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Thread: Sex, TWF & Moderators..

  1. #1
    (formerly known as Coach) Your Humble Servant Darren's Avatar
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    Post Sex, TWF & Moderators..

    Ok - there's no sex, or at least none that I'm hearing about...

    There have been a few posts questioning things such as posts being deleted, members being banned, and moderator actions. I'd like to clear a few things up.

    1. Posts being deleted.
    Thanks for making me troll over log files - however I've just checked, apart from some posts that were deleted as they were exact duplicate of existing threads, I am the only person who has deleted posts this month.

    Usually we try to move posts to another thread or split a thread.

    I guess I could have done this, but did Jono and Jargan bitching at each other really need a new thread?

    It certainly added nothing to the Cheetahs -vs- Western Force thread. The said posts were not deleted as a form of censorship, they were deleted out of convenience (I couldn;t be stuffed moving them to a new thread) I've just undeleted all of these posts if you wish to read them: (first 2 pages)

    2. Moderators
    Moderators are a bit like refs, eveyone likes them as long as the decisions they make are the same as their own. Moderators are not paid. TWF moderators have very few rather broad guidelines and it is up to them to do as they see fit at the time. They were 'hired' for their varied viewpoints and entrusted with tools to do a job. They do their job well and without thanks, quite the opposite generally. I stand by any decision they make.

    3. Editing posts
    Apart an incidence of some mischief late last year, posts are not edit to change meaning or intent. Sometimes they are edited for grammar or spelling or writing team lists 1 to 15 rather than 15 - 1. Sometimes they are edited to tone back language. For the most part, they are not edited.

    Here is an example of one of the few posts edited because of content

    He's also a lazy sh1t that expects everything to happen for him since sycophants like you have been licking his anus since he was 12
    He has a self destructive personality that will see him snorting crack and head butting telegraph poles in Redfern before too long.
    changed to

    He's also lazy and expects everything to happen for him
    He has a self destructive personality
    Do you think the original should have stayed?

    4. Closing threads
    Threads get closed from time to time if they bug a moderator, are seen to be going no where. It's a way to make the contributors to such threads stop and think. Any member can start a new thread - they generally don't.

    5. Banning Members
    Any member may be banned at a moderators discretion. See point 2.

    6. TWF
    No, TWF is not a communist state. Nor is it a public website. It is a privately owned website. An excerpt form the registration agreement:

    The owners of Western Force Rugby Supporters Site reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.

    Trolls will not be tolerated.

    The owners of Western Force Rugby Supporters Site reserve the right to delete, ban or suspend a members account without notice at their discretion.
    7. You can't please all of the people all of the time
    As much as I'd like to - it's a fruitless pursuit. The flipside of this is that you as individuals or a group can not expect to be pleased all of the time either.
    I think most would agree that we try and make TWF an inclusive site with as broad an appeal as possible to as broad an audience as possible. Men, women and kids. Whilst trying to uphold this toes will get stepped on from time to time.

    If anyone has a genuine ongoing gripe - they can PM me. If you wish to remain anonymous, log out and then use the 'Contact Us' link. Or you may email me coach

    As you were...

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  2. #2
    Champion Contributor tragic's Avatar
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    ... between a rock and a bigger rock.
    I just praised you and now I feel odd about it, because you're stating the obvious.

    I could remove my praise, but I'm pretty sure I'd feel odd about that, too.

    Bugger. I've snookered myself.

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  3. #3
    Legend Contributor slomo's Avatar
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    5. banning is it up to the mods to lift the ban?....

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  4. #4
    Veteran laura's Avatar
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    I also praised, clarifying the rules (for want of a better word) might settle the edginess around the place...hopefully.

    Coach runs the site largely at his own expense, with the help of TWF member donations, and if he has put faith into people to moderate his site then they sure as day have the right to do what he allows. If you disagree suck it up, you're using Coach's site and what he says goes. Go team!

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  5. #5
    Legend Contributor blueandblack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tragic View Post
    I just praised you and now I feel odd about it, because you're stating the obvious.

    I could remove my praise, but I'm pretty sure I'd feel odd about that, too.

    Bugger. I've snookered myself.
    Thats exactly what (I believe) Coach is getting at. Stop and think before you type.

    btw I realise your post is at least somewhat in humour

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  6. #6
    Champion Contributor Em-Forcer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coach View Post
    Ok - there's no sex, or at least none that I'm hearing about...
    Y'know how to get our attention, though, boss!

