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Thread: Wallabies hardly spoiled for choice

  1. #1
    Champion KenyaQuin's Avatar
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    Wallabies hardly spoiled for choice

    Wallabies hardly spoiled for choice
    Wayne Smith, Rugby Union Editor | March 10, 2008

    Wallabies hardly spoiled for choice | The Australian

    JUNE 14 is some way off, happily, because if the Wallabies had to play Ireland today instead of in 96 days' time, Robbie Deans and his co-selectors would be struggling to find a worthy starting XV.

    Four rounds of Super 14 have served to highlight just how threadbare Australia is in a number of positions. While reinforcements are on the way in the shape of Stirling Mortlock, Hugh McMeniman and Adam Ashley-Cooper (all on the mend from injuries), the current position is uninspiring bordering on grim.

    Certainly there are pockets of promise. Matt Giteau, Stephen Hoiles and Rocky Elsom all have leapt out of the blocks, but many of Australia's senior international players have reacted to the starter's gun like it has woken them from a deep sleep.

    Normally, the task of selecting the Wallabies' XV is a straightforward one at the start. Simply ink Chris Latham's name in alongside the No15 and then worry about the wingers. This season, however, it is Latham who is the worry. He looks sunken-eyed and distracted.

    Granted, he has every reason to be, playing behind a Reds side that gives away more cheap real estate than a dodgy municipal council. But he normally has that Kiplingesque knack of keeping his head while all around him are losing theirs.

    Not this year. He had two kicks charged down by the Stormers - one led to a try, the other should have - but it's not just his kicks that are flat. It was a truly worrying sight when he showed so little emotion after scoring the Reds' opening try on Saturday night. Normally he provides a season's worth of promotional clips whenever he scores, pointing so jubilantly to the crowd that you'd swear he was a Democratic candidate for the US presidency. But lately it's like he doesn't get the point at all.

    Still, a low-wattage Latham shines brighter than any other Australian fullback. Cameron Shepherd has had his moments for the Force and the Brumbies' Mark Gerrard is proving he is better equipped to play fullback than wing, but if the team was being picked today, Latham would be what he has been since 2004 - the last line, first picked.

    Wings? Drew Mitchell and Lote Tuqiri. No real threats to either. More enthusiasm over Mitchell's selection, perhaps, but it was nonetheless refreshing to see Tuqiri racing away for his try against the Brumbies, even if the refereeing that permitted it helps explain where the expression "blinding rain" comes from.

    Tuqiri feeds on confidence and, like all wingers, his confidence comes from scoring tries, so, for Australia's sake, the more the merrier.

    Now it starts to get seriously scary. Assuming Giteau will be wearing 10 for the duration, and quite possibly for the remainder of his career, Australia has to rebuild its midfield.

    Mortlock might be the world's best No13, but his speed is not quite what it was and with the experimental laws in force, now might be the moment to reassign him to inside centre.

    Still, all that is predicated on 2007 form and Mortlock is yet to make an appearance in 2008 as anything but a waterboy.

    So for the sake of highlighting just how thin the Wallabies' resources really are, let's leave him and Ashley-Cooper out of the reckoning. It is, after all, supposed to be a form XV.

    Maybe it says something about the way Australian rugby is heading, but the three likeliest-looking centre contenders at present all come from rugby league: the Force's Ryan Cross, Timana Tahu of the Tahs and George Smith's younger brother, Tyrone, of the Brumbies. Admittedly, of that trio, only Cross has genuinely solid form on the board this season. Where Tahu is concerned, it's all promise and in the case of Smith, the jury has been sequestered overnight to have another think about it.

    True, there are other options. The NSW centres, Tom Carter and Ben Jacobs, are no-frills players, while the selectors could do worse than to try to create a spot for Gerrard at No12. Yes, that's not forgetting the failed experiment with him at 10.

    Of course, the most attractive option would be to cut straight to the Force's James O'Connor and fit him out in a gold jersey before he gets measured up instead for one in black or green. Or do you think that's rushing it a little for a 17-year-old?

