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Thread: I'm (partly) Baaack!

  1. #1
    Legend Contributor fulvio sammut's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    I'm (partly) Baaack!

    The season passed is the season passed, and we can now look forward to 2012 in clubland.

    How are things looking at the moment?


    Matt Tink's proposed in depth investigation into the financial affairs of each club appears to have had it's wheels fall off. Apart from the obvious reason that our Matt has pissed off to join the dark side, such an enquiry would be highly embarrassing for RugbyWA at this time. It wouldn't do for it to be revealed that the only rugby organisation in WA to be in financial doggy doo doos is RugbyWA itself.

    Why? Well, partly because the ARU has cut it's annual subsidy by a whopping one million dollars next year, with a geometrically progressive further cut each year thereafter.

    Be prepared (yes, yes, I know I've said it before, but this year it'll really happen) for RugbyWA to refuse to pay the clubs' player insurance next season. That'll be an impost of about $20,000 in chook raffles on each senior club.

    Be wary also of the possibility of a "Force Levy' being imposed so that the clubs' can have the dubious pleasure of contributing to Cottesloe's premiership aspirations for 2012.

    If that were to occur, I would make the novel suggestion that RugbyWA's books be audited by an independent auditor appointed by the clubs, you know, just to make sure our elderly parents aren't being scammed, or living beyond their means.

    Moving on (money isn't everything. after all) what's happening in the clubs?

    Cottesloe's coach can't be a happy chappie after being tackled into a serious leg injury by one of his own players during training at the Singapore 7's. Purely accidentally of course, but hobbling around on crutches for the entire tournament, and being unable to fly home afterwards, can't have been much fun.

    Palmyra's 2011 coach has not reapplied for the job. I suppose there is only so much selfishness a man with cojones can put up with. I hope he sticks around. The club is bigger than the egos of the few, and he is a man of character for whom I have great respect.

    How are Neddies going to cope with Hansie trying to run the club all day after being glued to sauerkraut rugby on the internet all night? I hold grave concerns.

    It's official, the best paid coaches in WA last season were at Wanneroo, Rockingham and Perth. There's a moral in there somewhere.

    Recruiting.? I haven't got a clue. Hopefully Pally have done some, and equally hopefully everyone else has recriuted some prize duds. It's a lottery. I can't wait for the day local juniors with talent stay in their home state to develop their game, but I fear that's a pipe dream in the present WA rugby environment.

    Over to the rest of you rumour mongers.

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  2. #2
    (formerly known as Coach) Your Humble Servant Darren's Avatar
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    Sep 2005
    Perth, Western Australia, Australia
    were all doomed, doomed I tells ya!

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    Dear Lord, if you give us back Johnny Cash, we'll give you Justin Bieber.

  3. #3
    Legend Contributor brokendown gunfighter's Avatar
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    Sep 2005
    for Fulvio,that was an upbeat post

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  4. #4
    Immortal jargan83's Avatar
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    Earth Capital
    I'm telling you people, the Earth revolves around the sun....

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    South Perth
    We're O.K. we'll have a new clubhouse to retire into and drown our sorrows.

    Now for a bit of seriousness. Yup the Finances at RugbyWA appear to be a bit sad and membership numbers a bit low. Why? .....Because the Force boys have not been finals contenders. But what if community Rugby got behind them to cheer, encourage and lift their spirits?

    Success in Crusaderland, Redsland, even Bullsland is built around tribal lism. We don't have the skill level or depth here to go and watch home grown players and coaches make up most of the Force and therefore cheer on our own.

    We have to be innovative and build that. If we have 6 or 7 thousand registered community players here, plus supporters and others, there must be some 20 thousand people involved directly or within one degree of separation in community rugby here.

    Surely we should be aiming to therefore have 60-75% take up membership of our team?

    If there were 15 thousand punters at each game, maybe clubs would not have to foot a 20K Insurance bill?

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  6. #6
    Senior Player
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    May 2007
    Well, dad and I'll be there. That only leaves 14,998 to go!

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  7. #7
    Senior Player
    Join Date
    May 2011
    New Roodogs coach

    Wanneroo Rugby Club is proud to announce the appointment of Tony Munro as Senior Coach 2012

    Summary of Tony’s Rugby Union background:
    • Head Coach Merewether Carlton Rugby Club Newcastle
    • Coach Harvard University First XV
    • Head Coach NSW Under 17
    • Hunter Academy Coach
    • NSW TIP Academy Identification Team
    • Technical Adviser Merewether Carlton Rugby Club
    • Played rugby for 20 years in Newcastle
    • Represented NSW Under 18’s and Under 21’s
    • Represented Hunter region from Under 10’s through to Opens
    • Represented Country Juniors from Under 15’s to Under 18’s

    Coaching Achievements:
    2010 Head Coach MCRC Minor Premiers
    Coach of the Year Newcastle and Hunter Rugby
    Club Champions 3 years in a row

    2009 Head Coach MCRC Grand Finalist

    2008 Head Coach MCRC Finalists

    2007 Coach NSW U17’s

    2007 Coach Harvard University First XV (Ivy League Champions)

    2006 Coach NSW U17’s (Undefeated in a 6 Game program)

    2005 Coach NSW U17’s Selector NSWCJRU Under 17

    2004 Coach NSW U17’s Selector NSWCJRU Under 17

    2003 Coach NSW U17’s Coach HJRU Under 18 Undefeated Country Champions
    Selector NSWCJRU U17’s

    2002 Coach NSWCJRU U17’s Defeated Sydney

    2001 Coach NSWCJRU U16’s Defeated Sydney

    2000 Coach HJRU U15’s Undefeated Country Champions

    1999 Coach HJRU U14’s Undefeated Country Champions NSW State Runners Up
    Merewether Carlton U18’s Minor and Major Premiers

    1998 Coach HJRU U13’s NSW State Runners Up, Coach Hunter Sports Academy
    Merewether Carlton U18’s Minor and Major Premiers

    1997 Merewether Carlton U16’s Minor and Major Premiers

    1996 Coach HJRU U15’s Undefeated Country Champions
    Coach Hunter Sports Academy Merewether Carlton U15’s – Minor and Major Premiers

    1995 Coach HJRU U14’s Finalist Country Championships
    Merewether Carlton U14’s Minor and Major Premiers

    1994 Merewether Carlton U13’s Minor and Major Premiers

    1993 Merewether Carlton U12’s Major Premiers

    1997 Government appointment to Hunter Olympics Task Force

    1994 – 1998 President Merewether Junior Rugby Club - Club Champions 3 years in a row
    Guided all Juniors Coaches through ARU Level II Coaching

    1995 – 1998 President Hunter Junior Rugby Union.
    Set Program in place that resulted in our Zone winning 15 of the 16 Country Championships contested

    1997-1998 Director Newcastle Rugby Union

    2004-2005 Hunter Jaegers Netball Australian National League - Founding Committee Member

    2007 Awarded Medal for Service from NSW Government.

    Tony is unable to start at Wanneroo until late November because he is running in the New York Marathon to raise money for the Cure Cancer Foundation.
    I have included the link to his site for those of you that would like to donate to his charity.

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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Not even an All Black trial amongst that lot.

    Can't be any good then.

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