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Thread: irc logs - dumping spot 4 those who r 2 do chat report but you can't contact

  1. #1
    Legend Contributor blueandblack's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    irc logs - dumping spot 4 those who r 2 do chat report but you can't contact

    like gustafsl

    Here ya go. Read, edit, post in "public"

    **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Jul 09 18:36:35 2008

    Jul 09 18:36:35 --> Now talking on #twf
    Jul 09 18:36:35 * Topic for #twf is: TWF Chat
    Jul 09 18:36:35 * Topic for #twf set by Exile at Wed Jul 09 18:28:14 2008
    Jul 09 18:36:35 * ChanServ gives voice to blueandblack
    Jul 09 18:36:39 <blueandblack> greets
    Jul 09 18:38:50 * Mtbeaver gives channel operator status to blueandblack
    Jul 09 18:38:52 <Mtbeaver> you're in charge
    Jul 09 18:38:54 <Mtbeaver> cya
    Jul 09 18:39:03 * Mtbeaver is now known as mtbeaver-away
    Jul 09 18:39:18 <blueandblack> woooo
    Jul 09 18:42:16 <Exile> yeah
    Jul 09 18:42:19 <Exile> Mr Blue
    Jul 09 18:42:22 <Exile> your in charge
    Jul 09 18:42:51 <blueandblack> w00t
    Jul 09 18:42:54 <blueandblack> also, gday
    Jul 09 18:43:49 * blueandblack has changed the topic to: <Exile> Mr Blue <Exile> your in charge
    Jul 09 18:44:22 <Exile> beaver is MC'ing his mums netball chat
    Jul 09 18:44:32 * Exile tries to stiffle a giggle
    Jul 09 18:44:36 <blueandblack> lols
    Jul 09 18:45:09 * blueandblack cracks open a bottle of Ord River Rum (Overproof) and pours some for Exile and some for self
    Jul 09 18:45:45 <Exile> thanks mate
    Jul 09 18:47:11 <Exile> if your up for it - can you teach Jono about irc?
    Jul 09 18:47:56 <blueandblack> define "about"
    Jul 09 18:48:32 <blueandblack> do you mean ops level operations?
    Jul 09 18:48:48 <Exile> yes please
    Jul 09 18:50:26 <blueandblack> will see what i can achieve
    Jul 09 18:50:40 <blueandblack> he'll probably be away for volleyball at some point
    Jul 09 18:51:17 <Exile> yes - he should be in later
    Jul 09 18:51:24 <Exile> i plan on having an early night
    Jul 09 18:51:49 <blueandblack> mkay
    Jul 09 18:53:01 <blueandblack> i have alerted others in "the other chat"
    Jul 09 18:54:31 <Exile> okey dokey
    Jul 09 19:10:15 <blueandblack> well, the "open" sign is up
    Jul 09 19:11:13 --> swee (~swee_@ has joined #TWF
    Jul 09 19:11:39 <swee> yo
    Jul 09 19:11:48 <blueandblack> yo yo yo yo
    Jul 09 19:11:53 <blueandblack> and all that
    Jul 09 19:12:37 <swee> hoping i got this IRC bizzo right
    Jul 09 19:12:49 <blueandblack> tis easy
    Jul 09 19:13:03 <swee> so far so good
    Jul 09 19:13:06 <swee> i can type, i can read
    Jul 09 19:14:57 --> gustafsl ( has joined #twf
    Jul 09 19:15:02 <blueandblack> welcome
    Jul 09 19:15:19 * blueandblack hands beers all around
    Jul 09 19:15:31 <swee> beers b&b... was getting thirsty
    Jul 09 19:15:37 <swee> beers=cheers
    Jul 09 19:15:40 <swee> whateever
    Jul 09 19:15:45 <blueandblack> beers and cheers
    Jul 09 19:16:30 <swee> i use the two interchangable
    Jul 09 19:16:31 <swee> y
    Jul 09 19:16:48 <swee> (maybe i shoudl lay off teh booze can't type)
    Jul 09 19:17:01 <swee> brb
    Jul 09 19:17:03 <-- swee has quit (Quit: )
    Jul 09 19:17:05 <blueandblack> durnken typing can make for good comedy
    Jul 09 19:17:15 <blueandblack> dayum
    Jul 09 19:17:24 --> Swee ( has joined #twf
    Jul 09 19:17:45 <blueandblack> wb kotter
    Jul 09 19:18:00 <Swee> yo yo yo dudeskis
    Jul 09 19:18:33 --> force_addict ( has joined #twf
    Jul 09 19:18:38 <force_addict> hello.
    Jul 09 19:18:48 <gustafsl> ok...this is different
    Jul 09 19:18:53 <blueandblack> foxtrot alpha
    Jul 09 19:18:54 <Swee> hey fa
    Jul 09 19:18:57 <force_addict> hihi
    Jul 09 19:19:05 --> oxleymoron ( has joined #twf
    Jul 09 19:19:21 <blueandblack> see? easy-peasy
    Jul 09 19:19:37 <gustafsl> wasn't that easy
    Jul 09 19:19:40 <force_addict> hihid and gus
    Jul 09 19:19:51 <force_addict> wtf.
    Jul 09 19:20:06 <gustafsl> thanks blueandblack
    Jul 09 19:20:09 <force_addict> yeah
    Jul 09 19:20:13 <blueandblack> np
    Jul 09 19:20:14 <gustafsl> sort of used your directions
    Jul 09 19:20:41 <gustafsl> i put in that server address you said and it took me to some other page that said "chat now"
    Jul 09 19:20:43 <gustafsl> just went from there
    Jul 09 19:21:05 <blueandblack> cool
    Jul 09 19:21:12 <Swee> clever cookie you are gus
    Jul 09 19:21:22 <force_addict> lol
