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Thread: Senate hearing - Wednesday

  1. #781
    Player lou's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UAUdiver1959 View Post
    Thanks Lou, doubt that it was four hours of spirited discussion about Partner Surveys and Women's 7.
    good point actually it lasted till 9.45 upon which Rob Clarke and Anthony French joined which you can see.
    the final part that is redacted related to Employee engagement survey, organisational changes, CBA negotiations and community rugby

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  2. #782
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alison View Post
    I sent a tweet to Wayne Smith at the Oz yesterday morning asking him if the reason why he and his east coast colleagues had not yet written a word about the outcome of the Senate Inquiry was because they are waiting for the recommendations to be implemented and for results of the ASIC investigation. Needless to say, I received no reply.

    They have all either been bought off by the ARU and its heavies, or threatened with the loss of their media access.
    That's drivel from Smith. I would have got back and said that a AFP and ASIC investigation didn't stop your colleagues from writing theories about the Brumbies. Then further to say that your colleagues also wrote months of nonsensical articles about fantasy mergers or relocations involving the Brumbies or the Force moving to Melbourne or Parramatta.

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  3. #783
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    On the topic of nonsense I got from the RA. Looking forward to picking holes, serving and volleying in return.

    I won't get back to them straight away so you can chuck in stuff that you want to say as it is an open case ticket.


    Thank you for your email, we appreciate that you have taken the time to get in contact to express your views and support for Rugby in Western Australia.

    The primary reasons for our decision to reduce a Super Rugby team, and the factors which led to the decision to discontinue the Western Force, are outlined in the following supporting document and statement. You can also view Rugby Australia’s statement following the Senate report here.

    If you would like to know more about the latest Rugby news and events in Western Australia, we encourage you to visit the Rugby WA website

    Kind regards,

    Rugby AU

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    Last edited by Bakkies; 30-11-17 at 15:45.

  4. #784
    Immortal Contributor GIGS20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bakkies View Post
    On the topic of nonsense I got from the RA. Looking forward to picking holes, serving and volleying in return.


    Thank you for your email, we appreciate that you have taken the time to get in contact to express your views and support for Rugby in Western Australia.

    The primary reasons for our decision to reduce a Super Rugby team, and the factors which led to the decision to discontinue the Western Force, are outlined in the following supporting document and statement. You can also view Rugby Australia’s statement following the Senate report here.

    If you would like to Have more wool pulled over your eyes about the latest Eastern States Rugby news and the complete lack of interest we have in Western Australia, we encourage you to visit the Rugby WA website

    Kind regards,

    Rugby AU

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    C'mon the

  5. #785
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    It's going to be fun pointing out the figures in their reports that they blew on the Rebels that put the Brumbies and Force in jeopardy. The millions spent on related parties that could have been spent on grass roots and that it is very difficult for Rugby WA to run those programs after you sacked off their staff.

    Another side entry is Cheika's poor response to Michael Lynagh and they have ruined any chance of him helping the Wallabies. Lynagh is now working for Twiggy and is better off putting his son in the under age programs in England which haven't been killed off by the governing body.

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    'I may be a Senator but I am not stupid'

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  6. #786
    Legend Contributor Alison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bakkies View Post
    That's drivel from Smith. I would have got back and said that a AFP and ASIC investigation didn't stop your colleagues from writing theories about the Brumbies. Then further to say that your colleagues also wrote months of nonsensical articles about fantasy mergers or relocations involving the Brumbies or the Force moving to Melbourne or Parramatta.
    Wayne messaged me this afternoon and gave me his number to call him. I rang him and he explained things. Unfortunately the release of the Senate report coincided with him being away on leave and the rugby desk at the Oz not being covered during his absence. He is one of the few east coast journos who is very sympathetic to our cause and agrees that Aus rugby is in a woeful state. I appreciated him taking the time to talk with me and acknowledge that he has written quite a lot this year in support of the Force.
    I have publicly thanked him on Twitter.

    In other news, Jamie Pandaram won a Walkley this morning. Guess what for......his piece on the Western Force!! Seriously hard not to see this as another conspiracy with the ARU front and centre! Who did Clyne & Co know on the judging panel?!!

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  7. #787
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alison View Post
    Wayne messaged me this afternoon and gave me his number to call him. I rang him and he explained things. Unfortunately the release of the Senate report coincided with him being away on leave and the rugby desk at the Oz not being covered during his absence. He is one of the few east coast journos who is very sympathetic to our cause and agrees that Aus rugby is in a woeful state. I appreciated him taking the time to talk with me and acknowledge that he has written quite a lot this year in support of the Force.
    I have publicly thanked him on Twitter.

