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Thread: OH MY, OH MY!

  1. #91
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    Congratulations Alison and the rest of the fresh faces on the board.

    As for the NIB Stadium deal I thought that was on a payment holiday. They should chip away at it to get rid of what is owed and keep the Government onside.

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  2. #92
    Legend Contributor blueandblack's Avatar
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    For those wanting to know:

    IP for Western Force:
    (Still officially owned by "Australian Rugby Union Limited" and last update was in 2016).

    IP for Perth Force:
    (Officially owned by "Indo Pacific Championships Pty Ltd " and last update was "Acceptance advertised
    08 Feb 2018")

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    "12 Years a Supporter" starring the #SeaOfBlue

  3. #93
    Veteran Bakkies's Avatar
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    Maybe their needs to be another presentation put together to answer these questions.

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    'I may be a Senator but I am not stupid'

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  4. #94
    Legend Contributor Alison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The InnFORCEr View Post
    You really don't expect Darkness to reveal himself do you, but good on you for trying.

    Congrats on the appointment too, I'm sure you will make a valuable contribution to Rugby in WA as you have done in the past, despite what a few may have to say to the contrary
    If he doesn’t meet with me he loses his credibility when criticising my role and my performance on the board.

    It must be remembered that I have been appointed (not elected) to be the link between the Board and the fans of the game; not the clubs, not the players, not the coaches, not the officials - just the average Joes and Jills like me who grew up loving the game and know just how much it means to be able spend our weekends watching our favourite team.

    I may not be able to achieve everything that everyone wants but I will always give it 100% and I will always make my voice heard. I am already working with others on some fan engagement ideas that are focussed entirely on getting more people involved with and supporting the community clubs. If Darkness takes up my offer to meet, I’d love to take his mind on those ideas and work with him at whichever club he is connected to.

    In the meantime, a sincere thank you to everyone who has congratulated me on my appointment. Your endorsement means a huge amount to me and I hope I can do you all proud.

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    Last edited by Alison; 24-02-18 at 11:28.
    Proudly Western Australian; Proudly supporting Western Australian rugby

  5. #95
    Senior Player Leo86's Avatar
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    Alison no doubt that whats best for Rugby, WA, the Force and fans will be in the forefront of your mind in everything you do. Congrats and thank you for continuing all your hard work

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  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hansie View Post
    Let's get a few facts on the table:

    Rebels CEO made the gesture to RugbyWA. Many of us felt it was too soon to "break bread" with the Rebels.
    After some time our Chairman thought that maybe being there would be better than not being there. To my knowledge - unless some very recent changes occurred - John is the only member of RugbyWA over there. He has also made the trip at his own personal expense as he has all recent trips to Sydney. I can confirm there is no meeting scheduled, discussion to be had on any aspect with respect to RugbyWA and the Rebels. John is not there on any official capacity, he has taken up the CEO's offer of hospitality, will enjoy the experience and come home. I think you need to credit our Daily Telegraph for some creative journalism. John cannot talk on behalf of Minderoo.

    Minderoo own the Force, Minderoo are contracting players, coaches etc.

    RugbyWA is responsible for our high performance academy, community clubs and our competition. We will not be selling tickets to the matches, hiring venues for the upcoming Force matches.
    Despite that Hansie John was invited because he is RugbyWA CEO and he would have interacted with various MRRU and VRU board members including a person who admitted in his own evidence to the Senate Enquiry that the RugbyWA agreement "somehow" ended up on a table at a meeting, although no one knows how, and his PA then photocopied the agreement! The VRU and MRRU board were involved in what happened to the Force and I would not trust them at all. I say no "line in the sand" until Cameron Clyne and those people on the MRRU and VRU boards go!

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  7. #97
    Join Date
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    Congrats Alison, no one has worked harder than you on supporting the Force. Will there be a meeting for fans to express their ideas sometime in the future?

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  8. #98
    Legend Contributor slomo's Avatar
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    Congratulations on your appointment Alison, fair recognition for all your hard work over the last year. hopefully TWF will be first with the news? (as always)...

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  9. #99
    Player lou's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkness View Post
    An absolutely outrageous set of circumstances.

    Hansie drowning in the sea of blue....... and then he wakes up and finds out it's just a puddle of blue!

    Nepotism is alive and well.

    We've determined so far that the so-called sea of blue is comprised of Alison, some old lady and a guy who wears sparkly lights. Hardly a representative group.

    If you want someone to examine the aru's books hire an accountant for 3 hours. A feeble excuse as criteria for a Board member.

    There's no way the club's will support this and no way this could be sold to them. As I said, Outrageous. It's akin to Tony Abbott conferring a knighthood on Prince Philip.

    This ain't going away.
    Darkness, I think you are out of line attacking Alison.
    Her number crunching certainly got the ball rolling and I have no doubt was a key reason we got the Senate Inquiry. So what has come of it? Not much of substance to date, but it's not over, now we await ASIC's determination.
    Yes, get accountants to crunch the numbers, no problems, all the State Unions should do that and hold the RA accountable when their Annual reports come out. At the end of the day, the RA is owned by the State Unions, yet they have acted so stupidly and blindly let the RA sell them up the river time and time again. The millions that have been pumped into the Rebels swamp should have been allocated to the State Unions, and the Force should not have been axed, think on that when you suck on your next Narrow Neck.
    If you are to question one board members' credentials, it is only sporting to question them all.

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  10. #100
    Rookie Greydemon's Avatar
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    Congratulations Alison, great appointment.

    Nice to see you flexing your muscles putting that twat Darkness in his place, he/she is a meaningless sideshow of no relevance just there to laugh at.

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  11. #101
    (formerly known as Coach) Your Humble Servant Darren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkness View Post
    An absolutely outrageous set of circumstances.