    Jul 09 19:21:28 <force_addict> i entered a random one
    Jul 09 19:22:45 <gustafsl> i'm putting that page in the favourites in case there are issues again next week
    Jul 09 19:22:53 <force_addict> same same here
    Jul 09 19:23:41 <-- Swee has quit (Quit: CGI:IRC User [])
    Jul 09 19:24:03 <-- gustafsl has quit (Quit: CGI:IRC User [] (EOF))
    Jul 09 19:24:13 --> Swee ( has joined #twf
    Jul 09 19:24:19 <force_addict> wb swee
    Jul 09 19:24:25 <Swee> oops.... i mean damn cat!
    Jul 09 19:24:32 <force_addict> haha.
    Jul 09 19:24:37 --> el ( has joined #twf
    Jul 09 19:25:34 --> gustafsl ( has joined #twf
    Jul 09 19:25:38 <force_addict> wb gus
    Jul 09 19:25:44 <blueandblack> wb kids
    Jul 09 19:25:56 * blueandblack hands out the cups of lemonade
    Jul 09 19:25:58 <gustafsl> so much for problems next week...looks like they are happening already
    Jul 09 19:26:00 <blueandblack> * and other stuff
    Jul 09 19:26:02 <el> yay! lemonade!
    Jul 09 19:26:09 <force_addict> yum
    Jul 09 19:26:31 <blueandblack> next we are getting a drive-in double feature
    Jul 09 19:26:35 <el> i is spanish quokka tonight. the spaces got taken out. so I was 'el quokka innocente' ... now I'm just el
    Jul 09 19:26:42 <force_addict> hahaha. hey IQ
    Jul 09 19:26:44 <blueandblack> Screaming Skull and The Giant Leeches
    Jul 09 19:26:46 <el> fadict
    Jul 09 19:26:51 <blueandblack> in DISTORTO SOUND
    Jul 09 19:26:51 <force_addict> lol
    Jul 09 19:27:12 <el> I SAW FA DEODORANT ON THE WAY TO COONABARABRAN! I was going to take a photo for you. but I couldn't have been bothered.
    Jul 09 19:27:19 <force_addict> OMG!!!!!
    Jul 09 19:27:37 <force_addict> heheheh
    Jul 09 19:27:44 <blueandblack> srs. i have a dvd with those 2 moofies on it. in DISTORTO SOUND (which recreates the drive-in experience by playing the movie sound trhough the front left speaker only and other sounds through the rest
    Jul 09 19:27:47 <blueandblack> )
    Jul 09 19:27:59 <el> it was just past mudgee, before dunedoo
    Jul 09 19:28:17 <force_addict> MUDGEE! that's where 'the nugget' was filmed. i watched it toda
    Jul 09 19:28:19 <force_addict> *today
    Jul 09 19:28:40 <el> cool. I bought wine there today
    Jul 09 19:28:56 <Swee> some fascinating trivia all round there
    Jul 09 19:28:58 <el> Cabinet Merlot and Semillon Sauvignon Blanc
    Jul 09 19:29:10 <force_addict> mmm yummeh
    Jul 09 19:29:42 <oxleymoron> how do you know, fa?
    Jul 09 19:30:00 <force_addict> the movie had a sign in it and it said 'mudgee'
    Jul 09 19:30:01 <gustafsl> aren't u a bit young
    Jul 09 19:30:03 <force_addict> ohh
    Jul 09 19:30:04 <force_addict> the wine
    Jul 09 19:30:12 <force_addict> my dad has been generous of late
    Jul 09 19:30:16 --> Candy ( has joined #twf
    Jul 09 19:31:30 <Candy> ?
    Jul 09 19:31:32 <Swee> hey... hows our favourite cow with low standards?
    Jul 09 19:31:32 <force_addict> hihi
    Jul 09 19:31:47 <Candy> Moo
    Jul 09 19:32:13 <blueandblack> i hope larry turns up tonight
    Jul 09 19:32:21 <el> I got to feed cows this week. Actually Candy, I think I saw you. you were mounting another cow.
    Jul 09 19:32:27 <force_addict> eeeeew.
    Jul 09 19:32:33 <force_addict> were u scarred
    Jul 09 19:32:35 <blueandblack> wtf is the deal with drive-ins playing the us national anthem before the movies?
    Jul 09 19:32:43 <Swee> candy goes both ways???
    Jul 09 19:32:54 <force_addict> bandb what the?
    Jul 09 19:32:55 <Candy> Candy goes anyway she can!
    Jul 09 19:33:16 <Candy> but mostly Candy goes Moo
    Jul 09 19:33:25 <force_addict> meaning...
    Jul 09 19:33:29 <el> i wasn't scared. candy and her paramour were up the hill a bit more.
    Jul 09 19:33:36 <force_addict> haha good o
    Jul 09 19:33:45 <blueandblack> FA: the dvd "drive-in double feature" i am watching (pretending to be a real drive-in night) just played the us national anthem before the rest of the stuff
    Jul 09 19:33:47 <blueandblack> crazy
    Jul 09 19:33:58 <force_addict> ohhh. hahah weird
    Jul 09 19:34:02 <Candy> Makin' Beef
    Jul 09 19:34:08 <Swee> they want an authentic experience for you
    Jul 09 19:34:15 <force_addict> in thailand before every movie they make u stand up and watch a 5 minute movie about the King
    Jul 09 19:34:33 <oxleymoron> did you smuggle more people in under the cushions in your couch, bnb? Just for realism?
    Jul 09 19:34:41 --> CGI123 ( has joined #twf
    Jul 09 19:34:57 <CGI123> Hallo
    Jul 09 19:35:02 <force_addict> hihi