    Who would have thought it would end up being more difficult to replace George Gregan than Steve Larkham? But while the transition at 10 promises to be seamless, it's anyone's guess who will have the No9 on his back.

    Matt Henjak would have been a genuine contender, judging from his performance against the Sharks, but sadly that match was his entire season, indeed all that was left of his career for the Force. Meanwhile, Sam Cordingley's chances have been hit hard by injury but harder still by having to play behind a Reds pack that doesn't pack a punch.

    Unless the selectors are prepared to gamble on a raw but slick-passing halfback like the Force's James Stannard, that leaves two halfbacks of similarly pugnacious temperament: the Waratahs' Brett Sheehan and Patrick Phibbs of the Brumbies. Take your pick. Neither would let Australia down.

    The back five in the Australian scrum should cause the selectors little grief - Hoiles, revelling in the new laws, would supplant Wycliff Palu at number eight, at least until Palu stops drifting in and out of games, Elsom and George Smith and, for one last season, Dan Vickerman and Nathan Sharpe in the second row.

    It's a lucky dip at tighthead following Guy Shepherdson's indifferent start to the season. Any number of No3s have had their moments, including Reds novice Dayna Edwards, but AJ Whalley of the Force probably has been the most consistent and as a former backrower, he is a genuine ball-carrying prop.

    No doubt England hooker Mark Regan would be delighted to see one of the Tele-Tubbies return on the other side of the scrum, but for all the teasing he cops, Matt Dunning remains the best Australia has at loosehead, edging out Greg Holmes, Nic Henderson and Gareth Hardy.

    And at hooker, it's got to be the Tahs' unstoppable Adam Freier. Stephen Moore seems to be suffering more than most from the Reds' disintegration and is playing like a man who wants out. At the opposite end of the enthusiasm scale is Saia Faingaa, and it surely won't be long before it's the Wallabies and not just the Brumbies who are benefiting from his competitiveness.

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  2. #2
    Veteran Swee_82's Avatar
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    Yay for AJ getting another promising write-up, but if Matt Dunning is seriously the best loosehead we can produce then just stick Tah-Man in there and be done with it.

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  3. #3
    Veteran BLR's Avatar
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    Whatever happened to Tai McIsaac? He had some games for the Wallabies and now doesn't even get mentioned, it's like he somehow doesn't exist anymore...

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  4. #4
    Veteran laura's Avatar
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    This is pretty positive for the Force as a team.
    The line about James O'Connor is surely agreat confidence booster for the Force knowing that they have him.
    Bit harsh on Latham though, I know he is a Red's player and hasn't being playing at his usual best lately, but he is a top Wallaby and I think he deserves a little more respect in this article.

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    Last edited by laura; 13-03-08 at 11:06. Reason: clarification of my opinion

  5. #5
    Veteran BLR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by laura View Post
    This is pretty positive for the Force as a team.
    The line about James O'Connor is surely agreat confidence booster for the Force knowing that they have him.
    Bit harsh on Latham though, I know he is a Red's player, but he is a top Wallaby and I think he deserves a little more respect in this article.
    O'Connor: Personally I think that he will get brought by the Eastern States, this is far too much hype for a Force player, I suspect a team will make a bid for him and the hype will continue and he will be another Beale doesn't seem right for me...or maybe he just gets hyped because he is a back, didn't see Pocock getting as much hype despite not playing the grade...

    Latham:It's proffessional sport, they can't simply let bad performances slide because he did some good things in the past, it is just the nature of sport...I mean, would you expect Tuqiri to recieved the same respect? Well, he has, underperforming and still getting into the Wallabies.....

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  6. #6
    Senior Player Contributor gustafsl's Avatar
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    What a weird article. Starts by saying what a disaster it would be to pick a Wallaby team today, but then has no problem penciling in most of the squad and is only really concerned about the centres, scrumhalf and Latham having a couple bad games.

    Yeah we have depth problems but maybe that is for the better. We may be forced to try a couple unknowns and who knows, maybe we'll find a gem. Shouldn't we start planning ahead for the World Cup now rather than wait until the Tri Nations in 2011 to try out new combinations?