    Hansie drowning in the sea of blue....... and then he wakes up and finds out it's just a puddle of blue!

    Nepotism is alive and well.

    We've determined so far that the so-called sea of blue is comprised of Alison, some old lady and a guy who wears sparkly lights. Hardly a representative group.

    If you want someone to examine the aru's books hire an accountant for 3 hours. A feeble excuse as criteria for a Board member.

    There's no way the club's will support this and no way this could be sold to them. As I said, Outrageous. It's akin to Tony Abbott conferring a knighthood on Prince Philip.

    This ain't going away.
    Genuinely interested in your knowledge /opinion.

    What will Alison's appointment to the board as a representative of non-club aligned rugby supporters do that will outrage the clubs? How does her appointment to this role hurt you or those you represent? Did she usurp someone else who was more active, qualified, and seeking such a position?

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  12. #102
    Player UAUdiver1959's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darren View Post
    Guenuinely interested in your knowledge /opinion.

    What will Alison's appointment to the board as a representative of non-club aligned rugby supporters do that will outrage the clubs? How does her appointment to this role hurt you or those you represent? Did she usurp someone else who was more active, qualified, and seeking such position?
    No one is every happy, the Board could have appointed Elvis Presley and some people would be happy and others less so. I think its a good thing. Get off her case and let her prove her mettle or otherwise.

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  13. #103
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    Darkness does zilch for club rugby, represents no club, has zero club affiliation, claims he somehow speaks for the clubs - Well Darkness - on 28th March, we have our AGM, come forward please. I suspect Darkness epitomises the ARU - cowardly, narrow minded, opinionated and cannot see optimism, entrepreneurship and innovation.

    Regarding I.P. - happy for all of you who question why we do not own the I.P. also to come to the AGM and explain how we buy the I.P. for less than $800K if the seller will not part with it for less? or where do we get the $800K asking money?

    I think being able to use the I.P. - I think for the next 50 or 99 years and not pay $800K is a good outcome.

    I am so very happy we are striving to create a board that is diverse, represents all stakeholders. I fear if there was a board of nepotistic non club aligned, lily livered, pseudo rugby loud mouths who all agree on everything, we go backwards. The old saying if amongst a group of 9 people all agree on decisions then 8 must be redundant.

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  14. #104
    Apprentice Bookie
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    I would like to congratulate Alison on her appointment to the Board of RugbyWA.

    But I cant.

    Let me explain.

    I am about to make a lot of assumptions - if these assumptions are wrong I will offer an immediate apology to Alison.

    Alison is a very vocal, card carrying member of the Western Force and, if you take a look at the Sea of Blue Facebook page the nominated leader of the Sea of Blue. According to
    Quote Originally Posted by Hansie View Post

    So, we asked Alison to join us and continue to be the voice of the Sea of Blue on the board.
    and also said
    Quote Originally Posted by Hansie View Post
    Let's get a few facts on the table:

    Minderoo own the Force, Minderoo are contracting players, coaches etc.

    RugbyWA is responsible for our high performance academy, community clubs and our competition. We will not be selling tickets to the matches, hiring venues for the upcoming Force matches.
    If this was the Minderoo run Western Force board. I think it would be an inspired idea to appoint Alison and allow her represent the Sea of Blue and have a say in things.

    But as clearly stated above by Hansie.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hansie View Post
    RugbyWA is responsible for our high performance academy, community clubs and our competition.
    Here are my assumptions. I assume that Alison does not have a background in Sports Science or Sports Management. So would be unable to assist with the managing of the High Performance Academy.

    Here is a big assumption. I am also assuming that Alison is not a member of a Club/Community Rugby side nor has been to many Club/Community Rugby matches.

    This assumption goes on to assume that Alison has never attended Club/Community Rugby training. Helped set up for game day, cooked a sausage, sold a beer or a raffle ticket. Stood out in the rain for 5 hours to watch 4th grade than third grade, second grade and the First grade side run out to play and yelled herself horse for her team. Has Alison ever stood and formed the tunnel to cheer each of those teams on to the ground. Has Alison sung the Club Song along with the players and supporters after a win and then attended Speeches at the end of the day?

    A big assumption isn't it. Like I said before, if I am wrong. I do and will humbly apologise.

    The point I am trying to make is that being a representative of Club and Community Rugby there are hundreds of better qualified people living in and around Perth. Assuming my assumptions are correct.

    Alison I hope that you understand the massive honor you have been given to represent RugbyWA. I hope that you go and watch many Club Rugby Matches this year. I hope that you get to experience what people like Fulvio, Westie, Darkness and others of TWF (including myself) week in and week out. I also hope that you show some respect for the hard working volunteers that do an awesome job for their clubs year after year.

    Alison, I will admit. I am very jealous of your appointment. I wish you every success.

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    Port Macquarie

    "Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done! Now if you know what you’re worth then go out and get what you’re worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain’t you! You’re better than that!" - Rocky Balboa

  15. #105
    Player lou's Avatar
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    Well Tim North doesnt have a back ground in sports science or sports management, I'm not sure, but I don't think he is a paid up member of any community club, I'm quite sure he has never cooked a sausage, sold a beer or a raffle ticket. However, I am sure that he and Alison have cheered on a third grade team, have formed a tunnel and sung the club song - also - not relevant to running a club.
    oh and by the way, T North was re elected as President of VRU this week - woo hoo - and soon, fingers crossed (sarcasm from me here) he will get his Order of Australia for services to Rugby.
    So is Alison qualified?
    Her passion and commitment and integrity speaks volumes and she s*&ts on most others - imo. Go Alison, rebuild rugby in WA and keep holding RA accountable.

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