    Jul 09 19:35:06 <el> heyheyhey
    Jul 09 19:35:13 <Candy> CGI123 - now there's a name a girl could sink her cud chewing teeth into...
    Jul 09 19:35:18 <CGI123> what is happening with the chat thing
    Jul 09 19:35:23 <force_addict> chat died.
    Jul 09 19:35:26 <blueandblack> FA: Drive-In Horror Double Feature - Return Of The Killer Tomatoes / Return To Horror High @ EzyDVD
    Jul 09 19:35:30 <blueandblack> something like that
    Jul 09 19:35:45 <force_addict> return of the killer tomatoes?
    Jul 09 19:35:45 <-- Candy has quit (Quit: CGI:IRC User [] (EOF))
    Jul 09 19:35:52 <blueandblack> no
    Jul 09 19:35:52 --> CGI128 ( has joined #twf
    Jul 09 19:36:14 <CGI123> why can't I get into chat using the links
    Jul 09 19:36:14 <blueandblack> THE WASP WOMAN!
    Jul 09 19:36:25 <Exile> gnite all
    Jul 09 19:36:25 <CGI128> hello all
    Jul 09 19:36:31 <blueandblack> cya exile
    Jul 09 19:36:32 <Exile> Mr Blue - your in charge
    Jul 09 19:36:36 <blueandblack> indeed
    Jul 09 19:36:38 <-- Exile has quit (Quit: Leaving)
    Jul 09 19:36:40 <force_addict> b and b "Drive-In Horror Double Feature - Return Of The Killer Tomatoes / Return To Horror High"
    Jul 09 19:36:50 <blueandblack> if thats what it says
    Jul 09 19:36:53 <force_addict> yes'
    Jul 09 19:36:57 <Swee> sounds like a classic b&b
    Jul 09 19:37:03 <blueandblack> mine is screaming skull & the giant leeches
    Jul 09 19:37:08 <Swee> also good
    Jul 09 19:37:14 <force_addict> giant leechers? eeek
    Jul 09 19:37:19 <CGI128> hung over?
    Jul 09 19:37:27 <blueandblack> and its got previews and ads and announcements. hilarious
    Jul 09 19:37:30 <force_addict> haha
    Jul 09 19:37:43 <blueandblack> and some other pre-movie shows
    Jul 09 19:37:51 <blueandblack> betty boop
    Jul 09 19:38:12 <force_addict> hahaha nice
    Jul 09 19:38:17 <blueandblack> as advertised, the sound is coming out of the left speaker only
    Jul 09 19:38:27 <force_addict> well thats good
    Jul 09 19:39:11 <force_addict> so we have CGI123 and CGI128.
    Jul 09 19:39:17 <blueandblack> okay, now dual audio just to see
    Jul 09 19:39:30 <blueandblack> yeah. they havent learnt to use /nick yet
    Jul 09 19:39:34 <force_addict> oh
    Jul 09 19:39:41 <CGI128> Yes CGI128 is actually Lmaag of the mighty BussoJets
    Jul 09 19:39:53 <force_addict> lmaag!
    Jul 09 19:39:56 * CGI128 is now known as lmaag
    Jul 09 19:40:01 <blueandblack> maybe cgi128 should type /nick lmaag and press enter then
    Jul 09 19:40:06 <blueandblack> like that ^5
    Jul 09 19:40:11 <lmaag> I worked it out
    Jul 09 19:40:17 <lmaag> amazinbg
    Jul 09 19:40:24 <Swee> one down.. how bout mr 123?
    Jul 09 19:40:59 <oxleymoron> princess marshmallow?
    Jul 09 19:41:05 <force_addict> hahaah
    Jul 09 19:41:12 --> TWF-Guest11 ( has joined #twf
    Jul 09 19:41:18 <blueandblack> YouTube - Ultrasonic - 1,2,3,4
    Jul 09 19:41:19 <force_addict> hi guest
    Jul 09 19:41:20 <Swee> yeah... where is the apprentice fantapants chat bitch?
    Jul 09 19:41:30 * TWF-Guest11 is now known as Coach
    Jul 09 19:41:30 <lmaag> Guess who has got the Wallaby curtain rasier? the busso Jets under 8's, how cool is that?
    Jul 09 19:41:34 * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Coach
    Jul 09 19:41:37 <force_addict> woah!! well done!
    Jul 09 19:41:38 <Swee> (which mrs jargs and i decided was his official title last week)
    Jul 09 19:41:41 --> travelling_gerry (~travellin@ has joined #twf
    Jul 09 19:41:41 <blueandblack> hey chef
    Jul 09 19:41:45 <blueandblack> and gerry
    Jul 09 19:41:53 <force_addict> lmaag imma get early to wallabies to see them
    Jul 09 19:41:54 <travelling_gerry> evening everyone
    Jul 09 19:41:54 <-- el ( has left #twf
    Jul 09 19:41:58 <force_addict> hi TG and cooooach
    Jul 09 19:42:03 <Coach> Imaag - thats fantastic!
    Jul 09 19:42:05 <Swee> gday gerry, dudesko
    Jul 09 19:42:06 <Coach> Hiya
    Jul 09 19:42:20 <oxleymoron> coach, tg
    Jul 09 19:42:21 <Coach> dudeska!
    Jul 09 19:42:28 <lmaag> I think they are on about 5. All the support they can get will be geat as they don't get to play many games down here
    Jul 09 19:42:36 <force_addict> okies i'll be there.
    Jul 09 19:43:05 <lmaag> great!!
    Jul 09 19:43:19 --> force_addict30 ( has joined #twf
    Jul 09 19:43:32 <oxleymoron> che?
    Jul 09 19:43:53 <force_addict30> just checking. java works now
    Jul 09 19:44:32 <Coach> yeah - I fixed it
    Jul 09 19:44:35 <force_addict30> woot
    Jul 09 19:44:57 <force_addict> imma stay here though.