    In other news, Jamie Pandaram won a Walkley this morning. Guess what for......his piece on the Western Force!! Seriously hard not to see this as another conspiracy with the ARU front and centre! Who did Clyne & Co know on the judging panel?!!
    Yeah it was mentioned here that he had been on leave.

    It is unbelievable that the likes of Ben Kimber and Peter Jenkins are no longer covering the game.

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  8. #788
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    I have thrown a bone at the top of the comments in this article

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  9. #789
    Player UAUdiver1959's Avatar
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    Back on track. The Senate Report.

    Section 4.7
    While the decision of which team to remove was entirely a decision for the ARU, the committee accepts that it was not one that could be made in a vacuum. Undoubtedly, having to negotiate to acquire the Melbourne Rebels' licence was a complicating factor. However, the committee considers that the way the ARU went about making the decision exacerbated the existing tensions between the ARU, member unions and rugby's grassroots supporters.

    Based on the evidence provided by Pulver and Clyne the Inquiry was 'lead' to believe that the ARU were trying to buy the MRRU licence back from Cox so that the Rebels could be closed down. The recently announced email in the West Australian has confirmed Pulver was actively assisting the MRRU to become 'Solvent' (after Cox and Co tore through almost $6m in 2 yrs) so that the MRRU could exercise one of the two Put Options to the VRU for a $1 and essentially sealing the Forces Death Sentence.

    Linda.....hey Linda, those smug Mosmanites are laughing at you!! What are you going to do about it??

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  10. #790
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    That's where the Government response to the Inquiry comes in to play as actions that occur after the report is taken in to consideration. They also report on how the RA behave in regards to each recommendation and follow through on it.

    De Clyne was hammered by Reynolds about the meeting on August 18 and he couldn't lie straight in bed. I read the Hansard report again today after reading the minutes. De Clyne tried to deflect and call an ASIC Inquiry in to the release of the confidential minutes (minutes can be accessed on ASIC's site for a fee). He knew he was up shite creek without a paddle.

    De Clyne and Pulver are naive when it comes to politics whereas Reynolds does it for a living and has a military background

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  11. #791
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    The RA haven't came out with a response to the Inquiry findings. A press release days after the report being tabled full of lawyer speak doesn't count.

    They attached it to the email they sent me and I am going to take them to town on it. They also had the nerve in the email to state that the Force hadn't submitted any legitimate response by August 2

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  12. #792
    Champion SinBin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alison View Post
    .... In other news, Jamie Pandaram won a Walkley this morning. Guess what for......his piece on the Western Force!! Seriously hard not to see this as another conspiracy with the ARU front and centre! Who did Clyne & Co know on the judging panel?!!
    Well spotted >>

    Can you farkn believe it... .."Pandaram said he was honoured to be recognised for the award and the work he had put into the report and for the generous donations from RA towards his mortgage"

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  13. #793
    Legend Contributor Alison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SinBin View Post
    Well spotted >>

    Can you farkn believe it... .."Pandaram said he was honoured to be recognised for the award and the work he had put into the report and for the generous donations from RA towards his mortgage"
    A Year 10 student could have done as good a job as that. All it is is a series of quotes with a few words from Pandaram thrown in between. If that is the level the Walkley’s have fallen to then journalism in this country is in a sorry state.

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  14. #794
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    Just sent the response back to the RA

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    Thank you for your 'response.'

    I have read that 'documentation' and it is the biggest load of horse manure that has come out of the ARU since the start of the fiasco led by your comrades Rob Clarke, Anthony French, Bill Pulver and Cameron Clyne. Four of the most damaging people to ruin the game in Australia. Mr Pulver doesn't know his organisation's own financials and the definition of loans, insolvency and debt yet he is the Chief Executive Officer. Stop blaming other sports in a so called competitive market. You have made it favourable to other sports and lower tier by being incompetent. Like the mob destroying Soccer in Australia you are killing the game from within.

    That press release that come out from your destructive organisation days after the Senate Inquiry doesn't address any of the findings and recommendations from the Committee. It may as well been written by a lawyer or a child. You don't need a lawyer. Get rid of the Chairman, stop wasting money on the Rebels, cut the junkets to London, throw out the consultants, don't waste money on deluded re-branding and scrap the Sydney University led nominations committee. You have saved yourself millions right away that can go to the grass roots. Having read the ASIC financial reports that were submitted to the Senate Inquiry which I will get in to more detail later on, the little money spent on grass roots Rugby in Western Australia and the ACT is disgraceful. These two areas which you have a heavy bias against have Super Rugby and NRC sides with locally developed players in them.
    The Brumbies have had to levy clubs which has effected their relationships with a key stakeholder which has been covered by your former Chairman Peter McGrath in his piece here

