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Thread: Pompous Git Pontificates on Local Competition.

  1. #1
    Legend Contributor fulvio sammut's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    Pompous Git Pontificates on Local Competition.

    Three rounds to go before the finals, and most teams are feeling the effects of a close, competitive season, with a litany of woeful tales of injuries, close losses, missed opportunities and bad luck.

    The teams that are in the top four or five share a number of things in common, reasonable coaches, good recruitment practices, a solid, hard preseason, motivation and pride, good administration, and of course a modicum of good luck occasionally.

    Palmyra and Wanneroo, from what I could see, had the best preseason. By the first game of the season they were up and running hard. It took most of the first round before the best of the rest caught up to their fitness level, and by that time those clubs had virtually secured a place in the four. Not because they were necessarily the best, but because for a good while they were the strongest and the hardest. Match fitness eventually kicked in and brought the others up to the required level, but the advantage was already won by then.

    The recriutment advantage was gained by Palmyra hands down, even more so because they came from such a low base of player numbers and quality from the season before, and because they started in May of the previous year. But other sides recruited judiciously too, Nedlands and Rockingham into the season when they started to see the writing on the wall, Soaks and Wanneroo in the off season, and Perth in the preseason. Other clubs, and I know this is a generalization, appeared to wait for things to happen.

    Coaches? Well I don't intend to criticise or elevate individuals. Perth had (have) the best coach in the competition. Sadly, they didn't use him to his full capabilities; a director of coaching is all very well, but having the best man available in that capacity spreads him thinly and the first grade is always the loser. Wests have an excellent coach, but a broke club could not support him by supplying the cattle to work with. Wanneroo have an enthusiastic, knowledgeable and dynamic, if abrasive, coach. Nedlands have a quiet but determined achiever, Kalamunda an intelligent and skillful coach, but a lack of administrative and, inexplicably, player support for him. Soaks man is competent and driven, but he too lacks universal internal support. Palmyra have an allrounder, whose experience and man management skills are able to get the best out of what he has. Cott have a brash superbly self confident man at the helm, helped greatly by the support and wealth of talent in his club.

    Motivation and pride? Through gritted teeth I have to give this mantle to Nedlands, who display this year after year. It is why they are always successful and why they have the ability to change the fortunes of their season around, no matter the odds, as they have done this year. (That, and money, of course. )

    Administration. What constitutes good administration? Among other things, an ability to raise and spend money judiciously, plan ahead, manage and exploit volunteer manpower for the greatest benefit, control their player and member base, make the club an enjoyable and attractive place to be at.
    I can only speak authoritatively about one club in that regard, mine, Palmyra. They seem to have it pretty much together this year. I'm also impressed by the professionalism and organisation I have seen at Soaks and can't understand the minor difficulties they have had internally. Nedlands are always on top of their game.

    Luck? You make your own. Accidents happen , but preparation and good player medical/physio support count for a lot. To their credit, all clubs seem well endowed in that regard. One club even has psychological support staff. I was skeptical, but it works.

    Who's going to win this week? Not going to predict here. I'm sick of giving Johnex a leg up each week!

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  2. #2
    Champion goony's Avatar
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    Dec 2006
    Which club has psychological support staff?!? That could have come in handy for our second round, esp after some of the horrific scores that we have lost by...

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  3. #3
    Senior Player Action Hardcore's Avatar
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    when they keep glancing over at me i know they think iam cute and are checking me out -Kalafan 10/3/10

    i have difficulty in my life. alot of girls like me but i cannot ask them out. i think they like me cause i am good looking and have a nice smile.- kalafan 3/7/10


    Born TROLLIN

  4. #4
    Champion goony's Avatar
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    Dec 2006
    ohhh u make me laugh action, i think you should have your own website for all the comedy you bring to this world!

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  5. #5
    Senior Player Action Hardcore's Avatar
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    Unsure if serious

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    when they keep glancing over at me i know they think iam cute and are checking me out -Kalafan 10/3/10

    i have difficulty in my life. alot of girls like me but i cannot ask them out. i think they like me cause i am good looking and have a nice smile.- kalafan 3/7/10


    Born TROLLIN

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    South Perth
    Will our comp ever get better without GOLD or SPIRIT honours available?

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  7. #7
    Immortal Contributor shasta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hansie View Post
    Will our comp ever get better without GOLD or SPIRIT honours available?
    Probably, but not as quickly. Welcome Hansie.

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    "The main difference between playing League and Union is that now I get my hangovers on Monday instead of Sunday - Tom David

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I like your analyses FS - could you just use some words that our afrikaans farmer boys understand!! good luck for the weekend

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  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2009
    secret harbour
    No mention about Rocky coach ? Also regards to you self praise of Paly should take a leaf out of Rockies and learn to be a more hospitable club, looking after the prems only after a games and not the other sides bit poor .

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  10. #10
    (formerly known as Coach) Your Humble Servant Darren's Avatar
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    No real need for the clarification, Fulvio - we already know about the pomposity, gittiness and pontification ...

    Just to open it up a little more, I'm thinking of making semis and the final worth double points in the tipping comp.

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    Dear Lord, if you give us back Johnny Cash, we'll give you Justin Bieber.

  11. #11
    Legend Contributor fulvio sammut's Avatar
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    I don't know anything about Rocky's coach, nor read about him on your club's website or elsewhere, and I wasn't at our last game against Rocky.

    I have heard about or at least seen the other coaches in action.

    I'm sure Rocky's coach is very good. He certainly did a good job, from all appearances, when you played and beat us. I was in Adelaide that day.

    I hope you continue in your "giant killing" ways.

    I'm sorry if our hospitality wasn't all it could be when we last played you.

    ---------- Post added at 17:28 ---------- Previous post was at 17:20 ----------

    Just thought I'd get in first, Coach.

    I see it didn't work but.....

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