    It doesn't sound like this guy has actually watched many Super 14 games this year. As anyone would gladly put Cross in 13 as one of their first picks.

    And as a last comment...what about Staniforth...does he not get consideration at 12?

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  7. #7
    Veteran zimeric's Avatar
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    agreed gustaf it was horribly muddled and is hardly been written on current form.

    Dunning has been anonymous thus far IMHO, Hardy has been more consistent
    Pocock doesnt even get a mention and he has been by FAR the standout flanker in the last 4 rounds
    Cross has totally dominated 13 thus far and is a shoe-in to replace Mortlock.

    Latham will only be around for one more season so they really should be looking around for more options there even if he is the best bet we have right now (though Sheps form has been hapazard i feel hes had a better run of it than Latho thus far)

    Halfback is a bit of a worry but there are options there too.

    Ashley Cooper hasnt had a game yet this year why is he even being mentioned??? his form at the world cup was ok but hardly dominant.

    What about all the contenders for No 11, 12 & 14 Staniforth, McKay, Tiquiri, Mitchell, Aione, Turner, Cummins & O'Connor... all classy wingers & Centres with different attributes.

    analysis over.

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  8. #8
    Inactive Account inactive's Avatar
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    hmm interesting article oh well spanner must be getting used to be over looked!!

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  9. #9
    Immortal Contributor GIGS20's Avatar
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    [Spleen_Venting]MY GOD.....I've only read three paragraphs and I can't wait, HAVE YOU BEEN WEARING A BLOODY BLINDFOLD WAYNE SMITH!!!!!! Ryan Cross is a genuine contender for the 13 slot even with a fit Stirling Mortlock! want proof....Inside Rugby tonight PHIL KEARNS AND ROD KAFER BOTH said it![/Spleen_Venting]

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    C'mon the

  10. #10
    Immortal Contributor GIGS20's Avatar
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    Whew, well, now that I've had a chance to read the rest of the article, I notice that Crossy was begrudgingly adjudjed the best Australian number 13 because the sublime Tim Tam is yet to play a game which looks like rugby UNION! this is just a crock! Crossy is WORLD CLASS Right NOW! If you can't see that by the way he tore up an essentially All Black midfield on Sunday Night you weren't looking!
    As for the Back row...not a whisper...locks? the loss of Vickerman is apparently not going to cause a bilp, this confuses me because Tommy Hockings is a long way short of the mark, but I think outplaying the rest of Oz (Danny Boy excluded) The front Row, hookers? not much in the cupboard, If NSW or QLD had ANYBODY who could play the game, they'd probably have developed some momentum at the ad line! Wingers? I think there's plenty in the country to combat Lote...spanner will beat Lote and Chook will lose his hair in April...of course Wayne won't be watching, and I'm not saying Spanner should be a Wallaby winger, just that he's one of the many people who could do it better than the mouth! there are so many holes I can't even remember half of them, but this is utter tripe of the worst order. Jess, remember the hatchet job I did on your Cheerleader post....I'm sorry, it was ordinary, now I've seen shite from a master!
    Quote Originally Posted by laura View Post
    This is pretty positive for the Force as a team.
    The line about James O'Connor is surely agreat confidence booster for the Force knowing that they have him.
    Bit harsh on Latham though, I know he is a Red's player and hasn't being playing at his usual best lately, but he is a top Wallaby and I think he deserves a little more respect in this article.
    sorry Laura, you're normally right on the nose, but maybe I'm a bit too passionate for the cursory, afterthought mentions of players as "the best of a bad bunch if the washed up incumbents are still injured" to count as a positive article for the force!

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    C'mon the

  11. #11
    Veteran laura's Avatar
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    Fair enough GIGS. I'm just happy that the Force were actually recognised at all!!! The fact that it is was positive at times was a bonus in my books....guess I'm used to the slagging we usually get.

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  12. #12
    Immortal Contributor GIGS20's Avatar
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    Cool....Cool, maybe I'm just more sensitive than you!

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    C'mon the

  13. #13
    Champion MI5_Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GIGS20 View Post
    Cool....Cool, maybe I'm just more sensitive than you!
    Ya think!

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