    Jul 09 19:45:30 <Coach> brb - see if my cookies are cooked yet
    Jul 09 19:45:36 <force_addict30> mmm yum
    Jul 09 19:46:05 <travelling_gerry> cookies?? what happened to buscuits?
    Jul 09 19:46:17 <travelling_gerry> biscuits
    Jul 09 19:46:18 <-- oxleymoron ( has left #twf
    Jul 09 19:46:22 <-- force_addict30 has quit (Quit: force_addict30)
    Jul 09 19:46:33 <Coach> choc chipped biscuits
    Jul 09 19:46:37 <force_addict> YUM
    Jul 09 19:46:39 <blueandblack> all your cookies are belong to us
    Jul 09 19:46:41 <Swee> guess it depends what kind of cookie
    Jul 09 19:46:52 <Swee> choc chip is definately a cookie
    Jul 09 19:46:59 <Coach> couple more minutes
    Jul 09 19:47:04 --> oxleymoron ( has joined #twf
    Jul 09 19:47:05 <Coach> they're really yum when hot
    Jul 09 19:47:14 <force_addict> yeah and kinda soft
    Jul 09 19:47:21 <Coach> no beer in the house, so I have to get my carbs frmo elsewhere
    Jul 09 19:47:22 <force_addict> melted chocolate in the dough
    Jul 09 19:47:22 <lmaag> and melty chocolate
    Jul 09 19:47:36 <lmaag> oh on the same page then f a
    Jul 09 19:47:41 <Swee> we used to have those wamr tollhouse cookies at uni... they were da bomb
    Jul 09 19:47:46 <force_addict> same sentence lmaag
    Jul 09 19:47:47 <blueandblack> damn this talk of chocolate. now i must have a choccy caffeine drink
    Jul 09 19:47:47 <force_addict>
    Jul 09 19:47:56 <blueandblack> well, liquid chocolate mudcake anyway
    Jul 09 19:47:58 <force_addict> mocha
    Jul 09 19:47:59 <lmaag> or beer
    Jul 09 19:48:38 <Coach> OP Bundy is all I have
    Jul 09 19:48:53 <Coach> but not in a bundy mood...
    Jul 09 19:48:57 <travelling_gerry> dunk the biscuits in the bundy
    Jul 09 19:49:03 <Coach> mmm... that has merit
    Jul 09 19:49:07 <blueandblack> fa: not mocha
    Jul 09 19:49:13 <force_addict> why no
    Jul 09 19:49:14 <blueandblack> "chocolate mudcake coffee"
    Jul 09 19:49:18 <force_addict> *not
    Jul 09 19:49:35 <blueandblack> actual chocolate stuff with some coffee drops in it
    Jul 09 19:49:44 <force_addict> ohhhh
    Jul 09 19:50:05 <blueandblack> from
    Jul 09 19:50:14 <force_addict> nescrappé
    Jul 09 19:51:06 <blueandblack> Product Placement - Nestle
    Jul 09 19:51:13 <lmaag> I will be swinging in and out as I have to reconcile the jets finances. Me thinks I need a glass of red for that.
    Jul 09 19:51:18 <gustafsl> who is doing report tonight
    Jul 09 19:51:24 <force_addict> Café Menu Cinema Episode 1
    Jul 09 19:51:26 <force_addict> ahhaha
    Jul 09 19:51:28 <force_addict> u are gus
    Jul 09 19:51:37 <gustafsl> not me
    Jul 09 19:51:40 <force_addict> u asked.
    Jul 09 19:51:43 <Swee> dems da rules
    Jul 09 19:51:47 <gustafsl> no way
    Jul 09 19:51:49 <gustafsl> i can't do that
    Jul 09 19:51:52 <force_addict> who ever asks, has to do it
    Jul 09 19:51:56 <gustafsl> half the time i have no idea what you guys are on about
    Jul 09 19:51:59 <force_addict> ahhaha
    Jul 09 19:52:01 <oxleymoron> HTFU gus
    Jul 09 19:52:11 <gustafsl> wasn't laura going to do it
    Jul 09 19:52:14 <force_addict> shes down south
    Jul 09 19:52:17 <gustafsl> oh
    Jul 09 19:52:47 <travelling_gerry> wheres laura?
    Jul 09 19:52:54 <Swee> esperance
    Jul 09 19:52:54 <force_addict> esperance
    Jul 09 19:53:00 <force_addict> until saturday
    Jul 09 19:53:03 <travelling_gerry> poor thing.....she will freeze there
    Jul 09 19:53:13 <force_addict> she said it has been fun.
    Jul 09 19:53:24 --> jargan83 ( has joined #twf
    Jul 09 19:53:28 <force_addict> hey jargs
    Jul 09 19:53:34 <blueandblack> jargs
    Jul 09 19:53:36 <Swee> hey ajrgs
    Jul 09 19:53:41 <Swee> or jargs... whatever
    Jul 09 19:53:51 <oxleymoron> jargs
    Jul 09 19:53:52 <blueandblack> "jugs"
    Jul 09 19:54:01 <lmaag> st george man
    Jul 09 19:54:04 <Swee> if that works for you b&b
    Jul 09 19:54:26 <jargan83> evening all
    Jul 09 19:54:28 <force_addict> i gotta go. dinner. catchas 9:00 after SPICKS AND SPECKS
    Jul 09 19:54:43 <-- force_addict has quit (Quit: CGI:IRC User [])
    Jul 09 19:55:56 <jargan83> so whats crankin ladies and gents
    Jul 09 19:56:11 <blueandblack> i'm waiting for Salad Fingers #8 to load
    Jul 09 19:56:20 <blueandblack> and drinking chocolate coffee
    Jul 09 19:56:31 <blueandblack> you?
    Jul 09 19:56:34 <lmaag> Reconciling books
    Jul 09 19:56:40 <jargan83> B&B leading an exciting life..............
    Jul 09 19:56:40 <Swee> breaking in the shoes for friday, and grinning that there's one day left at work