    You put the Brumbies and Western Force in jeopardy to maintain the bottomless pit that is the Melbourne Rebels and to keep alive John O'Neill's and Cameron Clyne's childhood dream of having a team in Melbourne. Spare me with the delusion that you have to have a team in the second biggest market in Australia. They have done nothing to justify a team in 2005 and they still have not justified having a team now. You have provided loans after loans to this team that has no business plan, no major sponsor, didn't have a CEO for well over a year, the Victorian Government themselves can't provide a straight story over what funds they have wasted on the Rebels, wasted money on services to related parties rather than spending it on developing and promoting the team, have offered cut price tickets/memberships and who haven't explained how they have managed to pay to bring over the Western Force coaching staff and players (many of them are now internationals that justify pay increases from their current contracts). Don't tell me that it is confidential as the Victorian tax payer is entitled to know how much their state Government is wasting on a deluded bottomless money pit that has killed the game in Australia.

    The details that the ARU wrote about not hearing a proper proposal from the Western Force by August 2 is a complete and utter fabrication which has been proven to be false by the paper trail submitted to the Senate Inquiry by Rugby WA. The Own the Force campaign was stalled by your organisation and you know it. You also ignored Andrew Forrest's proposal and haven't told a straight story about the meeting in Adelaide. You couldn't ever bother to fly to Perth to meet his team. While I am on the topic of Rugby in WA you have suggested that I keep up to date by going on to their website. That's going to be very difficult to organise now after you have sacked the majority of their staff and forced them in to voluntary administration. Yet you were quiet happy at selling off non-gazetted tests to Melbourne without a tender process and not tell a straight story about whether you could cut the Rebels. Perth, Adelaide, Newcastle, Canberra and so forth can longer bid for these matches.

    Your destructive Chairman couldn't tell a straight story to Senator Reynolds when questioned about the board meeting on August 18th 2016 which was held eight days before the execution of the so called Alliance Agreement which was as biased as the Anthony French led pile of nonsense to recommend the cutting from five teams down to four. You have kept five teams one of them is based in Japan and you have relocated the Force to Melbourne. The report was heavily biased against WA and the ACT. I don't know where the Brumbies coming close to Insolvency story came from. It also failed to mention the millions that have gone down the hole in Melbourne that should have been spent on the game, grassroots and keeping players in Australia. This pile of rubbish from this board meeting was signed off by your so called Chairman in December 2016 yet you took the board findings to a Sanzaar executive committee meeting. This is on top of moving forward on how to decided upon which team to cut.

    You have said that you only took on board projections for the future when deciding on what team to cut. It was clearly going to be the Force and if you couldn't cut them it would be the Brumbies your most successful side. Despite the millions wasted on the Rebels you were never going to cut your comrade's childhood dream. You go on about future projections yet the Rebels were sold for a dollar, have no sustainable business plan, the VRU has little money, no major sponsor and the mates club have been reappointed to the board. Nothing has changed. I wouldn't put it past Paddy Power to table bets on the next time the Rebels are due for a bailout.

    Now to the millions you have wasted on the Rebels and by the ARU. I have read the reports and it is disgusting what has been wasted on that organisation. Here are some key ones I have pulled out:
    - Page 98, grant funding to the Rebels of $9,021,000 includes the write off of loans provided during the reporting period of $4,268,000. Fully provided loans totalling $8,750,000 from prior reporting periods were forgiven and cleared from the balance sheet
    - Page 138 features $2.6 million to the Rebels as part of the external sale agreement
    - Page 262 a $5.5 million loan to the Rebels in 2013
    - Page 322 in the December 2014 in the Rebels report 15.9 million was paid to suppliers and employees. The Shareholders equity makes for interesting reading in their reports
    - Page 336 note 17 is about the services to related parties, loan payable of $8.75 million along with $5.5 million from 2013 and the ARU. I am shocked at the figures for goods and services provided to the ARU.

    These figures need an explanation to the stakeholders of the game in Australia and to World Rugby itself as it has damaged the game's reputation.

    Rugby 'Australia' is about as credible as OneTel and James Hardie do yourself a favour and resign.

    The Wallabies coach Michael Cheika's behaviour mirrors the organisation he works for. His reaction to Michael Lynagh was appalling. On the topic of appalling so appalled was Mr Lynagh about the ARU led destruction of the game in Australia and the Western Force he is now working for Andrew Forrest in finding a competition for the Force to play in. Something that you have failed to do.


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  15. #795
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    Very good letter. I hope they respond but my feeling is it will go in the room marked deal with in 48 to 72 hours.. 😞

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