vBookie Event: Force vs Rebels (Super Rugby Pacific)
Event information
This event is SETTLED
This event will accept bets until 26-05-23 at 15:30
This event will pay out after 26-05-23 at 17:30
Number of bets placed 29
Total amount staked 390641801
Total amount won 13363109
Event Outcomes
Force Win

Outcome information
Current odds 9/4 (2.25)
Number of bets placed 14
Total amount staked 376856800
Total amount won 0
Top bets on this Outcome
Bet placed by Amount staked Odds Amount won
GIGS20 120000000 9/4 (2.25) 0
Sheikh 112230950 9/4 (2.25) 0
todd4 80000000 9/4 (2.25) 0
SlowCooked 20000000 9/4 (2.25) 0
Burgs 2512000 9/4 (2.25) 0
eleypinkbit 1000000 9/4 (2.25) 0
boof1050 500000 9/4 (2.25) 0
jargan83 435400 9/4 (2.25) 0
The InnFORCEr 200000 9/4 (2.25) 0
SNOB 195400 9/4 (2.25) 0
palitu 111050 9/4 (2.25) 0
WFDom 22000 9/4 (2.25) 0
Rebels win

Outcome information
Current odds 2/5 (0.40)
Number of bets placed 1
Total amount staked 5000
Total amount won 2000
Top bets on this Outcome
Bet placed by Amount staked Odds Amount won

Outcome information
Current odds 17/1 (17.00)
Number of bets placed 2
Total amount staked 31000
Total amount won 0
Top bets on this Outcome
Bet placed by Amount staked Odds Amount won
The InnFORCEr 30000 17/1 (17.00) 0
Time frame for Force First Try: 0 - 20 Minutes

Outcome information
Current odds 10/9 (1.11)
Number of bets placed 5
Total amount staked 12025000
Total amount won 13361109
Top bets on this Outcome
Bet placed by Amount staked Odds Amount won
todd4 11254000 10/9 (1.11) 12504444
eleypinkbit 500000 10/9 (1.11) 555555
boof1050 150000 10/9 (1.11) 166666
GIGS20 120000 10/9 (1.11) 133333
Time frame for Force First Try: 21 - End of First Half

Outcome information
Current odds 11/8 (1.38)
Number of bets placed 2
Total amount staked 202000
Total amount won 0
Top bets on this Outcome
Bet placed by Amount staked Odds Amount won
boof1050 200000 11/8 (1.38) 0
Time frame for Force First Try: 41 - 60 Minutes

Outcome information
Current odds 8/1 (8.00)
Number of bets placed 0
Total amount staked 0
Total amount won 0
Top bets on this Outcome
Bet placed by Amount staked Odds Amount won
Time frame for Force First Try: 61 - End of Match

Outcome information
Current odds 17/1 (17.00)
Number of bets placed 0
Total amount staked 0
Total amount won 0
Top bets on this Outcome
Bet placed by Amount staked Odds Amount won
Time frame for Force First Try: NO TRY SCORED IN MATCH

Outcome information
Current odds 30/1 (30.00)
Number of bets placed 1
Total amount staked 1
Total amount won 0
Top bets on this Outcome
Bet placed by Amount staked Odds Amount won
Crowd Greater than 5000

Outcome information
Current odds 3/2 (1.50)
Number of bets placed 2
Total amount staked 580000
Total amount won 0
Top bets on this Outcome
Bet placed by Amount staked Odds Amount won
eleypinkbit 500000 3/2 (1.50) 0
boof1050 80000 3/2 (1.50) 0
Crowd less then 5000

Outcome information
Current odds 1/2 (0.50)
Number of bets placed 2
Total amount staked 942000
Total amount won 0
Top bets on this Outcome
Bet placed by Amount staked Odds Amount won
GIGS20 892000 1/2 (0.50) 0