    Jul 09 19:56:45 <jargan83> not alot
    Jul 09 19:57:04 <lmaag> Wa reds this sat. Anyone going?
    Jul 09 19:57:14 <jargan83> night game??
    Jul 09 19:57:17 <lmaag> yep
    Jul 09 19:57:24 <jargan83> i am there
    Jul 09 19:57:33 <Swee> could give it a go- you still coming to allen park on sat jargs?
    Jul 09 19:57:36 <jargan83> i keep missing the games of late what with the wallabies being on
    Jul 09 19:57:47 <travelling_gerry> did jargs buy the shoes swee?
    Jul 09 19:57:49 <jargan83> sure am
    Jul 09 19:57:58 <jargan83> that should be a good afternoon/night
    Jul 09 19:58:06 <Swee> (how much do you wish he said sure did jsut then???)
    Jul 09 19:58:13 <lmaag> I am up in perth so thought I might pop in for a look
    Jul 09 19:58:14 <jargan83> i dont buy shoes nor do i carry them
    Jul 09 19:58:29 <Swee> you do'nt fool us shoe wench
    Jul 09 19:58:58 <jargan83> just ask rhonda
    Jul 09 19:59:14 <jargan83> she bitch and whinge for hours that i dont carry her shopping for her
    Jul 09 19:59:28 <Swee> dude, thats what you're there for
    Jul 09 19:59:51 <blueandblack> no. he exists solely to report stuff to TWF via the "mobile device"
    Jul 09 19:59:51 <jargan83> and i refuse to
    Jul 09 19:59:59 <jargan83> untill i sign a CBA
    Jul 09 20:00:11 <blueandblack> CBFA you mean?
    Jul 09 20:00:19 --> Em-Forcer (~Em-Forcer@ has joined #twf
    Jul 09 20:00:24 <blueandblack> gday Em-Forcer
    Jul 09 20:00:40 <Coach> Cookies are GOOD, but I kinda miss beer ....
    Jul 09 20:00:41 <Swee> gday em
    Jul 09 20:00:45 <Coach> Hey, Em
    Jul 09 20:00:49 <Em-Forcer> hellooo!
    Jul 09 20:00:55 <blueandblack> comet!
    Jul 09 20:00:59 <jargan83> i was meaning Collective Bargining Agreement
    Jul 09 20:01:02 <Em-Forcer> why no beer, Coach?
    Jul 09 20:01:07 <jargan83> gday Em
    Jul 09 20:01:18 <blueandblack> okay. i thought maybe "cant be fxxxed agreement"
    Jul 09 20:01:25 <blueandblack> :p
    Jul 09 20:01:36 <Coach> Haven't restocked the fridge this week ...
    Jul 09 20:01:40 <Em-Forcer> g'day Jargan
    Jul 09 20:01:50 <Em-Forcer> Ah - that was slack, Coach!
    Jul 09 20:01:56 <Coach> paying for it now!
    Jul 09 20:01:58 <lmaag> A dangerous state of affairs coach
    Jul 09 20:02:14 <jargan83> carrying of shoes is overtime rates
    Jul 09 20:02:17 <blueandblack> a fridge should never be without alcohol
    Jul 09 20:02:21 <oxleymoron> thats how revolutions start
    Jul 09 20:02:24 <lmaag> I only have home brew and it's a bit dodgey
    Jul 09 20:02:30 <Coach> Idid have a sneaky pint on the way home from work at JB's though
    Jul 09 20:02:32 <blueandblack> jargs: oncall+holiday pay surely
    Jul 09 20:03:05 <jargan83> oh definately
    Jul 09 20:03:24 <lmaag> Books done, the Jets are up $43
    Jul 09 20:03:30 <jargan83> if im on call and get called out thats double time for the first 2 hours and whatever i feel like charging after
    Jul 09 20:03:53 <blueandblack> and around midnight i get my money for the 10.5 hrs overtime i did just before holidays
    Jul 09 20:03:59 <blueandblack> hooray
    Jul 09 20:04:17 <jargan83> you on holidays B&B
    Jul 09 20:04:26 <blueandblack> not any more
    Jul 09 20:04:33 <blueandblack> last week and week before
    Jul 09 20:05:08 <blueandblack> dang. wed lotto jackpotted to monday
    Jul 09 20:05:13 <jargan83> always sucks going back to work
    Jul 09 20:05:35 <blueandblack> so thats $20 mill powerball tomorrow, $4 mill sat, $2.5 mill monday and $40 mil tuesday
    Jul 09 20:05:57 <blueandblack> yeah it does. not as much as 2004 did
    Jul 09 20:05:59 --> KenyaQuin (~KenyaQuin@ has joined #twf
    Jul 09 20:06:08 <jargan83> in the words of Homer Simpson "WHO WANTS LOTTERY TICKETS!!!!!!"
    Jul 09 20:06:12 <blueandblack> 17 weeks off then get back on melb cup day
    Jul 09 20:06:14 <blueandblack> gday KQ
    Jul 09 20:06:24 <KenyaQuin> bonjourno
    Jul 09 20:06:25 <Swee> thats jsut bad planning b&b... ew
    Jul 09 20:06:28 <Swee> gday KQ
    Jul 09 20:06:30 <KenyaQuin> Hows everyone
    Jul 09 20:06:33 <jargan83> gday KQ
    Jul 09 20:06:47 <blueandblack> actually it wwas pretty good planning
    Jul 09 20:07:07 <KenyaQuin> B&B, Swee, Jargs
    Jul 09 20:07:09 <jargan83> not a fan of the horsies B&B??
    Jul 09 20:07:10 <blueandblack> 13 weeks long service, 1 public holiday, 4 weeks annual leave. come back on melb cup day when nothing gets done
    Jul 09 20:07:22 <blueandblack> another month and into christmas lunches and so forth
    Jul 09 20:07:28 <blueandblack> jargs: no
