rugby365's Oracle, Paul Dobson, takes a look at the bizarre ways of the Minister of Sport Makhenkesi Stofile and his department - as they attempt to introduce a sports bill that would have given the minister the authority to veto any decision relating to any sports team.

Thieves steal, murders murder and bullies bully. They must bully to stay bullies and they manage to keep on doing that.

Giving in to bullies does not stop them from bullying. It encourages them to bully more. Nothing succeeds like success, they say.

Anybody who thought that the bizarre department/ministry of sport would stop bullying once it had bullied the South African Rugby Union into changing the emblem on the jersey was misguided. Of course, they would carry on bullying.

Apparently they again want to pick the Springbok team. Lots of people want to pick the Springbok team, but don't get the chance to do so. The sports ministry believes it can flex muscles and force sport to do what it wants....