    Quote Originally Posted by Coach View Post
    There have been a few posts questioning things such as posts being deleted, members being banned, and moderator actions. I'd like to clear a few things up.

    1. Posts being deleted.
    Thanks for making me troll over log files...
    Ooops - I for one didn't mean to give you more work - I was trying to make a general point about how most of us can respond to the stirrers intelligently. Though perhaps what we're told about bullies at school would be better - just ignore them...

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  7. #7
    Champion Lonzy's Avatar
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    You know I love this place coach and I don't usually bitch but I came here under the premis of sex ...

    I appreciate what the mods do but I just hope some of them aren't moderating with their hearts as oppossed to the TWF guidelines which I'd imagine could be hard sometimes!

    Coach you mentioned threads are removed if they 'bug' a moderator, but what 'bugs' a moderator may not 'bug' others; this is where I get confused, and also where I can see moderating would become difficult!

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  8. #8
    Veteran Contributor LarryNJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lonzy View Post
    I appreciate what the mods do but I just hope some of them aren't moderating with their hearts as oppossed to the TWF guidelines which I'd imagine could be hard sometimes!

    Coach you mentioned threads are removed if they 'bug' a moderator, but what 'bugs' a moderator may not 'bug' others; this is where I get confused,
    You make good points Lonzy but it would be a huge pain in the ass to review every decision that a mod makes. So to keep it simple
    Quote Originally Posted by Coach View Post
    2. Moderators
    ......... I stand by any decision they make.

    Isn't this what you enjoy doing in your spare time coachie?

    Quote Originally Posted by Coach View Post
    Thanks for making me troll over log files

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  9. #9
    Legend Contributor Thequeerone's Avatar
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    15-1 rule noted but the English Writers have started using 15-9 and 1-8 as the standard - I would like time for a sex life (and do not wish to interfere with the mods mating rituals) how strict are we on this one ?

    Onya Mods - Death to the Trolls - personally not into the language some peps use however as I can't spell who am I to say anything.

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  10. #10
    (formerly known as Coach) Your Humble Servant Darren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lonzy
    Coach you mentioned threads are removed if they 'bug' a moderator, but what 'bugs' a moderator may not 'bug' others
    Not removed, closed. Chances are that if they 'bug' a moderator, they also bug a proportion of readers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Slomo
    5. banning is it up to the mods to lift the ban?....
    Yes - Also, all bans are given a time frame atthe time of banning after which the the member will automatically be 'unbanned' with no intervention. The 'banee' is notified of this time period which can be a minimum of one day. A week is the default I believe.

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  11. #11
    Legend Contributor brokendown gunfighter's Avatar
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    so, Chiselhead has a ten year ban,with the automatic 33% off for truth in sentencing
    with the overcrowding of our prisons that should be another 33% off.Another 33% for good behaviour
    with the sentence backdated to the time of the offence,we should expect him back tomorrow?

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  12. #12
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  13. #13
    Apprentice Bookie
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    I believe that Chiselhead earnt his ban fair and square. but the problem was - it should have been given to him 12 hours earlier.

    I believe that the rant that he was on, and then creating three(?) threads of similar nature as well as taking a go at people for differing opinions to his own was his own undoing. He needed a break to cool his heels and calm down. Having an opinion is fine, not accepting other people opinions is not.

    As far as the Mods go. They are doing a great job considering the money they get for it. I couldn't do it - I don't have the temprement for it.

    Lets never lose sight of the fact that opinions are like buttocks, everyone has them and most of them stink.

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  14. #14
    Champion Contributor Jehna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brokendown gunfighter View Post
    so, Chiselhead has a ten year ban,with the automatic 33% off for truth in sentencing
    with the overcrowding of our prisons that should be another 33% off.Another 33% for good behaviour
    with the sentence backdated to the time of the offence,we should expect him back tomorrow?

    Pretty much...

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  15. #15
    (a.k.a. Mr Pinkbits) Stone Cold's Avatar
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    Thanks for clearing that up Coach...I thought Trolls were the things that lived under bridges and ate goats and was wondering why they weren't allowed on TWF

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    coz Stone Cold says so

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