    Jul 09 20:07:33 <Swee> working on melbounre cup..ew... had to do a couple... actually had an HSC exam in the middle of it one year
    Jul 09 20:08:00 <gustafsl> that's just wrong swee
    Jul 09 20:08:16 <oxleymoron> I'll be in melb for part of cup week.
    Jul 09 20:08:18 <gustafsl> work you can get out of...or like us we get tv's set up and no one does anything while it is on
    Jul 09 20:08:18 <blueandblack> it was an easy reintroduction to the building (which i have now worked at for 19 yrs and 2.5 months
    Jul 09 20:08:21 <blueandblack> )
    Jul 09 20:08:23 --> pieter_blackie ( has joined #twf
    Jul 09 20:08:26 <blueandblack> poitr
    Jul 09 20:08:47 <pieter_blackie> hi all this is much better
    Jul 09 20:09:16 <blueandblack> twas funny that day though. they ordered pizza for lunch at north perth pizza hut. pizzas had to come from kwinana. god knows why
    Jul 09 20:09:16 <-- CGI123 has quit (Quit: CGI:IRC User [] (EOF))
    Jul 09 20:09:19 <KenyaQuin> Pieter
    Jul 09 20:09:30 <jargan83> PB
    Jul 09 20:09:37 <jargan83> gday
    Jul 09 20:09:50 <pieter_blackie> How are all
    Jul 09 20:09:57 <lmaag> evening Pieter, well
    Jul 09 20:10:02 --> theforceguy ( has joined #twf
    Jul 09 20:10:05 <blueandblack> getting more chocolatey as i go along. you?
    Jul 09 20:10:15 <blueandblack> TFG
    Jul 09 20:10:17 <theforceguy> good evening all
    Jul 09 20:10:29 <Em-Forcer> B&B - 19 years!!!
    Jul 09 20:10:31 <Swee> gday TFG
    Jul 09 20:10:38 <blueandblack> em: yep
    Jul 09 20:10:41 <pieter_blackie> Hi Forcey
    Jul 09 20:10:50 <blueandblack> april 24, 1989. started at 8.50am
    Jul 09 20:10:55 <Em-Forcer> knocks my 14 yrs service into the shade
    Jul 09 20:11:19 <gustafsl> shit i was 7 then
    Jul 09 20:11:23 <jargan83> the longest i have ever worked in one place is 3 and a half years
    Jul 09 20:11:45 <blueandblack> my former boss started with the organisation before one of his fellow managers was even born
    Jul 09 20:11:46 <jargan83> i was 6
    Jul 09 20:11:48 <Swee> 3 weeks and counting!
    Jul 09 20:11:54 <pieter_blackie> Hi tg
    Jul 09 20:13:06 <Em-Forcer> it freaked me out the first time I had an employee who was young enough to be my kid
    Jul 09 20:13:36 <oxleymoron> Time to go. Later all
    Jul 09 20:13:41 <Swee> cya ox
    Jul 09 20:13:45 <jargan83> seeya ox
    Jul 09 20:13:48 <blueandblack> cya ox
    Jul 09 20:13:51 <Em-Forcer> see ya Ox!
    Jul 09 20:13:56 <-- oxleymoron has quit (Quit: oxleymoron)
    Jul 09 20:14:30 <-- gustafsl has quit (Quit: CGI:IRC User [] (EOF))
    Jul 09 20:15:04 <Swee> wonder if gus is going to do the chat report????
    Jul 09 20:15:27 <blueandblack> he'll be back
    Jul 09 20:15:28 <Swee> for those who missed it, he already asked, i'm following up
    Jul 09 20:15:37 <blueandblack> his irc got to end-of-file...however that happens
    Jul 09 20:15:49 <blueandblack> also, i will find a way to send it to him
    Jul 09 20:16:00 <jargan83> i thought jono was doing the report for the next 4 weeks
    Jul 09 20:16:09 <Swee> hjasn't shown up yet
    Jul 09 20:16:17 <blueandblack> aint no jono here
    Jul 09 20:16:20 <jargan83> trainee chat bitch a no show
    Jul 09 20:16:35 <Swee> revoke his chat bitch status!
    Jul 09 20:16:44 <blueandblack> revoke or extend?
    Jul 09 20:17:01 <Em-Forcer> hehe
    Jul 09 20:17:05 <jargan83> he is off doing thinds of a Marshmellowy nature
    Jul 09 20:17:13 --> CGI128 ( has joined #twf
    Jul 09 20:17:13 <-- lmaag has quit (Quit: CGI:IRC User [] (EOF))
    Jul 09 20:17:19 <Swee> revoke... you can't let rangas loose with power
    Jul 09 20:17:34 <jargan83> rangas arent even people
    Jul 09 20:17:39 <-- KenyaQuin has quit (Ping timeout)
    Jul 09 20:17:50 <blueandblack>
    Jul 09 20:18:07 <Swee> back in a bit dudes
    Jul 09 20:18:09 <-- Swee ( has left #twf
    Jul 09 20:18:16 <-- theforceguy has quit (Ping timeout)
    Jul 09 20:18:26 <blueandblack> probably dettoling her eyes out from that pic
    Jul 09 20:18:58 <jargan83> i think im glad i didnt look at it
    Jul 09 20:19:06 * blueandblack shoves a BEER++ glass full of Guinness inf ront of jargan83
    Jul 09 20:19:17 <jargan83> WOOHOO
    Jul 09 20:19:17 <CGI128> good night guys, remember the Busso Jets under 8's at the Wallabies game
    Jul 09 20:19:22 <blueandblack> cya cgi
    Jul 09 20:19:25 <jargan83> beer beer beer beer beer beer
    Jul 09 20:19:52 <pieter_blackie> don't I get any b&b
    Jul 09 20:19:52 <-- CGI128 has quit (Quit: CGI:IRC User [] (EOF))
