    Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.

  13. #58
    Player SleazyWineBaas's Avatar
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    Seen one site, seen them all

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  14. #59
    Legend Contributor fulvio sammut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Burgs View Post
    So just to clarify, and I'm not trying to be smart, the consensus by the freedom of speech people is, that you are happy for prospective new TWF Members who are Force supporters to be turned away from joining and disillusioned as to the integrity of TWF and for some(quite a few) valued long term TWF Members to turn away from participating in the site because of the “rights” of a couple of stirrers who churn out off topic and irrelevant posts in virtually every thread even though they demonstrate little to no support for the Force?

    We are not making this stuff up, every time one of these clowns comes fishing our uptake of new members demonstrably drops off and the input from normally active "senior" members dries up.

    As far as I am concerned, we are first and foremost a Western Force SUPPORTERS site. I have no issue having supporters from other teams and from around the globe joining us and quite enjoy discussing and debating a vast array of teams, themes and topics.

    The attraction of going to sign up to a supporter’s site for another team in the Super 14 specifically to stir up the other members escapes me I’m sorry, but I know I enjoy the mood and discussions around here far more when the trolls and fishermen are on "holidays".
    Burgs, you are being unfair imputing any motive, intention or consensus to or of people with a contrary or deviating view on this issue from your own.

    I am sure most/all of us want to keep as open and diverse a dialogue as possible with everybody who visits or joins this site. Some of us just don't see imposing blanket bans as achieving that end where the offending poster merely disagrees, even strongly disagrees, with the majority views expressed here.

    I don't suggest that bans should never be imposed. There is a line in the sand. I consider that personally insulting, vicious, racist, sexually offensive and predatory posters should of course be banned. I have come across all of the above except predatory posts on my one or two visits to the Colo site to which Gerry directed attention in one of his posts. Those visits were enough to convince me that that was not a place I chose to be.

    Of course there are stirrers and trolls who visit here. Most of them can be readily identified after one or two posts. Some eventually become good members and contributors in their own ways after they get a feel for the site. Some just disappear. Some annoy the bejesus out of you occasionally for their arrogance, parochialism and subjectivity. But none, to my observation have crossed the line here.

    I have seen what some of the same people have put up on the Colo, stuff they would never dare put up here. This, however is the corner of cyberspace in which I sometimes live, not there.

    I don't accept that people are put off coming here by seeing a few, even several, posts which are not mainstream with the predominant values and views generally expressed. On the contrary, I feel people are challenged and driven to respond. This is healthy.

    People can come and go from the site for a variety of reasons; change of jobs, domestic pressures, change of interests, growing up or older, change of living arrangements, etc. . It doesn't necessarily have to do with what they see on the site. Without a proper study over a lengthy period, with controls and comparative studies, the reasons ascribed to people not coming back are purely speculative and anecdotal.

    I don't feel it is the moderators job to guard our ideas or preserve our team values, and I know they don't attempt to do this. But to expect them to do more than protect community standards of decency and to go on to enforce a form of censorship of unacceptable concepts, devalues the site.

    But hey Burgs, I love and respect you as a brother in cyberspace even if I don't always see eye to eye with you in all things. We do still have a hell of a lot in common.

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  15. #60
    Champion Lonzy's Avatar
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    SWB... but you just signed up in march 2009 ... this confuses me how can you know this? unless you've been lurking around as a guest for a while? which would suprise me as you appear to have alot to say. Whats the rules on users creating multiple accounts? I'd imagine this would inflate our membership numbers and give a false impression of how many real members TWF has? does this annoy anyone else?

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