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Thread: RM V HaNSIE ÷ Circular argument thread

  1. #1
    Senior Player
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    RM V HaNSIE ÷ Circular argument thread

    If clubs like Nedlands stopped importing truck loads of kiwis then less locals would support kiwi teams. Of course they are going to support the teams they relate to; Chiefs, Crusaders etc.

    Nedlands needs to get itself an under 16 and an under 18 team and contribute to developing the local player base and stop importing!

    I don't disagree with you re getting the right coaching structure and one that "genuinely" engages with the local rugby community not just token efforts. If the Force players are predominantly aligned with Nedlands, Cottesloe and Uni then the negative sentiment in clubland will continue - pretty simple but no-ones done anything about it since the Force's inception.

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    Last edited by RumourMonger; 09-05-12 at 10:59.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    South Perth
    RM - still drawing very long bows. Kiwis and Force boys playing for Neddies is why we have this debate on a Force coach??? must share some that stuff you are on....

    How many players/coaches have you imported at Pally?

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  3. #3
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    Hansie, you couldn't handle what I'm on. Its strong enough to take out a rhino.

    I have never been involved in the importation of players by fair or foul means. Never been in a position too however I do see the effects of Nedlands, Cottesloe and Uni's efforts on the rest of the competition.

    No idea about Paly but I can advise from my observation that Rocky have imported about half a dozen players this year. From what I saw of Neddies a fortnight ago lotsa new faces.

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  4. #4
    Champion Rex Messup's Avatar
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    Isn't it great that the local competition is getting competitive? i) Players moving to different clubs for a better culture or a motivation to win titles ii) Clubs importing players from overseas and interstate - improves the strength of the competition and lifts its profile.

    Well done Hansie et al

    RM, give yourself a nosebleed

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  5. #5
    Internet Troll
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    Hansie hates Pally. We're down there this Saturday so expect a bit of biffo. His son took a hit there last year and has held a grudge ever since. That's my theory anyways.

    Weather forecast for Saturday is 29 degrees and sunny so should be good.

    Go Neddies.

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  6. #6
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    Rex / Ethicist, whatever your name is today - you are such a f----ing plonker. So out of touch. Be careful, I have a photo of you and a donkey; and don't pretend you're a vet.

    Active promotion of mercenaries is not something you or Hansie should be proud of.

    Best you back off and spend more time with your best friend; that bottle of cheap scotch next to you.

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  7. #7
    Champion Rex Messup's Avatar
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    Nice sledge RM

    It still needs a bit of work

    You were almost funny this time. keep up the good work, I see potential

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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    nothing wrong with a bit of cheap whiskey...

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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    RM still has not got a clue. Sit's on the sidelines without any evidence of being at the coal face and realising the benefits some imported players have on the local comp.

    How about coming up with a pro active constructive method to improve our skillset in WA.

    If imports add to our skillset and grow the rugby in our comp. is that a bad thing?

    Or do we grow as fast as the lowest common demoninator? Ban Imports, spread Force players to the weak clubs, will that strengthen our local player's skillset?

    If an import or Force player is required by the club to help coach juniors, is that a bad thing?

    If that same import plays premiergrade for the club, is that a bad thing?

    RM, you have to do better, you're still useless at trying to find fault in Force player distribution or clubs bringing in outside players. When you have some experience in coaching or managing a rugby team in our community then say your bit.

    Back to the subject of this thread - here's one right of left field "What about Rick Charlesworth"????

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  10. #10
    Senior Player
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    Ah Hansie, we've finally come the full circle.

    It's taken a year but you've finally fessed up to:

    1) Importing players (previously and strenuously denied by you),

    2) You object to Force players playing for the "weak clubs" - your attitude is reprehensible and indicative of the western suburb centric mindset that is holding rugby back in this state, ie as long as Nedlands, Cott and Uni have all the benefits who cares about the rest of the clubs. Are you prepared to repeat your statement to the clubs in the outer areas (eg Rocky and Kala)?

    3) You don't take a holistic view at all, its all about Nedlands domination.

    Well, here's a few more home truths for you:

    a) Seymour "coaching" Nedlands under 9's is a PR stunt.

    b) Nedlands relies significantly on imports to remain competitive and does very little to develop local players to feed into the academy or schoolboy programmes. No Nedlands players in the current academy other than a yarpie import and no Nedlands players in the state schoolboy squad. Nedlands must have an under 16 and an under 18 team if it wants to be seen as developing local players and to give any credibility to your soap box rhethoric.

    c) cheque book premierships are not sustainable although I have to admit Nedlands have done a good job of it over the years.

    "How about coming up with a pro active constructive method to improve our skillset in WA."

    There's a very simple answer to improving standards of athletic performance, irrespective of the sport or location. The formula is:

    1) Maximise Player Numbers

    2) High coaching standards across the sport

    3) An effective and appropriately funded Talent Identification and Development Programme

    4) Effective promotion of the sport (includes genuine commitment from the local professional team)

    In my view, Rugby WA are running a pretty good programme on the smell of an oily rag. Yes it could be improved and yes it could do with a significant increase in funding.

    The Force need to win some games to attract the sponsorship necessary to fund these programmes. Its difficult to pull a plane out of a downward spiral and not helped by passengers like you panicking.

    "What about Rick Charlesworth" you must have flipped out - check the brand of Biltong you chew on - some special additives by the sounds of it. Stick to big-noting yourself on this website, at least that's relatively harmless. God I hope you never get on the RugbyWA board or anything - there'd only be one club left at the end of it and no juniors!

    Grrr... I need a cup of tea.

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  11. #11
    Player kipper_mckinnon's Avatar
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    Gloves are OFF !!!!

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  12. #12
    Senior Player PerthChicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kipper_mckinnon View Post
    Gloves are OFF !!!!
    Fight, fight, fight!! Oh how I love a good fight!! :-D

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  13. #13
    Immortal Contributor shasta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hansie View Post
    Back to the subject of this thread - here's one right of left field "What about Rick Charlesworth"????
    Would be maybe a contender as a Director of Coaching. I fleetingly thought of that possibility when someone posted "the most influential" threads. Still can't believe some mob of "experts" had him down around 30 of 50.

    The Dockers employed him in that role. Not sure of how that worked as I don't really follw AFL to any great extent. He might be worth consideration if we can't attract a topliner and, for instance, the current assistants carry on. But he's still the Kookas coach, at least until afte London. There are few coaches in any sport who are his equal.

    RM you wouldn't know your arse from your elbow.

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    "The main difference between playing League and Union is that now I get my hangovers on Monday instead of Sunday - Tom David

  14. #14
    Champion Rex Messup's Avatar
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    Some good ideas there RM

    Seymour coaching the Neddies under 9's is fantastic. Good on him for doing it. You objection is merely bitter jealousy and no more.

    Club presidents want their clubs to win every grade - that's their job. Deal with it

    Great to see lots of talent coming into the local comp. It will raise the bar of skill and make it more competitive, raise the profile and reduce the gap between Force and club.............get out of the way and let the progress come RM you old goat.

    Rugby would still be an amateur game if we followed the vision of introspective, malevolent, bitter and twisted old farts.

    Move aside RM. Rugby progress in WA is required

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  15. #15
    Champion Rex Messup's Avatar
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    How about a rugby coach?

    that'll do me

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