    Jul 09 20:20:47 <blueandblack> YouTube - Mickie Knuckles Her Broken Leg,Xtreme Intentions June'08
    Jul 09 20:20:50 <blueandblack> beware!
    Jul 09 20:20:58 --> theforceguy ( has joined #twf
    Jul 09 20:21:00 * blueandblack hands a Guinness to poitr
    Jul 09 20:21:29 <Em-Forcer> B&B - re flute'n'veg - d'ya think she can blow both those at once?!
    Jul 09 20:22:18 <blueandblack> hehe
    Jul 09 20:22:48 <jargan83> becasue your not an alcoholic PB
    Jul 09 20:23:33 <pieter_blackie> My major food source is beer mate
    Jul 09 20:23:44 <jargan83> well then i stand corrected
    Jul 09 20:23:46 <theforceguy> LOL
    Jul 09 20:23:53 <jargan83> i am the natural predator of the pint glass
    Jul 09 20:24:47 <pieter_blackie> just fill up the glasses and get it over and done with
    Jul 09 20:24:51 <-- Coach has quit (Quit: Coach)
    Jul 09 20:25:12 <travelling_gerry> bbl ppls
    Jul 09 20:25:17 <-- travelling_gerry has quit (Quit: travelling_gerry)
    Jul 09 20:25:38 * blueandblack changes over glasses for kegs'
    Jul 09 20:25:53 <jargan83> nice work B&B
    Jul 09 20:26:01 <theforceguy> I am of see you all
    Jul 09 20:26:02 <jargan83> just plug into my vein
    Jul 09 20:26:22 <-- theforceguy has quit (Quit: theforceguy)
    Jul 09 20:26:49 <pieter_blackie> C ya tfg
    Jul 09 20:26:56 <jargan83> seeya TFG
    Jul 09 20:28:37 --> Swee_82 (~Swee_82@ has joined #twf
    Jul 09 20:28:58 <Swee_82> ello again
    Jul 09 20:29:22 <blueandblack> by the cars
    Jul 09 20:29:33 <jargan83> allo allo allo allo, wats goin on ere
    Jul 09 20:30:02 <pieter_blackie> Hi Swee
    Jul 09 20:30:46 <blueandblack> wats going on is i'm updating my Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
    Jul 09 20:31:00 <jargan83> damn you
    Jul 09 20:31:06 <Swee_82> what happened to the faux-drive in?
    Jul 09 20:31:32 <blueandblack> its still there. just had a "power failure" is all
    Jul 09 20:32:31 <blueandblack> also i have research to do
    Jul 09 20:35:53 <jargan83> sooooooooooooooo
    Jul 09 20:36:23 <Swee_82> whats happening with you jargs... big day of infringing tomorrow?
    Jul 09 20:37:00 <jargan83> its infrigetastic
    Jul 09 20:37:09 <pieter_blackie> I am tired I am going to bed see you guys and girls
    Jul 09 20:37:15 <blueandblack> cya poitr
    Jul 09 20:37:16 <Swee_82> cya PB
    Jul 09 20:37:23 <jargan83> seeya PB
    Jul 09 20:37:29 <-- pieter_blackie has quit (Quit: pieter_blackie)
    Jul 09 20:37:33 <Swee_82> we're all very quiet tonight
    Jul 09 20:37:45 <jargan83> indeed we are
    Jul 09 20:37:50 <blueandblack> yeah
    Jul 09 20:38:31 <Em-Forcer> I'm 'working'
    Jul 09 20:38:51 <Swee_82> eh...'working'
    Jul 09 20:39:28 <jargan83> im working when im posting during the day as well
    Jul 09 20:46:30 <blueandblack> hmmmmmm
    Jul 09 20:46:58 <jargan83>
    Jul 09 20:49:02 <jargan83> well this is the most riveting chat night ever
    Jul 09 20:49:14 <blueandblack> rrrrright
    Jul 09 20:49:17 <Swee_82> i know... easy report anyway.. where is everyone?
    Jul 09 20:49:23 <blueandblack> YouTube - Dont Forget Your Toothbrush AUSTRALIA Part 1
    Jul 09 20:49:27 <jargan83> im here
    Jul 09 20:49:29 <blueandblack> entertain yourself with that then
    Jul 09 20:49:31 <jargan83> your there
    Jul 09 20:49:55 <jargan83> entertain YOURself with it
    Jul 09 20:51:08 <jargan83> im outta here to play FIFA 08
    Jul 09 20:51:24 <jargan83> have a good one guys
    Jul 09 20:51:28 <-- jargan83 has quit (Quit: jargan83)
    Jul 09 20:51:36 <Swee_82> it's jsut too exciting, i might have to concentrate on spicks and specks... 2 irishmen and all... catchyas
    Jul 09 20:51:42 <-- Swee_82 has quit (Quit: Swee_82)
    Jul 09 20:52:23 <blueandblack> fine
    Jul 09 21:12:49 --> Thaied_Up (~Thaied_Up@ has joined #twf
    Jul 09 21:13:43 <blueandblack> evening
    Jul 09 21:15:01 --> unenana ( has joined #twf
    Jul 09 21:16:35 <Thaied_Up> Evening all... thought I'd poke my head in here to see what's going on.
    Jul 09 21:17:17 <-- unenana has quit (Quit: )
    Jul 09 21:17:41 <blueandblack> that would be...nothing
    Jul 09 21:17:45 <blueandblack> here anyway
    Jul 09 21:18:36 <Thaied_Up> Very quiet here indeed.
    Jul 09 21:18:48 <Thaied_Up> Catch you all later...
    Jul 09 21:18:59 <-- Thaied_Up has quit (Quit: Thaied_Up)
    Jul 09 21:32:37 <blueandblack> time to close up
    Jul 09 21:32:51 * blueandblack has changed the topic to: Shop is now closed
    Jul 09 21:32:56 * Disconnected ().
    **** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Jul 09 21:32:56 2008

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  2. #2
    Veteran robyn <3's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    The Wilderness!
    lol thats... a great report b&b i feel like i was there instead of dying without the net

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    A kick in this game is like a rather nasty alcoholic shooter, only as good as it's chaser...
    Courtesy of quality South African commentry

  3. #3
    Legend Contributor blueandblack's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    its not the report. gustafsl is doing that. i'm just transferring the data :p

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  4. #4
    Legend Contributor fulvio sammut's Avatar
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    Apr 2006
    Geez, I'm glad I was't on Chat last night...

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  5. #5
    (formerly known as Coach) Your Humble Servant Darren's Avatar
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    Sep 2005
    Perth, Western Australia, Australia
    Dunno if you can call it 'chat' when the Whole World gets to review every single word

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  6. #6
    Immortal jargan83's Avatar
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    Earth Capital
    apprentice chat bitch has no reason not to do the report now
    Posted via Mobile Device

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  7. #7
    Veteran robyn <3's Avatar
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    Apr 2008
    The Wilderness!
    ok... back in my box now

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    A kick in this game is like a rather nasty alcoholic shooter, only as good as it's chaser...
    Courtesy of quality South African commentry

  8. #8
    Legend Contributor blueandblack's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Coach View Post
    Dunno if you can call it 'chat' when the Whole World gets to review every single word
    As I said, this isn't the chat report. It's just the log for gustafsl to edit and post, because he/she is doing chat report this week. i cannot contact him any other way (unless you give me his email address), so this is it.

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